Title 40


Subpart GGG - Osage Mineral Reserve - Class II Wells Authority:Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. 300h. Source:49 FR 45309, Nov. 15, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

40: 147.2901
   147.2901 Applicability and scope.
40: 147.2902
   147.2902 Definitions.
40: 147.2903
   147.2903 Prohibition of unauthorized injection.
40: 147.2904
   147.2904 Area of review.
40: 147.2905
   147.2905 Plugging and abandonment.
40: 147.2906
   147.2906 Emergency permits.
40: 147.2907
   147.2907 Confidentiality of information.
40: 147.2908
   147.2908 Aquifer exemptions.
40: 147.2909
   147.2909 Authorization of existing wells by rule.
40: 147.2910
   147.2910 Duration of authorization by rule.
40: 147.2911
   147.2911 Construction requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2912
   147.2912 Operating requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2913
   147.2913 Monitoring and reporting requirements for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2914
   147.2914 Corrective action for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2915
   147.2915 Requiring a permit for wells authorized by rule.
40: 147.2916
   147.2916 Coverage of permitting requirements.
40: 147.2917
   147.2917 Duration of permits.
40: 147.2918
   147.2918 Permit application information.
40: 147.2919
   147.2919 Construction requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2920
   147.2920 Operating requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2921
   147.2921 Schedule of compliance.
40: 147.2922
   147.2922 Monitoring and reporting requirements for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2923
   147.2923 Corrective action for wells authorized by permit.
40: 147.2924
   147.2924 Area permits.
40: 147.2925
   147.2925 Standard permit conditions.
40: 147.2926
   147.2926 Permit transfers.
40: 147.2927
   147.2927 Permit modification.
40: 147.2928
   147.2928 Permit termination.
40: 147.2929
   147.2929 Administrative permitting procedures.