Title 2


Subchapter D - Administrative Requirements Terms And Conditions For Cost-type Grants And Cooperative Agreements To Nonprofit And Governmental Entities

2: 1126
2: 1126.1
     1126.1 Purposes of this subchapter.
2: 1126.2
     1126.2 Applicability of this subchapter.
2: 1126.3
     1126.3 Exceptions from requirements in this subchapter.
2: 1126.4
     1126.4 Relationship to other portions of the DoD grant and agreement regulations.
2: 1126.5
     1126.5 Organization of this subchapter.
2: 1126.6
     1126.6 Organization of the other parts of this subchapter.
2: 1128
2: 1128.1
     1128.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1128.2
     1128.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1128.3
     1128.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1128.4
     1128.4 Organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A - Financial Management System Standards (FMS Article I)
2: 1128.100
     1128.100 Purpose of FMS Article I.
2: 1128.105
     1128.105 Content of FMS Article I.
2: B
Subpart B - Payments (FMS Article II)
2: 1128.200
     1128.200 Purpose of FMS Article II.
2: 1128.205
     1128.205 Content of FMS Article II.
2: 1128.210
     1128.210 Payment requirements for States.
2: 1128.215
     1128.215 Payment requirements for institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, local governments, and Indian tribes.
2: 1128.220
     1128.220 Electronic funds transfer and other payment procedural instructions or information.
2: C
Subpart C - Allowable Costs, Period of Availability of Funds, and Fee or Profit (FMS Article III)
2: 1128.300
     1128.300 Purpose of FMS Article III.
2: 1128.305
     1128.305 Content of FMS Article III.
2: 1128.310
     1128.310 Cost principles.
2: 1128.315
     1128.315 Clarification concerning allowability of publication costs.
2: 1128.320
     1128.320 Period of availability of funds.
2: 1128.325
     1128.325 Fee or profit.
2: D
Subpart D - Revision of Budget and Program Plans (FMS Article IV)
2: 1128.400
     1128.400 Purpose of FMS Article IV.
2: 1128.405
     1128.405 Content of FMS Article IV.
2: 1128.410
     1128.410 Approved budget.
2: 1128.415
     1128.415 Prior approvals for non-construction activities.
2: 1128.420
     1128.420 Prior approvals for construction activities.
2: 1128.425
     1128.425 Additional prior approval for awards that support both non-construction and construction activities.
2: 1128.430
     1128.430 Procedures for prior approvals.
2: E
Subpart E - Non-Federal Audits (FMS Article V)
2: 1128.500
     1128.500 Purpose of FMS Article V.
2: 1128.505
     1128.505 Content of FMS Article V.
2: F
Subpart F-Cost Sharing or Matching (FMS Article VI)
2: 1128.600
     1128.600 Purpose of FMS Article VI.
2: 1128.605
     1128.605 Content of FMS Article VI.
2: 1128.610
     1128.610 General requirement for cost sharing or matching.
2: 1128.615
     1128.615 General criteria for determining allowability as cost sharing or matching.
2: 1128.620
     1128.620 Allowability of unrecovered indirect costs as cost sharing or matching.
2: 1128.625
     1128.625 Allowability of program income as cost sharing or matching.
2: 1128.630
     1128.630 Valuation of services or property contributed or donated by recipients or subrecipients.
2: 1128.635
     1128.635 Valuation of third-party in-kind contributions.
2: G
Subpart G-Program Income (FMS Article VII)
2: 1128.700
     1128.700 Purpose of FMS Article VII.
2: 1128.705
     1128.705 Content of FMS Article VII.
2: 1128.710
     1128.710 What program income includes.
2: 1128.715
     1128.715 Recipient obligations for license fees and royalties.
2: 1128.720
     1128.720 Program income use.
2: 1128.725
     1128.725 Program income after the period of performance.
2: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 1128 - Terms and Conditions for FMS Article I, “Financial Management System Standards”
2: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 1128 - Terms and Conditions for FMS Article II, “Payments”
2: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 1128 - Terms and Conditions for FMS Article III, “Allowable Costs, Period of Availability of Funds, and Fee or Profit”
2: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 1128 - Terms and Conditions for FMS Article IV, “Revision of Budget and Program Plans”
2: Appendix E
  Appendix E to Part 1128 - Terms and Conditions for FMS Article V, “Non-Federal Audits”
2: Appendix F
  Appendix F to Part 1128 - Terms and Conditions for FMS Article VI, “Cost Sharing or Matching”
2: Appendix G
  Appendix G to Part 1128 - Terms and Conditions for FMS Article VII, “Program Income”
