Title 40


Subchapter D - Water Programs (continued)

40: 136
40: 136.1
     136.1 Applicability.
40: 136.2
     136.2 Definitions.
40: 136.3
     136.3 Identification of test procedures.
40: 136.4
     136.4 Application for and approval of alternate test procedures for nationwide use.
40: 136.5
     136.5 Approval of alternate test procedures for limited use.
40: 136.6
     136.6 Method modifications and analytical requirements.
40: 136.7
     136.7 Quality assurance and quality control.
40: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 136 - Methods for Organic Chemical Analysis of Municipal and Industrial Wastewater
40: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 136 - Definition and Procedure for the Determination of the Method Detection Limit - Revision 2
40: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 136 - Determination of Metals and Trace Elements in Water and Wastes by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry Method 200.7
40: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 136 - Precision and Recovery Statements for Methods for Measuring Metals
40: 140
40: 140.1
     140.1 Definitions.
40: 140.2
     140.2 Scope of standard.
40: 140.3
     140.3 Standard.
40: 140.4
     140.4 Complete prohibition.
40: 140.5
     140.5 Analytical procedures.
40: 141
40: A
Subpart A - General
40: 141.1
     141.1 Applicability.
40: 141.2
     141.2 Definitions.
40: 141.3
     141.3 Coverage.
40: 141.4
     141.4 Variances and exemptions.
40: 141.5
     141.5 Siting requirements.
40: 141.6
     141.6 Effective dates.
40: B
Subpart B - Maximum Contaminant Levels
40: 141.11
     141.11 Maximum contaminant levels for inorganic chemicals.
40: 141.12
     141.12 [Reserved]
40: 141.13
     141.13 Maximum contaminant levels for turbidity.
40: C
Subpart C - Monitoring and Analytical Requirements
40: 141.21
     141.21 Coliform sampling.
40: 141.22
     141.22 Turbidity sampling and analytical requirements.
40: 141.23
     141.23 Inorganic chemical sampling and analytical requirements.
40: 141.24
     141.24 Organic chemicals, sampling and analytical requirements.
40: 141.25
     141.25 Analytical methods for radioactivity.
40: 141.26
     141.26 Monitoring frequency and compliance requirements for radionuclides in community water systems.
40: 141.27
     141.27 Alternate analytical techniques.
40: 141.28
     141.28 Certified laboratories.
40: 141.29
     141.29 Monitoring of consecutive public water systems.
40: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart C of Part 141 - Alternative Testing Methods Approved for Analyses Under the Safe Drinking Water Act
40: D
Subpart D - Reporting and Recordkeeping
40: 141.31
     141.31 Reporting requirements.
40: 141.32
     141.32 [Reserved]
40: 141.33
     141.33 Record maintenance.
40: 141.34
     141.34 [Reserved]
40: 141.35
     141.35 Reporting for unregulated contaminant monitoring results.
40: E
Subpart E - Special Regulations, Including Monitoring
40: 141.40
     141.40 Monitoring requirements for unregulated contaminants.
40: 141.41
     141.41 Special monitoring for sodium.
40: 141.42
     141.42 Special monitoring for corrosivity characteristics.
40: F
Subpart F - Maximum Contaminant Level Goals and Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goals
40: 141.50
     141.50 Maximum contaminant level goals for organic contaminants.
40: 141.51
     141.51 Maximum contaminant level goals for inorganic contaminants.
40: 141.52
     141.52 Maximum contaminant level goals for microbiological contaminants.
40: 141.53
     141.53 Maximum contaminant level goals for disinfection byproducts.
40: 141.54
     141.54 Maximum residual disinfectant level goals for disinfectants.
40: 141.55
     141.55 Maximum contaminant level goals for radionuclides.
40: G
Subpart G - National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Maximum Contaminant Levels and Maximum Residual Disinfectant Levels
40: 141.60
     141.60 Effective dates.
40: 141.61
     141.61 Maximum contaminant levels for organic contaminants.
40: 141.62
     141.62 Maximum contaminant levels for inorganic contaminants.
40: 141.63
     141.63 Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for microbiological contaminants.
40: 141.64
     141.64 Maximum contaminant levels for disinfection byproducts.
40: 141.65
     141.65 Maximum residual disinfectant levels.
40: 141.66
     141.66 Maximum contaminant levels for radionuclides.
40: H
Subpart H - Filtration and Disinfection
40: 141.70
     141.70 General requirements.
40: 141.71
     141.71 Criteria for avoiding filtration.
40: 141.72
     141.72 Disinfection.
40: 141.73
     141.73 Filtration.
40: 141.74
     141.74 Analytical and monitoring requirements.
40: 141.75
     141.75 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
40: 141.76
     141.76 Recycle provisions.
40: I
Subpart I - Control of Lead and Copper
40: 141.80
     141.80 General requirements.
40: 141.81
     141.81 Applicability of corrosion control treatment steps to small, medium-size and large water systems.
40: 141.82
     141.82 Description of corrosion control treatment requirements.
40: 141.83
     141.83 Source water treatment requirements.
40: 141.84
     141.84 Lead service line replacement requirements.
40: 141.85
     141.85 Public education and supplemental monitoring requirements.
40: 141.86
     141.86 Monitoring requirements for lead and copper in tap water.
40: 141.87
     141.87 Monitoring requirements for water quality parameters.
40: 141.88
     141.88 Monitoring requirements for lead and copper in source water.
40: 141.89
     141.89 Analytical methods.
40: 141.90
     141.90 Reporting requirements.
40: 141.91
     141.91 Recordkeeping requirements.
40: 141.92
     141.92 xxx
40: 141.93
     141.93 xxx
40: J
Subpart J - Use of Non-Centralized Treatment Devices
40: 141.100
     141.100 Criteria and procedures for public water systems using point-of-entry devices.
40: 141.101
     141.101 Use of bottled water.
40: K
Subpart K - Treatment Techniques
40: 141.110
     141.110 General requirements.
40: 141.111
     141.111 Treatment techniques for acrylamide and epichlorohydrin.
40: L
Subpart L - Disinfectant Residuals, Disinfection Byproducts, and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors
