Title 2

SECTION 1130.620

1130.620 Intangible property acquired, but not developed or produced, under awards.

§ 1130.620 Intangible property acquired, but not developed or produced, under awards.

(a) OMB guidance. OMB guidance in 2 CFR 200.315(a) addresses use and disposition of intangible property that is acquired under grants and cooperative agreements (in addition to vesting of title, which is implemented in § 1130.105 and appendix A to this part).

(b) DoD implementation. DoD implements 2 CFR 200.315(a) through award terms and conditions that govern use and disposition of intangible property that is acquired, but not developed or produced, under awards.

(c) Award terms and conditions. A DoD Component's general terms and conditions must include the wording appendix F to this part provides for Section D of PROP Article VI.