2: 1130
2: 1130.1
     1130.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1130.2
     1130.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1130.3
     1130.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1130.4
     1130.4 Organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A - Title to Property (PROP Article I)
2: 1130.100
     1130.100 Purpose of PROP Article I.
2: 1130.105
     1130.105 Title to property acquired under awards.
2: 1130.110
     1130.110 Property trust relationship.
2: 1130.115
     1130.115 Title to federally owned property.
2: 1130.120
     1130.120 Federal interest in donated property.
2: 1130.125
     1130.125 Federal interest in property improved under awards.
2: B
Subpart B - Property Management System (PROP Article II)
2: 1130.200
     1130.200 Purpose of PROP Article II.
2: 1130.205
     1130.205 Insurance coverage for real property and equipment.
2: 1130.210
     1130.210 Other property management system standards for States.
2: 1130.215
     1130.215 Other property management system standards for institutions of higher education, nonprofit organizations, local governments, and Indian tribes.
2: C
Subpart C - Use and Disposition of Real Property (PROP Article III)
2: 1130.300
     1130.300 Purpose of PROP Article III.
2: 1130.305
     1130.305 Use of real property.
2: 1130.310
     1130.310 Disposition of real property.
2: D
Subpart D - Use and Disposition of Equipment and Supplies (PROP Article IV)
2: 1130.400
     1130.400 Purpose of PROP Article IV.
2: 1130.405
     1130.405 Property subject to PROP Article IV.
2: 1130.410
     1130.410 Requirements for a State's use and disposition of equipment.
2: 1130.415
     1130.415 Use of equipment by an institution of higher education, nonprofit organization, local government, or Indian tribe.
2: 1130.420
     1130.420 Disposition of equipment by an institution of higher education, nonprofit organization, local government, or Indian tribe.
2: 1130.425
     1130.425 Use and disposition of supplies.
2: E
Subpart E - Use and Disposition of Federally Owned Property (PROP Article V)
2: 1130.500
     1130.500 Purpose of PROP Article V.
2: 1130.505
     1130.505 Content of PROP Article V.
2: F
Subpart F - Intangible Property (PROP Article VI)
2: 1130.600
     1130.600 Purpose of PROP Article VI.
2: 1130.605
     1130.605 Copyrights asserted in works developed or otherwise acquired under awards.
2: 1130.610
     1130.610 Inventions developed under awards.
2: 1130.615
     1130.615 Data produced under awards.
2: 1130.620
     1130.620 Intangible property acquired, but not developed or produced, under awards.
2: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 1130 - Terms and Conditions for PROP Article I, “Title to Property”
2: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 1130 - Terms and Conditions for PROP Article II, “Property Management System”
2: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 1130 - Terms and Conditions for PROP Article III, “Use and Disposition of Real Property”
2: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 1130 - Terms and Conditions for PROP Article IV, “Use and Disposition of Equipment and Supplies”
2: Appendix E
  Appendix E to Part 1130 - Terms and Conditions for PROP Article V, “Use and Disposition of Federally Owned Property”
2: Appendix F
  Appendix F to Part 1130 - Terms and Conditions for PROP Article VI, “Intangible Property”
2: 1132
2: 1132.1
     1132.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1132.2
     1132.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1132.3
     1132.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1132.4
     1132.4 Organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A-Procurement Standards for States (PROC Article I)
2: 1132.100
     1132.100 Purpose of PROC Article I.
2: 1132.105
     1132.105 Content of PROC Article I.
2: B
Subpart B - Procurement Standards for Institutions of Higher Education, Nonprofit Organizations, Local Governments, and Indian Tribes (PROC Article II)
2: 1132.200
     1132.200 Purpose of PROC Article II.
2: 1132.205
     1132.205 Procurement procedures.
2: 1132.210
     1132.210 Procurement of recovered materials.
2: 1132.215
     1132.215 Review of recipient procurement documents.
2: 1132.220
     1132.220 Bonding requirements.
2: C
Subpart C - Contract Provisions for Recipient Procurements (PROC Article III)
2: 1132.300
     1132.300 Purpose of PROC Article III.
2: 1132.305
     1132.305 Administrative requirements.
2: 1132.310
     1132.310 National policy requirements.
2: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 1132 - Terms and Conditions for PROC Article I, “Procurement Standards for States”
2: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 1132 - Terms and Conditions for PROC Article II, “Procurement Standards for Institutions of Higher Education, Nonprofit Organizations, Local Governments, and Indian Tribes”
2: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 1132 - Terms and Conditions for PROC Article III, “Contract Provisions for Recipient Procurements”
2: 1134
2: 1134.1
     1134.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1134.2
     1134.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1134.3
     1134.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1134.4
     1134.4 Organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A - Performance Management, Monitoring, and Reporting (REP Article I)
2: 1134.100
     1134.100 Purpose of REP Article I.
2: 1134.105
     1134.105 Performance reporting for construction awards.
2: 1134.110
     1134.110 Performance reporting for non-construction awards.
2: 1134.115
     1134.115 Content and forms, formats, or data elements for interim and final performance reporting under non-construction awards.