40: 141.130
     141.130 General requirements.
40: 141.131
     141.131 Analytical requirements.
40: 141.132
     141.132 Monitoring requirements.
40: 141.133
     141.133 Compliance requirements.
40: 141.134
     141.134 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
40: 141.135
     141.135 Treatment technique for control of disinfection byproduct (DBP) precursors.
40: M
Subparts M-N [Reserved]
40: O
Subpart O - Consumer Confidence Reports
40: 141.151
     141.151 Purpose and applicability of this subpart.
40: 141.152
     141.152 Effective dates.
40: 141.153
     141.153 Content of the reports.
40: 141.154
     141.154 Required additional health information.
40: 141.155
     141.155 Report delivery and recordkeeping.
40: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart O of Part 141 - Regulated Contaminants
40: P
Subpart P - Enhanced Filtration and Disinfection - Systems Serving 10,000 or More People
40: 141.170
     141.170 General requirements.
40: 141.171
     141.171 Criteria for avoiding filtration.
40: 141.172
     141.172 Disinfection profiling and benchmarking.
40: 141.173
     141.173 Filtration.
40: 141.174
     141.174 Filtration sampling requirements.
40: 141.175
     141.175 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
40: Q
Subpart Q - Public Notification of Drinking Water Violations
40: 141.201
     141.201 General public notification requirements.
40: 141.202
     141.202 Tier 1 Public Notice - Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
40: 141.203
     141.203 Tier 2 Public Notice - Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
40: 141.204
     141.204 Tier 3 Public Notice - Form, manner, and frequency of notice.
40: 141.205
     141.205 Content of the public notice.
40: 141.206
     141.206 Notice to new billing units or new customers.
40: 141.207
     141.207 Special notice of the availability of unregulated contaminant monitoring results.
40: 141.208
     141.208 Special notice for exceedance of the SMCL for fluoride.
40: 141.209
     141.209 Special notice for nitrate exceedances above MCL by non-community water systems (NCWS), where granted permission by the primacy agency under § 141.11(d).
40: 141.210
     141.210 Notice by primacy agency on behalf of the public water system.
40: 141.211
     141.211 Special notice for repeated failure to conduct monitoring of the source water for Cryptosporidium and for failure to determine bin classification or mean Cryptosporidium level.
40: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart Q of Part 141 - NPDWR Violations and Other Situations Requiring Public Notice 1
40: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Subpart Q of Part 141 - Standard Health Effects Language for Public Notification
40: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Subpart Q of Part 141 - List of Acronyms Used in Public Notification Regulation
40: R
Subpart R [Reserved]
40: S
Subpart S - Ground Water Rule
40: 141.400
     141.400 General requirements and applicability.
40: 141.401
     141.401 Sanitary surveys for ground water systems.
40: 141.402
     141.402 Ground water source microbial monitoring and analytical methods.
40: 141.403
     141.403 Treatment technique requirements for ground water systems.
40: 141.404
     141.404 Treatment technique violations for ground water systems.
40: 141.405
     141.405 Reporting and recordkeeping for ground water systems.
40: T
Subpart T - Enhanced Filtration and Disinfection - Systems Serving Fewer Than 10,000 People
40: 16
  General Requirements
40: 141.500
     141.500 General requirements.
40: 141.501
     141.501 Who is subject to the requirements of subpart T
40: 141.502
     141.502 When must my system comply with these requirements
40: 141.503
     141.503 What does subpart T require
40: 17
  Finished Water Reservoirs
40: 141.510
     141.510 Is my system subject to the new finished water reservoir requirements
40: 141.511
     141.511 What is required of new finished water reservoirs
40: 18
  Additional Watershed Control Requirements for Unfiltered Systems
40: 141.520
     141.520 Is my system subject to the updated watershed control requirements
40: 141.521
     141.521 What updated watershed control requirements must my unfiltered system implement to continue to avoid filtration
40: 141.522
     141.522 How does the State determine whether my system's watershed control requirements are adequate
40: 19
  Disinfection Profile
40: 141.530
     141.530 What is a disinfection profile and who must develop one
40: 141.531
     141.531 What criteria must a State use to determine that a profile is unnecessary
40: 141.532
     141.532 How does my system develop a disinfection profile and when must it begin
40: 141.533
     141.533 What data must my system collect to calculate a disinfection profile
40: 141.534
     141.534 How does my system use this data to calculate an inactivation ratio
40: 141.535
     141.535 What if my system uses chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection
40: 141.536
     141.536 My system has developed an inactivation ratio; what must we do now
40: 20
  Disinfection Benchmark
40: 141.540
     141.540 Who has to develop a disinfection benchmark
40: 141.541
     141.541 What are significant changes to disinfection practice
40: 141.542
     141.542 What must my system do if we are considering a significant change to disinfection practices
40: 141.543
     141.543 How is the disinfection benchmark calculated
40: 141.544
     141.544 What if my system uses chloramines, ozone, or chlorine dioxide for primary disinfection
40: 21
  Combined Filter Effluent Requirements
40: 141.550
     141.550 Is my system required to meet subpart T combined filter effluent turbidity limits
40: 141.551
     141.551 What strengthened combined filter effluent turbidity limits must my system meet
40: 141.552
     141.552 My system consists of “alternative filtration” and is required to conduct a demonstration - what is required of my system and how does the State establish my turbidity limits
40: 141.553
     141.553 My system practices lime softening - is there any special provision regarding my combined filter effluent
40: 22
  Individual Filter Turbidity Requirements
40: 141.560
     141.560 Is my system subject to individual filter turbidity requirements
40: 141.561
     141.561 What happens if my system's turbidity monitoring equipment fails
40: 141.562
     141.562 My system only has two or fewer filters - is there any special provision regarding individual filter turbidity monitoring
40: 141.563
     141.563 What follow-up action is my system required to take based on continuous turbidity monitoring
40: 141.564
     141.564 My system practices lime softening - is there any special provision regarding my individual filter turbidity monitoring
40: 23
  Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
40: 141.570
     141.570 What does subpart T require that my system report to the State
40: 141.571
     141.571 What records does subpart T require my system to keep
40: U
Subpart U - Initial Distribution System Evaluations
40: 141.600
     141.600 General requirements.
40: 141.601
     141.601 Standard monitoring.
40: 141.602
     141.602 System specific studies.
40: 141.603
     141.603 40/30 certification.
