Title 2

PART 1132

Part 1132 - Recipient Procurement Procedures: General Award Terms And Conditions

PART 1132 - RECIPIENT PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES: GENERAL AWARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 10 U.S.C. 113. Source:85 FR 51173, Aug. 19, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

2: 1132.1
   1132.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1132.2
   1132.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1132.3
   1132.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1132.4
   1132.4 Organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A-Procurement Standards for States (PROC Article I)
2: 1132.100
   1132.100 Purpose of PROC Article I.
2: 1132.105
   1132.105 Content of PROC Article I.
2: B
Subpart B - Procurement Standards for Institutions of Higher Education, Nonprofit Organizations, Local Governments, and Indian Tribes (PROC Article II)
2: 1132.200
   1132.200 Purpose of PROC Article II.
2: 1132.205
   1132.205 Procurement procedures.
2: 1132.210
   1132.210 Procurement of recovered materials.
2: 1132.215
   1132.215 Review of recipient procurement documents.
2: 1132.220
   1132.220 Bonding requirements.
2: C
Subpart C - Contract Provisions for Recipient Procurements (PROC Article III)
2: 1132.300
   1132.300 Purpose of PROC Article III.
2: 1132.305
   1132.305 Administrative requirements.
2: 1132.310
   1132.310 National policy requirements.
2: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 1132 - Terms and Conditions for PROC Article I, “Procurement Standards for States”
2: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 1132 - Terms and Conditions for PROC Article II, “Procurement Standards for Institutions of Higher Education, Nonprofit Organizations, Local Governments, and Indian Tribes”
2: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 1132 - Terms and Conditions for PROC Article III, “Contract Provisions for Recipient Procurements”