Title 33


Subchapter O - Pollution

33: 151
33: A
Subpart A - Implementation of MARPOL 73/78 and the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty as it Pertains to Pollution from Ships
33: 157
33: 151.01
     151.01 Purpose.
33: 151.03
     151.03 Applicability.
33: 151.04
     151.04 Penalties for violation.
33: 151.05
     151.05 Definitions.
33: 151.06
     151.06 Special areas.
33: 151.07
     151.07 Delegations.
33: 151.08
     151.08 Denial of entry.
33: 158
  Oil Pollution
33: 151.09
     151.09 Applicability.
33: 151.10
     151.10 Control of oil discharges.
33: 151.11
     151.11 Exceptions for emergencies.
33: 151.13
     151.13 Special areas for Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.
33: 151.15
     151.15 Reporting requirements.
33: 151.17
     151.17 Surveys.
33: 151.19
     151.19 International Oil Pollution Prevention (IOPP) Certificates.
33: 151.21
     151.21 Ships of countries not party to MARPOL 73/78.
33: 151.23
     151.23 Inspection for compliance and enforcement.
33: 151.25
     151.25 Oil Record Book.
33: 151.26
     151.26 Shipboard oil pollution emergency plans.
33: 151.27
     151.27 Plan submission and approval.
33: 151.28
     151.28 Plan review and revision.
33: 151.29
     151.29 Foreign ships.
33: 159
  Noxious Liquid Substance Pollution
33: 151.30
     151.30 Applicability.
33: 151.31
     151.31 Where to find requirements applying to oceangoing ships carrying Category A, B, C, and D NLS.
33: 151.32
     151.32 Special areas for the purpose of Annex II.
33: 151.33
     151.33 Certificates needed to carry Category C Oil-like NLS.
33: 151.35
     151.35 Certificates needed to carry Category D NLS and Category D Oil-like NLS.
33: 151.37
     151.37 Obtaining an Attachment for NLSs to the IOPP Certificate and obtaining an NLS Certificate.
33: 151.39
     151.39 Operating requirements: Category D NLS.
33: 151.41
     151.41 Operating requirements for oceangoing ships with IOPP Certificates: Category C and D Oil-like NLSs.
33: 151.43
     151.43 Control of discharge of NLS residues.
33: 151.47
     151.47 Category D NLSs other than oil-like Category D NLSs that may be carried under this part.
33: 151.49
     151.49 Category C and D Oil-like NLSs allowed for carriage.
33: 160
  Garbage Pollution and Sewage
33: 151.51
     151.51 Applicability.
33: 151.53
     151.53 Special areas for Annex V of MARPOL 73/78.
33: 151.55
     151.55 Recordkeeping requirements.
33: 151.57
     151.57 Garbage management plans.
33: 151.59
     151.59 Placards.
33: 151.61
     151.61 Inspection for compliance and enforcement.
33: 151.63
     151.63 Shipboard control of garbage.
33: 151.65
     151.65 Reporting requirements.
33: 151.66
     151.66 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage in the Great Lakes and other navigable waters.
33: 151.67
     151.67 Operating requirements: Discharge of plastic prohibited.
33: 151.69
     151.69 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage outside special areas.
33: 151.71
     151.71 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage within special areas.