40: 141.604
     141.604 Very small system waivers.
40: 141.605
     141.605 Subpart V compliance monitoring location recommendations.
40: V
Subpart V - Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts Requirements
40: 141.620
     141.620 General requirements.
40: 141.621
     141.621 Routine monitoring.
40: 141.622
     141.622 Subpart V monitoring plan.
40: 141.623
     141.623 Reduced monitoring.
40: 141.624
     141.624 Additional requirements for consecutive systems.
40: 141.625
     141.625 Conditions requiring increased monitoring.
40: 141.626
     141.626 Operational evaluation levels.
40: 141.627
     141.627 Requirements for remaining on reduced TTHM and HAA5 monitoring based on subpart L results.
40: 141.628
     141.628 Requirements for remaining on increased TTHM and HAA5 monitoring based on subpart L results.
40: 141.629
     141.629 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
40: W
Subpart W - Enhanced Treatment for Cryptosporidium
40: 24
  General Requirements
40: 141.700
     141.700 General requirements.
40: 25
  Source Water Monitoring Requirements
40: 141.701
     141.701 Source water monitoring.
40: 141.702
     141.702 Sampling schedules.
40: 141.703
     141.703 Sampling locations.
40: 141.704
     141.704 Analytical methods.
40: 141.705
     141.705 Approved laboratories.
40: 141.706
     141.706 Reporting source water monitoring results.
40: 141.707
     141.707 Grandfathering previously collected data.
40: 26
  Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Requirements
40: 141.708
     141.708 Requirements when making a significant change in disinfection practice.
40: 141.709
     141.709 Developing the disinfection profile and benchmark.
40: 27
  Treatment Technique Requirements
40: 141.710
     141.710 Bin classification for filtered systems.
40: 141.711
     141.711 Filtered system additional Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.712
     141.712 Unfiltered system Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.713
     141.713 Schedule for compliance with Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.714
     141.714 Requirements for uncovered finished water storage facilities.
40: 28
  Requirements for Microbial Toolbox Components
40: 141.715
     141.715 Microbial toolbox options for meeting Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.716
     141.716 Source toolbox components.
40: 141.717
     141.717 Pre-filtration treatment toolbox components.
40: 141.718
     141.718 Treatment performance toolbox components.
40: 141.719
     141.719 Additional filtration toolbox components.
40: 141.720
     141.720 Inactivation toolbox components.
40: 29
  Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
40: 141.721
     141.721 Reporting requirements.
40: 141.722
     141.722 Recordkeeping requirements.
40: 30
  Requirements for Sanitary Surveys Performed by EPA
40: 141.723
     141.723 Requirements to respond to significant deficiencies identified in sanitary surveys performed by EPA.
40: X
Subpart X - Aircraft Drinking Water Rule
40: 141.800
     141.800 Applicability and compliance date.
40: 141.801
     141.801 Definitions.
40: 141.802
     141.802 Coliform sampling plan.
40: 141.803
     141.803 Coliform sampling.
40: 141.804
     141.804 Aircraft water system operations and maintenance plan.
40: 141.805
     141.805 Notification to passengers and crew.
40: 141.806
     141.806 Reporting requirements.
40: 141.807
     141.807 Recordkeeping requirements.
40: 141.808
     141.808 Audits and inspections.
40: 141.809
     141.809 Supplemental treatment.
40: 141.810
     141.810 Violations.
40: Y
Subpart Y - Revised Total Coliform Rule
40: 141.851
     141.851 General.
40: 141.852
     141.852 Analytical methods and laboratory certification.
40: 141.853
     141.853 General monitoring requirements for all public water systems.
40: 141.854
     141.854 Routine monitoring requirements for non-community water systems serving 1,000 or fewer people using only ground water.
40: 141.855
     141.855 Routine monitoring requirements for community water systems serving 1,000 or fewer people using only ground water.
40: 141.856
     141.856 Routine monitoring requirements for subpart H public water systems serving 1,000 or fewer people.
40: 141.857
     141.857 Routine monitoring requirements for public water systems serving more than 1,000 people.
40: 141.858
     141.858 Repeat monitoring and E. coli requirements.
40: 141.859
     141.859 Coliform treatment technique triggers and assessment requirements for protection against potential fecal contamination.
40: 141.860
     141.860 Violations.
40: 141.861
     141.861 Reporting and recordkeeping.
40: 142
40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
40: 142.1
     142.1 Applicability.
40: 142.2
     142.2 Definitions.
40: 142.3
     142.3 Scope.
40: 142.4
     142.4 State and local authority.
40: B
Subpart B - Primary Enforcement Responsibility
40: 142.10
     142.10 Requirements for a determination of primary enforcement responsibility.
40: 142.11
     142.11 Initial determination of primary enforcement responsibility.
40: 142.12
     142.12 Revision of State programs.
40: 142.13
     142.13 Public hearing.
40: 142.14
     142.14 Records kept by States.
40: 142.15
     142.15 Reports by States.
40: 142.16
     142.16 Special primacy requirements.
40: 142.17
     142.17 Review of State programs and procedures for withdrawal of approved primacy programs.
40: 142.18
     142.18 EPA review of State monitoring determinations.
40: 142.19
     142.19 EPA review of State implementation of national primary drinking water regulations for lead and copper.
40: C
Subpart C - Review of State-Issued Variances and Exemptions
40: 142.20
     142.20 State-issued variances and exemptions under Section 1415(a) and Section 1416 of the Act.
40: 142.21
     142.21 State consideration of a variance or exemption request.
40: 142.22
     142.22 Review of State variances, exemptions and schedules.
40: 142.23
     142.23 Notice to State.
40: 142.24
     142.24 Administrator's rescission.
40: D
Subpart D - Federal Enforcement
40: 142.30
     142.30 Failure by State to assure enforcement.
40: 142.31
     142.31 [Reserved]
40: 142.32
     142.32 Petition for public hearing.
40: 142.33
     142.33 Public hearing.
40: 142.34
     142.34 Entry and inspection of public water systems.
40: E
Subpart E - Variances Issued by the Administrator Under Section 1415(a) of the Act
