Title 40


Subpart W - Enhanced Treatment for Cryptosporidium Source:71 FR 769, Jan. 5, 2006, unless otherwise noted.

40: 24
General Requirements
40: 141.700
   141.700 General requirements.
40: 25
Source Water Monitoring Requirements
40: 141.701
   141.701 Source water monitoring.
40: 141.702
   141.702 Sampling schedules.
40: 141.703
   141.703 Sampling locations.
40: 141.704
   141.704 Analytical methods.
40: 141.705
   141.705 Approved laboratories.
40: 141.706
   141.706 Reporting source water monitoring results.
40: 141.707
   141.707 Grandfathering previously collected data.
40: 26
Disinfection Profiling and Benchmarking Requirements
40: 141.708
   141.708 Requirements when making a significant change in disinfection practice.
40: 141.709
   141.709 Developing the disinfection profile and benchmark.
40: 27
Treatment Technique Requirements
40: 141.710
   141.710 Bin classification for filtered systems.
40: 141.711
   141.711 Filtered system additional Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.712
   141.712 Unfiltered system Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.713
   141.713 Schedule for compliance with Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.714
   141.714 Requirements for uncovered finished water storage facilities.
40: 28
Requirements for Microbial Toolbox Components
40: 141.715
   141.715 Microbial toolbox options for meeting Cryptosporidium treatment requirements.
40: 141.716
   141.716 Source toolbox components.
40: 141.717
   141.717 Pre-filtration treatment toolbox components.
40: 141.718
   141.718 Treatment performance toolbox components.
40: 141.719
   141.719 Additional filtration toolbox components.
40: 141.720
   141.720 Inactivation toolbox components.
40: 29
Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
40: 141.721
   141.721 Reporting requirements.
40: 141.722
   141.722 Recordkeeping requirements.
40: 30
Requirements for Sanitary Surveys Performed by EPA
40: 141.723
   141.723 Requirements to respond to significant deficiencies identified in sanitary surveys performed by EPA.