Title 7

PART 1435

Part 1435 - Sugar Program

PART 1435 - SUGAR PROGRAM Authority:7 U.S.C. 1359aa-1359jj, 7272, and 8110; 15 U.S.C. 714b and 714c. Source:67 FR 54928, Aug. 26, 2002, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
7: 1435.1
   1435.1 Applicability.
7: 1435.2
   1435.2 Definitions.
7: 1435.3
   1435.3 Maintenance of records.
7: 1435.4
   1435.4 Administration.
7: 1435.5
   1435.5 Other regulations.
7: B
Subpart B - Sugar Loan Program
7: 1435.100
   1435.100 Applicability.
7: 1435.101
   1435.101 Loan rates.
7: 1435.102
   1435.102 Eligibility requirements.
7: 1435.103
   1435.103 Availability, disbursement, and maturity of loans.
7: 1435.104
   1435.104 Loan maintenance.
7: 1435.105
   1435.105 Loan settlement and foreclosure.
7: 1435.106
   1435.106 Miscellaneous provisions.
7: C
Subpart C - Information Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements
7: 1435.200
   1435.200 Information reporting.
7: 1435.201
   1435.201 Civil penalties.
7: D
Subpart D - Flexible Marketing Allotments For Sugar
7: 1435.300
   1435.300 Applicability.
7: 1435.301
   1435.301 Annual estimates and quarterly re-estimates.
7: 1435.302
   1435.302 Establishment of allotments.
7: 1435.303
   1435.303 Adjustment of the overall allotment quantity.
7: 1435.304
   1435.304 Beet and cane sugar allotments.
7: 1435.305
   1435.305 State cane sugar allotments.
7: 1435.306
   1435.306 Allocation of marketing allotments to processors.
7: 1435.307
   1435.307 Transfer of allocation.
7: 1435.308
   1435.308 New entrants.
7: 1435.309
   1435.309 Reassignment of deficits.
7: 1435.310
   1435.310 Sharing processors' allocations with producers.
7: 1435.311
   1435.311 Proportionate shares for sugarcane producers.
7: 1435.312
   1435.312 Establishment of acreage bases under proportionate shares.
7: 1435.313
   1435.313 Permanent transfer of acreage base histories under proportionate shares.
7: 1435.314
   1435.314 Temporary transfer of proportionate share due to disasters.
7: 1435.315
   1435.315 Adjustments to proportionate shares.
7: 1435.316
   1435.316 Acreage reports for purposes of proportionate shares.
7: 1435.317
   1435.317 Revisions of allocations and proportionate shares.
7: 1435.318
   1435.318 Penalties and assessments.
7: 1435.319
   1435.319 Appeals and arbitration.
7: E
Subpart E - Disposition of CCC Inventory
7: 1435.400
   1435.400 General statement.
7: 1435.401
   1435.401 CCC sugar inventory disposition.
7: F
Subpart F - Processor Sugar Payment-In-Kind (PIK) Program
7: 1435.500
   1435.500 General statement.
7: 1435.501
   1435.501 Bid submission procedures.
7: 1435.502
   1435.502 Bid selection procedures.
7: 1435.503
   1435.503 In-kind payments.
7: 1435.504
   1435.504 Timing of distribution of CCC-owned sugar.
7: 1435.505
   1435.505 Miscellaneous provisions.
7: G
Subpart G - Feedstock Flexibility Program
7: 1435.600
   1435.600 General statement.
7: 1435.601
   1435.601 Sugar surplus determination and public announcement.
7: 1435.602
   1435.602 Eligible sugar to be purchased by CCC.
7: 1435.603
   1435.603 Eligible sugar seller.
7: 1435.604
   1435.604 Eligible sugar buyer.
7: 1435.605
   1435.605 Competitive procedures.
7: 1435.606
   1435.606 Miscellaneous.
7: 1435.607
   1435.607 Appeals.