40: 142.40
     142.40 Requirements for a variance.
40: 142.41
     142.41 Variance request.
40: 142.42
     142.42 Consideration of a variance request.
40: 142.43
     142.43 Disposition of a variance request.
40: 142.44
     142.44 Public hearings on variances and schedules.
40: 142.45
     142.45 Action after hearing.
40: 142.46
     142.46 Alternative treatment techniques.
40: F
Subpart F - Exemptions Issued by the Administrator
40: 142.50
     142.50 Requirements for an exemption.
40: 142.51
     142.51 Exemption request.
40: 142.52
     142.52 Consideration of an exemption request.
40: 142.53
     142.53 Disposition of an exemption request.
40: 142.54
     142.54 Public hearings on exemption schedules.
40: 142.55
     142.55 Final schedule.
40: 142.56
     142.56 Extension of date for compliance.
40: 142.57
     142.57 Bottled water, point-of-use, and point-of-entry devices.
40: G
Subpart G - Identification of Best Technology, Treatment Techniques or Other Means Generally Available
40: 142.60
     142.60 Variances from the maximum contaminant level for total trihalomethanes.
40: 142.61
     142.61 Variances from the maximum contaminant level for fluoride.
40: 142.62
     142.62 Variances and exemptions from the maximum contaminant levels for organic and inorganic chemicals.
40: 142.63
     142.63 Variances and exemptions from the maximum contaminant level for total coliforms.
40: 142.64
     142.64 Variances and exemptions from the requirements of part 141, subpart H - Filtration and Disinfection.
40: 142.65
     142.65 Variances and exemptions from the maximum contaminant levels for radionuclides.
40: H
Subpart H - Indian Tribes
40: 142.72
     142.72 Requirements for Tribal eligibility.
40: 142.76
     142.76 Request by an Indian Tribe for a determination of eligibility.
40: 142.78
     142.78 Procedure for processing an Indian Tribe's application.
40: I
Subpart I - Administrator's Review of State Decisions that Implement Criteria Under Which Filtration Is Required
40: 142.80
     142.80 Review procedures.
40: 142.81
     142.81 Notice to the State.
40: J
Subpart J [Reserved]
40: K
Subpart K - Variances for Small System
40: 35
  General Provisions
40: 142.301
     142.301 What is a small system variance
40: 142.302
     142.302 Who can issue a small system variance
40: 142.303
     142.303 Which size public water systems can receive a small system variance
40: 142.304
     142.304 For which of the regulatory requirements is a small system variance available
40: 142.305
     142.305 When can a small system variance be granted by a State
40: 36
  Review of Small System Variance Application
40: 142.306
     142.306 What are the responsibilities of the public water system, State and the Administrator in ensuring that sufficient information is available and for evaluation of a small system variance application
40: 142.307
     142.307 What terms and conditions must be included in a small system variance
40: 37
  Public Participation
40: 142.308
     142.308 What public notice is required before a State or the Administrator proposes to issue a small system variance
40: 142.309
     142.309 What are the public meeting requirements associated with the proposal of a small system variance
40: 142.310
     142.310 How can a person served by the public water system obtain EPA review of a State proposed small system variance
40: 38
  EPA Review And Approval of Small System Variances
40: 142.311
     142.311 What procedures allow the Administrator to object to a proposed small system variance or overturn a granted small system variance for a public water system serving 3,300 or fewer persons
40: 142.312
     142.312 What EPA action is necessary when a State proposes to grant a small system variance to a public water system serving a population of more than 3,300 and fewer than 10,000 persons
40: 142.313
     142.313 How will the Administrator review a State's program under this subpart
40: 143
40: A
Subpart A - National Secondary Drinking Water Regulations
40: 143.1
     143.1 Purpose.
40: 143.2
     143.2 Definitions.
40: 143.3
     143.3 Secondary maximum contaminant levels.
40: 143.4
     143.4 Monitoring.
40: 143.5 - 143.9
     143.5--143.9 [Reserved]
40: B
Subpart B - Use of Lead Free Pipes, Fittings, Fixtures, Solder, and Flux for Drinking Water
40: 143.10
     143.10 Applicability and scope.
40: 143.11
     143.11 Definitions.
40: 143.12
     143.12 Definition of lead free and calculation methodology.
40: 143.13
     143.13 Use prohibitions.
40: 143.14
     143.14 State enforcement of use prohibitions.
40: 143.15
     143.15 Introduction into commerce prohibitions.
40: 143.16
     143.16 Exemptions.
40: 143.17
     143.17 [Reserved]
40: 143.18
     143.18 Required labeling of solder and flux that is not lead free.
40: 143.19
     143.19 Required certification of products.
40: 143.20
     143.20 Compliance provisions.
40: 144
40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
40: 144.1
     144.1 Purpose and scope of part 144.
40: 144.2
     144.2 Promulgation of Class II programs for Indian lands.
40: 144.3
     144.3 Definitions.
40: 144.4
     144.4 Considerations under Federal law.
40: 144.5
     144.5 Confidentiality of information.
40: 144.6
     144.6 Classification of wells.
40: 144.7
     144.7 Identification of underground sources of drinking water and exempted aquifers.
40: 144.8
     144.8 Noncompliance and program reporting by the Director.
40: B
Subpart B - General Program Requirements
40: 144.11
     144.11 Prohibition of unauthorized injection.
40: 144.12
     144.12 Prohibition of movement of fluid into underground sources of drinking water.
40: 144.13
     144.13 Prohibition of Class IV wells.
40: 144.14
     144.14 Requirements for wells injecting hazardous waste.
40: 144.15
     144.15 Prohibition of non-experimental Class V wells for geologic sequestration.
40: 144.16
     144.16 Waiver of requirement by Director.
40: 144.17
     144.17 Records.
40: 144.18
     144.18 Requirements for Class VI wells.
40: 144.19
     144.19 Transitioning from Class II to Class VI.
40: C
Subpart C - Authorization of Underground Injection by Rule
40: 144.21
     144.21 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells.
40: 144.22
     144.22 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells.
