Title 7

PART 1450

Part 1450 - Biomass Crop Assistance Program (bcap)

PART 1450 - BIOMASS CROP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (BCAP) Authority:7 U.S.C. 8111. Source:75 FR 66234, Oct. 27, 2010, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - Common Provisions
7: 1450.1
   1450.1 Administration.
7: 1450.2
   1450.2 Definitions.
7: 1450.3
   1450.3 General.
7: 1450.4
   1450.4 Violations.
7: 1450.5
   1450.5 Performance based on advice or action of USDA.
7: 1450.6
   1450.6 Access to land.
7: 1450.7
   1450.7 Division of payments and provisions about tenants and sharecroppers.
7: 1450.8
   1450.8 Payments not subject to claims.
7: 1450.9
   1450.9 Appeals.
7: 1450.10
   1450.10 Scheme or device.
7: 1450.11
   1450.11 Filing of false claims.
7: 1450.12
   1450.12 Miscellaneous.
7: B
Subpart B - Matching Payments
7: 1450.100
   1450.100 General.
7: 1450.101
   1450.101 Qualified biomass conversion facility.
7: 1450.102
   1450.102 Eligible material owner.
7: 1450.103
   1450.103 Eligible material for payments.
7: 1450.104
   1450.104 Signup.
7: 1450.105
   1450.105 Obligations of participant.
7: 1450.106
   1450.106 Payments.
7: C
Subpart C - Establishment Payments and Annual Payments
7: 1450.200
   1450.200 General.
7: 1450.201
   1450.201 Project area proposal submission requirements.
7: 1450.202
   1450.202 Project area selection criteria.
7: 1450.203
   1450.203 Eligible persons and legal entities.
7: 1450.204
   1450.204 Eligible land.
7: 1450.205
   1450.205 Duration of contracts.
7: 1450.206
   1450.206 Obligations of participant.
7: 1450.207
   1450.207 Conservation plan, forest stewardship plan, or equivalent plan.
7: 1450.208
   1450.208 Eligible practices.
7: 1450.209
   1450.209 Signup.
7: 1450.210
   1450.210 Acceptability of offers.
7: 1450.211
   1450.211 BCAP contract.
7: 1450.212
   1450.212 Establishment payments.
7: 1450.213
   1450.213 Levels and rates for establishment payments.
7: 1450.214
   1450.214 Annual payments.
7: 1450.215
   1450.215 Transfer of land.