Title 40


Subpart H - Criteria and Standards Applicable to Class VI Wells Source:75 FR 77291, Dec. 10, 2010, unless otherwise noted.

40: 146.81
   146.81 Applicability.
40: 146.82
   146.82 Required Class VI permit information.
40: 146.83
   146.83 Minimum criteria for siting.
40: 146.84
   146.84 Area of review and corrective action.
40: 146.85
   146.85 Financial responsibility.
40: 146.86
   146.86 Injection well construction requirements.
40: 146.87
   146.87 Logging, sampling, and testing prior to injection well operation.
40: 146.88
   146.88 Injection well operating requirements.
40: 146.89
   146.89 Mechanical integrity.
40: 146.90
   146.90 Testing and monitoring requirements.
40: 146.91
   146.91 Reporting requirements.
40: 146.92
   146.92 Injection well plugging.
40: 146.93
   146.93 Post-injection site care and site closure.
40: 146.94
   146.94 Emergency and remedial response.
40: 146.95
   146.95 Class VI injection depth waiver requirements.