40: 144.23
     144.23 Class IV wells.
40: 144.24
     144.24 Class V wells.
40: 144.25
     144.25 Requiring a permit.
40: 144.26
     144.26 Inventory requirements.
40: 144.27
     144.27 Requiring other information.
40: 144.28
     144.28 Requirements for Class I, II, and III wells authorized by rule.
40: D
Subpart D - Authorization by Permit
40: 144.31
     144.31 Application for a permit; authorization by permit.
40: 144.32
     144.32 Signatories to permit applications and reports.
40: 144.33
     144.33 Area permits.
40: 144.34
     144.34 Emergency permits.
40: 144.35
     144.35 Effect of a permit.
40: 144.36
     144.36 Duration of permits.
40: 144.37
     144.37 Continuation of expiring permits.
40: 144.38
     144.38 Transfer of permits.
40: 144.39
     144.39 Modification or revocation and reissuance of permits.
40: 144.40
     144.40 Termination of permits.
40: 144.41
     144.41 Minor modifications of permits.
40: E
Subpart E - Permit Conditions
40: 144.51
     144.51 Conditions applicable to all permits.
40: 144.52
     144.52 Establishing permit conditions.
40: 144.53
     144.53 Schedule of compliance.
40: 144.54
     144.54 Requirements for recording and reporting of monitoring results.
40: 144.55
     144.55 Corrective action.
40: F
Subpart F - Financial Responsibility: Class I Hazardous Waste Injection Wells
40: 144.60
     144.60 Applicability.
40: 144.61
     144.61 Definitions of terms as used in this subpart.
40: 144.62
     144.62 Cost estimate for plugging and abandonment.
40: 144.63
     144.63 Financial assurance for plugging and abandonment.
40: 144.64
     144.64 Incapacity of owners or operators, guarantors, or financial institutions.
40: 144.65
     144.65 Use of State-required mechanisms.
40: 144.66
     144.66 State assumption of responsibility.
40: 144.70
     144.70 Wording of the instruments.
40: G
Subpart G - Requirements for Owners and Operators of Class V Injection Wells
40: 42
  Definition of Class V Injection Wells
40: 144.79
     144.79 General.
40: 144.80
     144.80 What is a Class V injection well
40: 144.81
     144.81 Does this subpart apply to me
40: 43
  Requirements for All Class V Injection Wells
40: 144.82
     144.82 What must I do to protect underground sources of drinking water
40: 144.83
     144.83 Do I need to notify anyone about my Class V injection well
40: 144.84
     144.84 Do I need to get a permit
40: 44
  Additional Requirements for Class V Large-Capacity Cesspools and Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Wells
40: 144.85
     144.85 Do these additional requirements apply to me
40: 144.86
     144.86 What are the definitions I need to know
40: 144.87
     144.87 How does the identification of ground water protection areas and other sensitive ground water areas affect me
40: 144.88
     144.88 What are the additional requirements
40: 144.89
     144.89 How do I close my Class V injection well
40: 145
40: A
Subpart A - General Program Requirements
40: 145.1
     145.1 Purpose and scope.
40: 145.2
     145.2 Definitions.
40: B
Subpart B - Requirements for State Programs
40: 145.11
     145.11 Requirements for permitting.
40: 145.12
     145.12 Requirements for compliance evaluation programs.
40: 145.13
     145.13 Requirements for enforcement authority.
40: 145.14
     145.14 Sharing of information.
40: C
Subpart C - State Program Submissions
40: 145.21
     145.21 General requirements for program approvals.
40: 145.22
     145.22 Elements of a program submission.
40: 145.23
     145.23 Program description.
40: 145.24
     145.24 Attorney General's statement.
40: 145.25
     145.25 Memorandum of Agreement with the Regional Administrator.
40: D
Subpart D - Program Approval, Revision and Withdrawal
40: 145.31
     145.31 Approval process.
40: 145.32
     145.32 Procedures for revision of State programs.
40: 145.33
     145.33 Criteria for withdrawal of State programs.
40: 145.34
     145.34 Procedures for withdrawal of State programs.
40: E
Subpart E - Indian Tribes
40: 145.52
     145.52 Requirements for Tribal eligibility.
40: 145.56
     145.56 Request by an Indian Tribe for a determination of eligibility.
40: 145.58
     145.58 Procedure for processing an Indian Tribe's application.
40: 146
40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
40: 146.1
     146.1 Applicability and scope.
40: 146.2
     146.2 Law authorizing these regulations.
40: 146.3
     146.3 Definitions.
40: 146.4
     146.4 Criteria for exempted aquifers.
40: 146.5
     146.5 Classification of injection wells.
40: 146.6
     146.6 Area of review.
40: 146.7
     146.7 Corrective action.
40: 146.8
     146.8 Mechanical integrity.
40: 146.9
     146.9 Criteria for establishing permitting priorities.
40: 146.10
     146.10 Plugging and abandoning Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: B
Subpart B - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class I Wells
40: 146.11
     146.11 Criteria and standards applicable to Class I nonhazardous wells.
40: 146.12
     146.12 Construction requirements.
40: 146.13
     146.13 Operating, monitoring and reporting requirements.
40: 146.14
     146.14 Information to be considered by the Director.
40: 146.15
     146.15 Class I municipal disposal well alternative authorization in certain parts of Florida.
40: 146.16
     146.16 Requirements for new Class I municipal wells in certain parts of Florida.
40: C
Subpart C - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class II Wells
40: 146.21
     146.21 Applicability.
40: 146.22
     146.22 Construction requirements.
40: 146.23
     146.23 Operating, monitoring, and reporting requirements.
40: 146.24
     146.24 Information to be considered by the Director.
40: D
Subpart D - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class III Wells
40: 146.31
     146.31 Applicability.
40: 146.32
     146.32 Construction requirements.
40: 146.33
     146.33 Operating, monitoring, and reporting requirements.
40: 146.34
     146.34 Information to be considered by the Director.
40: E
Subpart E - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class IV Injection Wells [Reserved]
40: F
Subpart F - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class V Injection Wells
40: 146.51
     146.51 Applicability.
40: G
Subpart G - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class I Hazardous Waste Injection Wells
