Title 40


Part 94 - Control Of Emissions From Marine Compression-ignition Engines

PART 94 - CONTROL OF EMISSIONS FROM MARINE COMPRESSION-IGNITION ENGINES Authority:42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q. Source:64 FR 73331, Dec. 29, 1999, unless otherwise noted.

40: A
Subpart A - General Provisions for Emission Regulations for Compression-Ignition Marine Engines
40: 94.1
   94.1 Applicability.
40: 94.2
   94.2 Definitions.
40: 94.3
   94.3 Abbreviations.
40: 94.4
   94.4 Treatment of confidential information.
40: 94.5
   94.5 Reference materials.
40: 94.6
   94.6 Regulatory structure.
40: 94.7
   94.7 General standards and requirements.
40: 94.8
   94.8 Exhaust emission standards.
40: 94.9
   94.9 Compliance with emission standards.
40: 94.10
   94.10 Warranty period.
40: 94.11
   94.11 Requirements for rebuilding certified engines.
40: 94.12
   94.12 Interim provisions.
40: B
Subpart B - Test Procedures
40: 94.101
   94.101 Applicability.
40: 94.102
   94.102 General provisions.
40: 94.103
   94.103 Test procedures for Category 1 marine engines.
40: 94.104
   94.104 Test procedures for Category 2 marine engines.
40: 94.105
   94.105 Duty cycles.
40: 94.106
   94.106 Supplemental test procedures for Category 1 and Category 2 marine engines.
40: 94.107
   94.107 Determination of maximum test speed.
40: 94.108
   94.108 Test fuels.
40: 94.109
   94.109 Test procedures for Category 3 marine engines.
40: C
Subpart C - Certification Provisions
40: 94.201
   94.201 Applicability.
40: 94.202
   94.202 Definitions.
40: 94.203
   94.203 Application for certification.
40: 94.204
   94.204 Designation of engine families.
40: 94.205
   94.205 Prohibited controls, adjustable parameters.
40: 94.206
   94.206 Required information.
40: 94.207
   94.207 Special test procedures.
40: 94.208
   94.208 Certification.
40: 94.209
   94.209 Special provisions for post-manufacture marinizers and small-volume manufacturers.
40: 94.210
   94.210 Amending the application and certificate of conformity.
40: 94.211
   94.211 Emission-related maintenance instructions for purchasers.
40: 94.212
   94.212 Labeling.
40: 94.213
   94.213 Submission of engine identification numbers.
40: 94.214
   94.214 Production engines.
40: 94.215
   94.215 Maintenance of records; submittal of information; right of entry.
40: 94.216
   94.216 Hearing procedures.
40: 94.217
   94.217 Emission data engine selection.
40: 94.218
   94.218 Deterioration factor determination.
40: 94.219
   94.219 Durability data engine selection.
40: 94.220
   94.220 Service accumulation.
40: 94.221
   94.221 Application of good engineering judgment.
40: 94.222
   94.222 Certification of engines on imported vessels.
40: D
Subpart D - Certification Averaging, Banking, and Trading Provisions
40: 94.301
   94.301 Applicability.
40: 94.302
   94.302 Definitions.
40: 94.303
   94.303 General provisions.
40: 94.304
   94.304 Compliance requirements.
40: 94.305
   94.305 Credit generation and use calculation.
40: 94.306
   94.306 Certification.
40: 94.307
   94.307 Labeling.
40: 94.308
   94.308 Maintenance of records.
40: 94.309
   94.309 Reports.
40: 94.310
   94.310 Notice of opportunity for hearing.
40: E
Subpart E - Emission-related Defect Reporting Requirements, Voluntary Emission Recall Program
40: 94.401
   94.401 Applicability.
40: 94.402
   94.402 Definitions.
40: 94.403
   94.403 Emission defect information report.
40: 94.404
   94.404 Voluntary emissions recall reporting.
40: 94.405
   94.405 Alternative report formats.
40: 94.406
   94.406 Reports filing: record retention.
40: 94.407
   94.407 Responsibility under other legal provisions preserved.
40: 94.408
   94.408 Disclaimer of production warranty applicability.
40: F
Subpart F - Manufacturer Production Line Testing Programs
40: 94.501
   94.501 Applicability.
40: 94.502
   94.502 Definitions.
40: 94.503
   94.503 General requirements.
40: 94.504
   94.504 Right of entry and access.
40: 94.505
   94.505 Sample selection for testing.
40: 94.506
   94.506 Test procedures.
40: 94.507
   94.507 Sequence of testing.
40: 94.508
   94.508 Calculation and reporting of test results.
40: 94.509
   94.509 Maintenance of records; submittal of information.
40: 94.510
   94.510 Compliance with criteria for production line testing.
40: 94.511
   94.511 [Reserved]
40: 94.512
   94.512 Suspension and revocation of certificates of conformity.
40: 94.513
   94.513 Request for public hearing.
40: 94.514
   94.514 Administrative procedures for public hearing.
40: 94.515
   94.515 Hearing procedures.
40: 94.516
   94.516 Appeal of hearing decision.
40: 94.517
   94.517 Treatment of confidential information.
40: G
Subpart G [Reserved]
40: H
Subpart H - Recall Regulations
40: 94.701
   94.701 Applicability.
40: 94.702
   94.702 Definitions.
40: 94.703
   94.703 Applicability of 40 CFR part 85, subpart S.
40: I
Subpart I - Importation of Nonconforming Engines
40: 94.801
   94.801 Applicability.
40: 94.802
   94.802 Definitions.
40: 94.803
   94.803 Admission.
40: 94.804
   94.804 Exemptions.
40: 94.805
   94.805 Prohibited acts; penalties.
40: J
Subpart J - Exclusion and Exemption Provisions
40: 94.901
   94.901 Purpose and applicability.
40: 94.902
   94.902 Definitions.
40: 94.903
   94.903 Exclusions.
40: 94.904
   94.904 Exemptions.
40: 94.905
   94.905 Testing exemption.
40: 94.906
   94.906 Manufacturer-owned exemption, display exemption, and competition exemption.
40: 94.907
   94.907 Engine dressing exemption.
40: 94.908
   94.908 National security exemption.
40: 94.909
   94.909 Export exemptions.
40: 94.910
   94.910 Granting of exemptions.
40: 94.911
   94.911 Submission of exemption requests.
40: 94.912
   94.912 Optional certification to land-based standards for auxiliary marine engines.
40: 94.913
   94.913 Staged-assembly exemption.
40: 94.914
   94.914 Emergency vessel exemption.
40: K
Subpart K - Requirements Applicable to Vessel Manufacturers, Owners, and Operators
40: 94.1001
   94.1001 Applicability.
40: 94.1002
   94.1002 Definitions.
40: 94.1003
   94.1003 Production testing, in-use testing, and inspections.
40: 94.1004
   94.1004 Maintenance, repair, adjustment, and recordkeeping.
40: L
Subpart L - General Enforcement Provisions and Prohibited Acts
40: 94.1101
   94.1101 Applicability.
40: 94.1102
   94.1102 Definitions.
40: 94.1103
   94.1103 Prohibited acts.
40: 94.1104
   94.1104 General enforcement provisions.
40: 94.1105
   94.1105 Injunction proceedings for prohibited acts.
40: 94.1106
   94.1106 Penalties.
40: 94.1107
   94.1107 Warranty provisions.
40: 94.1108
   94.1108 In-use compliance provisions.
40: Appendix I
   Appendix I to Part 94 - Emission-Related Engine Parameters and Specifications