2: 1134.120
     1134.120 Frequency, reporting periods, and due dates for interim performance reporting under non-construction awards.
2: 1134.125
     1134.125 Due dates and reporting periods for final performance reports under non-construction awards.
2: 1134.130
     1134.130 Requesting extensions of due dates for performance reports.
2: 1134.135
     1134.135 Reporting significant developments.
2: 1134.140
     1134.140 Performance reporting procedures.
2: 1134.145
     1134.145 Site visits.
2: B
Subpart B - Financial Reporting (REP Article II)
2: 1134.200
     1134.200 Purpose of REP Article II.
2: 1134.205
     1134.205 Reporting forms, formats, or data elements.
2: 1134.210
     1134.210 Content of REP Article II.
2: C
Subpart C - Reporting on Property (REP Article III)
2: 1134.300
     1134.300 Purposes of REP Article III.
2: 1134.305
     1134.305 Real property: reports, notifications, requests, and accounting.
2: 1134.310
     1134.310 Equipment and supplies: reports, notifications, requests, and accounting.
2: 1134.315
     1134.315 Federally owned property: inventory, notifications, and requests.
2: 1134.320
     1134.320 Intangible property: disclosures, reports, and requests.
2: D
Subpart D - Reporting on Subawards and Executive Compensation (REP Article IV)
2: 1134.400
     1134.400 Purpose of REP Article IV.
2: 1134.405
     1134.405 Content of REP Article IV.
2: E
Subpart E - Other Reporting (REP Article V)
2: 1134.500
     1134.500 Purpose of REP Article V.
2: 1134.505
     1134.505 Content of REP Article V.
2: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article I, “Performance Management, Monitoring, and Reporting”
2: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article II, “Financial Reporting”
2: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article III, “Reporting on Property”
2: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article IV, “Reporting on Subawards and Executive Compensation”
2: Appendix E
  Appendix E to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article V, “Other Reporting”
2: 1136
2: 1136.1
     1136.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1136.2
     1136.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1136.3
     1136.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1136.4
     1136.4 Organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A - Submitting and Maintaining Recipient Information (OAR Article I)
2: 1136.100
     1136.100 Purpose of OAR Article I.
2: 1136.105
     1136.105 Content of OAR Article I.
2: B
Subpart B - Records Retention and Access (OAR Article II)
2: 1136.200
     1136.200 Purpose of OAR Article II.
2: 1136.205
     1136.205 Records retention period.
2: 1136.210
     1136.210 Extensions of retention period due to litigation, claim, or audit.
2: 1136.215
     1136.215 Records for program income earned after the end of the performance period.
2: 1136.220
     1136.220 Records for joint or long-term use.
2: 1136.225
     1136.225 Methods for collecting, transmitting, and storing information.
2: 1136.230
     1136.230 Access to records.
2: C
Subpart C - Remedies and Termination (OAR Article III)
2: 1136.300
     1136.300 Purpose of OAR Article III.
2: 1136.305
     1136.305 Content of OAR Article III.
2: D
Subpart D - Claims, Disputes, and Appeals (OAR Article IV)
2: 1136.400
     1136.400 Purpose of OAR Article IV.
2: 1136.405
     1136.405 Content of OAR Article IV.
2: E
Subpart E - Collection of Amounts Due (OAR Article V)
2: 1136.500
     1136.500 Purpose of OAR Article V.
2: 1136.505
     1136.505 Content of OAR Article V.
2: F
Subpart F - Closeout (OAR Article VI)
2: 1136.600
     1136.600 Purpose of OAR Article VI.
2: 1136.605
     1136.605 Content of OAR Article VI.
2: G
Subpart G - Post-Closeout Adjustments and Continuing Responsibilities (OAR Article VII)
2: 1136.700
     1136.700 Purpose of OAR Article VII.
2: 1136.705
     1136.705 Content of OAR Article VII.
2: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article I, “Submitting and Maintaining Recipient Information”
2: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article II, “Records Retention and Access”
2: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article III, “Remedies and Termination”
2: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article IV, “Claims, Disputes, and Appeals”
2: Appendix E
  Appendix E to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article V, “Collection of Amounts Due”
2: Appendix F
  Appendix F to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article VI, “Closeout”
2: Appendix G
  Appendix G to Part 1136 - Terms and Conditions for OAR Article VII, “Post-Closeout Adjustments and Continuing Responsibilities”