40: 146.61
     146.61 Applicability.
40: 146.62
     146.62 Minimum criteria for siting.
40: 146.63
     146.63 Area of review.
40: 146.64
     146.64 Corrective action for wells in the area of review.
40: 146.65
     146.65 Construction requirements.
40: 146.66
     146.66 Logging, sampling, and testing prior to new well operation.
40: 146.67
     146.67 Operating requirements.
40: 146.68
     146.68 Testing and monitoring requirements.
40: 146.69
     146.69 Reporting requirements.
40: 146.70
     146.70 Information to be evaluated by the Director.
40: 146.71
     146.71 Closure.
40: 146.72
     146.72 Post-closure care.
40: 146.73
     146.73 Financial responsibility for post-closure care.
40: H
Subpart H - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class VI Wells
40: 146.81
     146.81 Applicability.
40: 146.82
     146.82 Required Class VI permit information.
40: 146.83
     146.83 Minimum criteria for siting.
40: 146.84
     146.84 Area of review and corrective action.
40: 146.85
     146.85 Financial responsibility.
40: 146.86
     146.86 Injection well construction requirements.
40: 146.87
     146.87 Logging, sampling, and testing prior to injection well operation.
40: 146.88
     146.88 Injection well operating requirements.
40: 146.89
     146.89 Mechanical integrity.
40: 146.90
     146.90 Testing and monitoring requirements.
40: 146.91
     146.91 Reporting requirements.
40: 146.92
     146.92 Injection well plugging.
40: 146.93
     146.93 Post-injection site care and site closure.
40: 146.94
     146.94 Emergency and remedial response.
40: 146.95
     146.95 Class VI injection depth waiver requirements.
40: 147
40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
40: 147.1
     147.1 Purpose and scope.
40: 147.2
     147.2 Severability of provisions.
40: B
Subpart B - Alabama
40: 147.50
     147.50 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.51
     147.51 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.52
     147.52 State-administered program - Hydraulic Fracturing of Coal Beds.
40: 147.60
     147.60 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: C
Subpart C - Alaska
40: 147.100
     147.100 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.101
     147.101 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.102
     147.102 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.103
     147.103 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.104
     147.104 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: D
Subpart D - Arizona
40: 147.150
     147.150 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.151
     147.151 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.152
     147.152 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: E
Subpart E - Arkansas
40: 147.200
     147.200 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.201
     147.201 State-administered program - Class II wells. [Reserved]
40: 147.205
     147.205 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: F
Subpart F - California
40: 147.250
     147.250 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.251
     147.251 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.252
     147.252 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.253
     147.253 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: G
Subpart G - Colorado
40: 147.300
     147.300 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.301
     147.301 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.302
     147.302 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.303
     147.303 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.304
     147.304 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.305
     147.305 Requirements for all wells.
40: H
Subpart H - Connecticut
40: 147.350
     147.350 State-administered program.
40: 147.351-147.352
     147.351-147.352 [Reserved]
40: 147.353
     147.353 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.354-147.359
     147.354-147.359 [Reserved]
40: I
Subpart I - Delaware
40: 147.400
     147.400 State-administered program.
40: 147.401-147.402
     147.401-147.402 [Reserved]
40: 147.403
     147.403 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.404-147.449
     147.404-147.449 [Reserved]
40: J
Subpart J - District of Columbia
40: 147.450
     147.450 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.451
     147.451 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.452
     147.452 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: K
Subpart K - Florida
40: 147.500
     147.500 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.501
     147.501 EPA-administered program - Class II wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.502
     147.502 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.503
     147.503 Existing Class II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.504
     147.504 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: L
Subpart L - Georgia
40: 147.550
     147.550 State-administered program.
40: 147.551-147.552
     147.551-147.552 [Reserved]
40: 147.553
     147.553 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.554-147.559
     147.554-147.559 [Reserved]
40: M
Subpart M - Hawaii
40: 147.600
     147.600 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.601
     147.601 EPA-administered program.
40: N
Subpart N - Idaho
40: 147.650
     147.650 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.651
     147.651 EPA-administered program - Class II wells and all wells on Indian lands.
40: 147.652
     147.652 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: O
Subpart O - Illinois
40: 147.700
     147.700 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.701
     147.701 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.703
     147.703 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: P
Subpart P - Indiana
40: 147.750
     147.750 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.751
     147.751 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.752
     147.752 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.753
     147.753 Existing Class I and III wells authorized by rule.
40: Q
Subpart Q - Iowa
40: 147.800
     147.800 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.801
     147.801 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.802
     147.802 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: R
Subpart R - Kansas
40: 147.850
     147.850 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.851
     147.851 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.852-147.859
     147.852-147.859 [Reserved]
40: 147.860
     147.860 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: S
Subpart S - Kentucky
40: 147.900
     147.900 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.901
     147.901 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V, and VI wells and Indian lands.
40: 147.902
     147.902 Acquifer exemptions.
40: 147.903
     147.903 Existing Class I and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.904
     147.904 [Reserved]
40: 147.905
     147.905 Requirements for all wells - area of review.
40: T
Subpart T - Louisiana
40: 147.950
     147.950 State-administered program.
40: 147.951
     147.951 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: U
Subpart U - Maine
40: 147.1000
     147.1000 State-administered program.
40: 147.1001
     147.1001 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: V
Subpart V - Maryland
40: 147.1050
     147.1050 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.1051-147.1052
     147.1051-147.1052 [Reserved]
40: 147.1053
     147.1053 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.1054-147.1099
     147.1054-147.1099 [Reserved]
