Title 2

PART 1134

Part 1134 - Financial, Programmatic, And Property Reporting: General Award Terms And Conditions

PART 1134 - FINANCIAL, PROGRAMMATIC, AND PROPERTY REPORTING: GENERAL AWARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS Authority:5 U.S.C. 301 and 10 U.S.C. 113. Source:85 FR 51197, Aug. 19, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

2: 1134.1
   1134.1 Purpose of this part.
2: 1134.2
   1134.2 Applicability of this part.
2: 1134.3
   1134.3 Exceptions from requirements of this part.
2: 1134.4
   1134.4 Organization of this part.
2: A
Subpart A - Performance Management, Monitoring, and Reporting (REP Article I)
2: 1134.100
   1134.100 Purpose of REP Article I.
2: 1134.105
   1134.105 Performance reporting for construction awards.
2: 1134.110
   1134.110 Performance reporting for non-construction awards.
2: 1134.115
   1134.115 Content and forms, formats, or data elements for interim and final performance reporting under non-construction awards.
2: 1134.120
   1134.120 Frequency, reporting periods, and due dates for interim performance reporting under non-construction awards.
2: 1134.125
   1134.125 Due dates and reporting periods for final performance reports under non-construction awards.
2: 1134.130
   1134.130 Requesting extensions of due dates for performance reports.
2: 1134.135
   1134.135 Reporting significant developments.
2: 1134.140
   1134.140 Performance reporting procedures.
2: 1134.145
   1134.145 Site visits.
2: B
Subpart B - Financial Reporting (REP Article II)
2: 1134.200
   1134.200 Purpose of REP Article II.
2: 1134.205
   1134.205 Reporting forms, formats, or data elements.
2: 1134.210
   1134.210 Content of REP Article II.
2: C
Subpart C - Reporting on Property (REP Article III)
2: 1134.300
   1134.300 Purposes of REP Article III.
2: 1134.305
   1134.305 Real property: reports, notifications, requests, and accounting.
2: 1134.310
   1134.310 Equipment and supplies: reports, notifications, requests, and accounting.
2: 1134.315
   1134.315 Federally owned property: inventory, notifications, and requests.
2: 1134.320
   1134.320 Intangible property: disclosures, reports, and requests.
2: D
Subpart D - Reporting on Subawards and Executive Compensation (REP Article IV)
2: 1134.400
   1134.400 Purpose of REP Article IV.
2: 1134.405
   1134.405 Content of REP Article IV.
2: E
Subpart E - Other Reporting (REP Article V)
2: 1134.500
   1134.500 Purpose of REP Article V.
2: 1134.505
   1134.505 Content of REP Article V.
2: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article I, “Performance Management, Monitoring, and Reporting”
2: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article II, “Financial Reporting”
2: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article III, “Reporting on Property”
2: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article IV, “Reporting on Subawards and Executive Compensation”
2: Appendix E
   Appendix E to Part 1134 - Terms and Conditions for REP Article V, “Other Reporting”