2: 1138
2: 1138.1
     1138.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1138.2
     1138.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1138.3
     1138.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1138.4
     1138.4 Organization of this part.
2: 1138.5
     1138.5 Authority to omit or reserve portions of SUB Articles I through XII.
2: A
Subpart A-Distinguishing Subawards and Procurements (SUB Article I)
2: 1138.100
     1138.100 Purpose of SUB Article I.
2: 1138.105
     1138.105 Content of SUB Article I.
2: B
Subpart B-Pre-Award and Time of Award Responsibilities (SUB Article II)
2: 1138.200
     1138.200 Purpose of SUB Article II.
2: 1138.205
     1138.205 Content of SUB Article II.
2: C
Subpart C-Informational Content of Subawards (SUB Article III)
2: 1138.300
     1138.300 Purpose of SUB Article III.
2: 1138.305
     1138.305 Content of SUB Article III.
2: D
Subpart D-Financial and Program Management Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article IV)
2: 1138.400
     1138.400 Purpose of SUB Article IV.
2: 1138.405
     1138.405 Content of SUB Article IV.
2: E
Subpart E-Property Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article V)
2: 1138.500
     1138.500 Purposes of SUB Article V in relation to other articles.
2: 1138.505
     1138.505 Title to property under subawards.
2: 1138.510
     1138.510 Property management system requirements for subawards.
2: 1138.515
     1138.515 Use and disposition of real property, equipment, supplies, and federally owned property under subawards.
2: 1138.520
     1138.520 Intangible property under subawards.
2: F
Subpart F-Procurement Procedures to Include in Subawards (SUB Article VI)
2: 1138.600
     1138.600 Purpose of SUB Article VI.
2: 1138.605
     1138.605 Content of SUB Article VI.
2: G
Subpart G - Financial, Programmatic, and Property Reporting Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article VII)
2: 1138.700
     1138.700 Purposes of SUB Article VII in relation to other articles.
2: 1138.705
     1138.705 Performance reporting requirements for subawards.
2: 1138.710
     1138.710 Financial reporting requirements for subawards.
2: 1138.715
     1138.715 Reporting on property under subawards.
2: 1138.720
     1138.720 Other reporting under subawards.
2: H
Subpart H - Other Administrative Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article VIII)
2: 1138.800
     1138.800 Purpose of SUB Article VIII.
2: 1138.805
     1138.805 Content of SUB Article VIII.
2: I
Subpart I - National Policy Requirements for Subawards (SUB Article IX)
2: 1138.900
     1138.900 Purpose of SUB Article IX.
2: 1138.905
     1138.905 Content of SUB Article IX.
2: J
Subpart J - Subrecipient Monitoring and Other Post-Award Administration (SUB Article X)
2: 1138.1000
     1138.1000 Purpose of SUB Article X.
2: 1138.1005
     1138.1005 Content of SUB Article X.
2: K
Subpart K - Requirements Concerning Subrecipients' Lower-Tier Subawards (SUB Article XI)
2: 1138.1100
     1138.1100 Purpose of SUB Article XI.
2: 1138.1105
     1138.1105 Content of SUB Article XI.
2: L
Subpart L - Fixed-Amount Subawards (SUB Article XII)
2: 1138.1200
     1138.1200 Purpose of SUB Article XII.
2: 1138.1205
     1138.1205 Content of SUB Article XII.
2: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article I, “Distinguishing Subawards and Procurements”
2: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article II, “Pre-Award and Time of Award Responsibilities”
2: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article III, “Informational Content of Subawards”
2: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article IV, “Financial and Program Management Requirements for Subawards”
2: Appendix E
  Appendix E to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article V, “Property Requirements for Subawards”
2: Appendix F
  Appendix F to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VI, “Procurement Procedures to Include in Subawards”
2: Appendix G
  Appendix G to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VII, “Financial, Programmatic, and Property Reporting Requirements for Subawards”
2: Appendix H
  Appendix H to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article VIII, “Other Administrative Requirements for Subawards”
2: Appendix I
  Appendix I to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article IX, “National Policy Requirements for Subawards”
2: Appendix J
  Appendix J to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article X, “Subrecipient Monitoring and Other Post-Award Administration”
2: Appendix K
  Appendix K to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article XI, “Requirements Concerning Subrecipients' Lower-Tier Subawards”
2: Appendix L
  Appendix L to Part 1138 - Terms and Conditions for SUB Article XII, “Fixed-Amount Subawards”
2: 1140