40: W
Subpart W - Massachusetts
40: 147.1100
     147.1100 State-administered program.
40: 147.1101
     147.1101 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: X
Subpart X - Michigan
40: 147.1150
     147.1150 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1151
     147.1151 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1152
     147.1152 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1153
     147.1153 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1154
     147.1154 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1155
     147.1155 Requirements for all wells.
40: Y
Subpart Y - Minnesota
40: 147.1200
     147.1200 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1201
     147.1201 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1202
     147.1202 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1210
     147.1210 Requirements for Indian lands.
40: Z
Subpart Z - Mississippi
40: 147.1250
     147.1250 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.1251
     147.1251 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1252
     147.1252 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: AA
Subpart AA - Missouri
40: 147.1300
     147.1300 State-administered program.
40: 147.1301
     147.1301 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.1302
     147.1302 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1303
     147.1303 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: BB
Subpart BB - Montana
40: 147.1350
     147.1350 State-administered programs - Class II wells.
40: 147.1351
     147.1351 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1352
     147.1352 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.1353
     147.1353 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1354
     147.1354 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1355
     147.1355 Requirements for all wells.
40: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart BB of Part 147 - State Requirements Incorporated by Reference in Subpart BB of Part 147 of the Code of Federal Regulations
40: CC
Subpart CC - Nebraska
40: 147.1400
     147.1400 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1401
     147.1401 State administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1402
     147.1402 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1403
     147.1403 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: DD
Subpart DD - Nevada
40: 147.1450
     147.1450 State-administered program.
40: 147.1451
     147.1451 EPA administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.1452
     147.1452 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1453
     147.1453 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1454
     147.1454 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: EE
Subpart EE - New Hampshire
40: 147.1500
     147.1500 State-administered program.
40: 147.1501
     147.1501 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: FF
Subpart FF - New Jersey
40: 147.1550
     147.1550 State-administered program.
40: 147.1551
     147.1551 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: GG
Subpart GG - New Mexico
40: 147.1600
     147.1600 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1601
     147.1601 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1603
     147.1603 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: HH
Subpart HH - New York
40: 147.1650
     147.1650 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1651
     147.1651 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1652
     147.1652 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.1653
     147.1653 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1654
     147.1654 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1655
     147.1655 Requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: II
Subpart II - North Carolina
40: 147.1700
     147.1700 State-administered program.
40: 147.1701-147.1702
     147.1701-147.1702 [Reserved]
40: 147.1703
     147.1703 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.1704-147.1749
     147.1704-147.1749 [Reserved]
40: JJ
Subpart JJ - North Dakota
40: 147.1750
     147.1750 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1751
     147.1751 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V and VI wells.
40: 147.1752
     147.1752 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: KK
Subpart KK - Ohio
40: 147.1800
     147.1800 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1801
     147.1801 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1802
     147.1802 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.1803
     147.1803 Existing Class I and III wells authorized by rule - maximum injection pressure.
40: 147.1805
     147.1805 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: LL
Subpart LL - Oklahoma
40: 147.1850
     147.1850 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells.
40: 147.1851
     147.1851 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.1852
     147.1852 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: MM
Subpart MM - Oregon
40: 147.1900
     147.1900 State-administered program.
40: 147.1901
     147.1901 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: NN
Subpart NN - Pennsylvania
40: 147.1950
     147.1950 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.1951
     147.1951 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.1952
     147.1952 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.1953
     147.1953 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1954
     147.1954 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.1955
     147.1955 Requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: OO
Subpart OO - Rhode Island
40: 147.2000
     147.2000 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2001
     147.2001 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: PP
Subpart PP - South Carolina
40: 147.2050
     147.2050 State-administered program.
40: 147.2051
     147.2051 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: QQ
Subpart QQ - South Dakota
40: 147.2100
     147.2100 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2101
     147.2101 EPA-administered program - Class I, III, IV and V wells and all wells on Indian lands.
40: 147.2102
     147.2102 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.2103
     147.2103 Existing Class II enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2104
     147.2104 Requirements for all wells.
40: RR
Subpart RR - Tennessee
40: 147.2150
     147.2150 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2151
     147.2151 EPA-administered program Class IV and Indian lands.
40: 147.2152
     147.2152 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: 147.2153
     147.2153 Existing Class I, II (except enhanced recovery and hydrocarbon storage) and III wells authorized by rule.
40: SS
Subpart SS - Texas
40: 147.2200
     147.2200 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2201
     147.2201 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2205
     147.2205 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: TT
Subpart TT - Utah
40: 147.2250
     147.2250 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2251
     147.2251 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2253
     147.2253 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: UU
Subpart UU - Vermont
40: 147.2300
     147.2300 State-administered program.
40: 147.2301-147.2302
     147.2301-147.2302 [Reserved]
40: 147.2303
     147.2303 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2304-147.2349
     147.2304-147.2349 [Reserved]
40: VV
Subpart VV - Virginia
40: 147.2350
     147.2350 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2351
     147.2351 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2352
     147.2352 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: WW
Subpart WW - Washington
40: 147.2400
     147.2400 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2403
     147.2403 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2404
     147.2404 EPA-administered program - Colville Reservation.
40: XX
Subpart XX - West Virginia
40: 147.2450-147.2452
     147.2450-147.2452 [Reserved]
40: 147.2453
     147.2453 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2454-147.2499
     147.2454-147.2499 [Reserved]
40: YY
Subpart YY - Wisconsin
40: 147.2500
     147.2500 State-administered program.
40: 147.2510
     147.2510 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: ZZ
Subpart ZZ - Wyoming
40: 147.2550
     147.2550 State-administered program - Class I, III, IV, V and VI wells.
40: 147.2551
     147.2551 State-administered program - Class II wells.
40: 147.2553
     147.2553 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: 147.2554
     147.2554 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.2555
     147.2555 Aquifer exemptions since January 1, 1999.
40: AAA
Subpart AAA - Guam
40: 147.2600
     147.2600 State-administered program.
40: 147.2601
     147.2601 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: BBB
Subpart BBB - Puerto Rico
40: 147.2650
     147.2650 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2651
     147.2651 EPA-administered program - Indian lands.
40: CCC
Subpart CCC - Virgin Islands
40: 147.2700
     147.2700 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2701
     147.2701 EPA-administered program.
40: DDD
Subpart DDD - American Samoa
40: 147.2750
     147.2750 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2751
     147.2751 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2752
     147.2752 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: EEE
Subpart EEE - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
40: 147.2800
     147.2800 State-administered program - Class I, II, III, IV, and V wells.
40: 147.2801
     147.2801 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2802
     147.2802 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: FFF
Subpart FFF - Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
40: 147.2850
     147.2850 State-administered program. [Reserved]
40: 147.2851
     147.2851 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.2852
     147.2852 Aquifer exemptions. [Reserved]
40: GGG
Subpart GGG - Osage Mineral Reserve - Class II Wells
40: 147.2901
     147.2901 Applicability and scope.
40: 147.2902
     147.2902 Definitions.
40: 147.2903
     147.2903 Prohibition of unauthorized injection.
40: 147.2904
     147.2904 Area of review.
40: 147.2905
     147.2905 Plugging and abandonment.
40: 147.2906
     147.2906 Emergency permits.
40: 147.2907
     147.2907 Confidentiality of information.
40: 147.2908
     147.2908 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.2909
     147.2909 Authorization of existing wells by rule.
40: 147.2910
     147.2910 Duration of authorization by rule.
40: 147.2911
     147.2911 Construction requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2912
     147.2912 Operating requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2913
     147.2913 Monitoring and reporting requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2914
     147.2914 Corrective action for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2915
     147.2915 Requiring a permit for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2916
     147.2916 Coverage of permitting requirements.
40: 147.2917
     147.2917 Duration of permits.
40: 147.2918
     147.2918 Permit application information.
40: 147.2919
     147.2919 Construction requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2920
     147.2920 Operating requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2921
     147.2921 Schedule of compliance.
40: 147.2922
     147.2922 Monitoring and reporting requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2923
     147.2923 Corrective action for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2924
     147.2924 Area permits.
40: 147.2925
     147.2925 Standard permit conditions.
40: 147.2926
     147.2926 Permit transfers.
40: 147.2927
     147.2927 Permit modification.
40: 147.2928
     147.2928 Permit termination.
40: 147.2929
     147.2929 Administrative permitting procedures.
40: HHH
Subpart HHH - Lands of the Navajo, Ute Mountain Ute, and All Other New Mexico Tribes
40: 147.3000
     147.3000 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.3001
     147.3001 Definition.
40: 147.3002
     147.3002 Public notice of permit actions.
40: 147.3003
     147.3003 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.3004
     147.3004 Duration of rule authorization for existing Class I and III wells.
40: 147.3005
     147.3005 Radioactive waste injection wells.
40: 147.3006
     147.3006 Injection pressure for existing Class II wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.3007
     147.3007 Application for a permit.
40: 147.3008
     147.3008 Criteria for aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.3009
     147.3009 Area of review.
40: 147.3010
     147.3010 Mechanical integrity tests.
40: 147.3011
     147.3011 Plugging and abandonment of Class III wells.
40: 147.3012
     147.3012 Construction requirements for Class I wells.
40: 147.3013
     147.3013 Information to be considered for Class I wells.
40: 147.3014
     147.3014 Construction requirements for Class III wells.
40: 147.3015
     147.3015 Information to be considered for Class III wells.
40: 147.3016
     147.3016 Criteria and standards applicable to Class V wells.
40: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Subpart HHH of Part 147 - Exempted Aquifers in New Mexico
40: III
Subpart III - Lands of Certain Oklahoma Indian Tribes
40: 147.3100
     147.3100 EPA-administered program.
40: 147.3101
     147.3101 Public notice of permit actions.
40: 147.3102
     147.3102 Plugging and abandonment plans.
40: 147.3103
     147.3103 Fluid seals.
40: 147.3104
     147.3104 Notice of abandonment.
40: 147.3105
     147.3105 Plugging and abandonment report.
40: 147.3106
     147.3106 Area of review.
40: 147.3107
     147.3107 Mechanical integrity.
40: 147.3108
     147.3108 Plugging Class I, II, and III wells.
40: 147.3109
     147.3109 Timing of mechanical integrity test.
40: JJJ
Subpart JJJ - Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes
40: 147.3200
     147.3200 Fort Peck Indian Reservation: Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes - Class II wells.
40: KKK
Subpart KKK [Reserved]
40: LLL
Subpart LLL - Navajo Indian Lands
40: 147.3400
     147.3400 Navajo Indian lands - Class II wells.
40: 148
40: A
Subpart A - General
40: 148.1
     148.1 Purpose, scope and applicability.
40: 148.2
     148.2 Definitions.
40: 148.3
     148.3 Dilution prohibited as a substitute for treatment.
40: 148.4
     148.4 Procedures for case-by-case extensions to an effective date.
40: 148.5
     148.5 Waste analysis.
40: B
Subpart B - Prohibitions on Injection
40: 148.10
     148.10 Waste specific prohibitions - solvent wastes.
40: 148.11
     148.11 Waste specific prohibitions - dioxin-containing wastes.
40: 148.12
     148.12 Waste specific prohibitions - California list wastes.
40: 148.14
     148.14 Waste specific prohibitions - first third wastes.
40: 148.15
     148.15 Waste specific prohibitions - second third wastes.
40: 148.16
     148.16 Waste specific prohibitions - third third wastes.
40: 148.17
     148.17 Waste specific prohibitions; newly listed wastes.
40: 148.18
     148.18 Waste specific prohibitions - newly listed and identified wastes.
40: C
Subpart C - Petition Standards and Procedures
40: 148.20
     148.20 Petitions to allow injection of a waste prohibited under subpart B.
40: 148.21
     148.21 Information to be submitted in support of petitions.
40: 148.22
     148.22 Requirements for petition submission, review and approval or denial.
40: 148.23
     148.23 Review of exemptions granted pursuant to a petition.
40: 148.24
     148.24 Termination of approved petition.
40: 149
40: A
Subpart A - Criteria for Identifying Critical Aquifer Protection Areas
40: 149.1
     149.1 Purpose.
40: 149.2
     149.2 Definitions.
40: 149.3
     149.3 Critical Aquifer Protection Areas.
40: B
Subpart B - Review of Projects Affecting the Edwards Underground Reservoir, A Designated Sole Source Aquifer in the San Antonio, Texas Area
40: 149.100
     149.100 Applicability.
40: 149.101
     149.101 Definitions.
40: 149.102
     149.102 Project review authority.
40: 149.103
     149.103 Public information.
40: 149.104
     149.104 Submission of petitions.
40: 149.105
     149.105 Decision to review.
40: 149.106
     149.106 Notice of review.
40: 149.107
     149.107 Request for information.
40: 149.108
     149.108 Public hearing.
40: 149.109
     149.109 Decision under section 1424(e).
40: 149.110
     149.110 Resubmittal of redesigned projects.
40: 149.111
     149.111 Funding to redesigned projects.