33: 151.73
     151.73 Operating requirements: Discharge of garbage from fixed or floating platforms.
33: 151.75
     151.75 Grinders or comminuters.
33: 151.77
     151.77 Exceptions for emergencies and health risks.
33: 151.79
     151.79 Operating requirements: Discharge of sewage within Antarctica.
33: B
Subpart B - Transportation of Municipal and Commercial Waste
33: 151.1000
     151.1000 Purpose.
33: 151.1003
     151.1003 Applicability.
33: 151.1006
     151.1006 Definitions.
33: 151.1009
     151.1009 Transportation of municipal or commercial waste.
33: 151.1012
     151.1012 Applying for a conditional permit.
33: 151.1015
     151.1015 Issuing or denying the issuance of a conditional permit.
33: 151.1018
     151.1018 Withdrawal of a conditional permit.
33: 151.1021
     151.1021 Appeals.
33: 151.1024
     151.1024 Display of number.
33: C
Subpart C - Ballast Water Management for Control of Nonindigenous Species in the Great Lakes and Hudson River
33: 151.1500
     151.1500 Purpose.
33: 151.1502
     151.1502 Applicability.
33: 151.1504
     151.1504 Definitions.
33: 151.1505
     151.1505 Severability.
33: 151.1506
     151.1506 Restriction of operation.
33: 151.1508
     151.1508 Revocation of clearance.
33: 151.1510
     151.1510 Ballast water management requirements.
33: 151.1511
     151.1511 Ballast water discharge standard (BWDS).
33: 151.1512
     151.1512 Implementation schedule for approved ballast water management methods.
33: 151.1513
     151.1513 Extension of compliance date.
33: 151.1514
     151.1514 Vessel safety.
33: 151.1515
     151.1515 Ballast water management alternatives under extraordinary conditions.
33: 151.1516
     151.1516 Compliance monitoring.
33: 151.1518
     151.1518 Penalties for failure to conduct ballast water management.
33: D
Subpart D - Ballast Water Management for Control of Nonindigenous Species in Waters of the United States
33: 151.2000
     151.2000 Purpose and scope.
33: 151.2005
     151.2005 Definitions.
33: 151.2010
     151.2010 Applicability.
33: 151.2013
     151.2013 Severability.
33: 151.2015
     151.2015 Exemptions.
33: 151.2020
     151.2020 Vessels in innocent passage.
33: 151.2025
     151.2025 Ballast water management requirements.
33: 151.2026
     151.2026 Alternate management systems.
33: 151.2030
     151.2030 Ballast water discharge standard (BWDS).
33: 151.2035
     151.2035 Implementation schedule for approved ballast water management methods.
33: 151.2036
     151.2036 Extension of compliance date.
33: 151.2040
     151.2040 Discharge of ballast water in extraordinary circumstances.
33: 151.2050
     151.2050 Additional requirements - nonindigenous species reduction practices.
33: 151.2055
     151.2055 Deviation from planned voyage.
33: 151.2060
     151.2060 Reporting requirements.
33: 151.2065
     151.2065 Equivalent reporting methods for vessels other than those entering the Great Lakes or Hudson River after operating outside the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone or Canadian equivalent.
33: 151.2070
     151.2070 Recordkeeping requirements.
33: 151.2075
     151.2075 Enforcement and compliance.
33: 151.2080
     151.2080 Penalties.
33: E
Subpart E - Definition of Marine Debris for the Purposes of the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act
33: 151.3000
     151.3000 Definition of marine debris for the purposes of the Marine Debris Research, Prevention, and Reduction Act.
33: 153
33: A
Subpart A - General
33: 153.101
     153.101 Purpose.
33: 153.103
     153.103 Definitions.
33: 153.105
     153.105 FWPCA delegations and redelegation.
33: 153.107
     153.107 [Reserved]
33: 153.109
     153.109 CERCLA delegations.
33: B
Subpart B - Notice of the Discharge of Oil or a Hazardous Substance
33: 153.201
     153.201 Purpose.
33: 153.203
     153.203 Procedure for the notice of discharge.
33: 153.205
     153.205 Fines.
33: C
Subpart C - Notification of Arrival, Hazardous Conditions, and Certain Dangerous Cargoes
33: 153.301
     153.301 Purpose.
33: 153.303
     153.303 Applicability.
33: 153.305
     153.305 Methods and procedures for the removal of discharged oil.
33: 153.307
     153.307 Penalties.
33: D
Subpart D - Administration of the Pollution Fund
33: 153.401
     153.401 Purpose.
33: 153.403
     153.403 Applicability.
33: 153.405
     153.405 Liability to the pollution fund.
33: 153.407
     153.407 Payments or reimbursements from the pollution fund.
33: 153.411
     153.411 Procedures for payment of judgments.
33: 153.413
     153.413 Deposit of money into the fund.
33: 153.415
     153.415 Cost summary reports.
33: 153.417
     153.417 Reimbursement for actions under section 311(c) or 311(d) of the Act of the Intervention on the High Seas Act.
33: 154
33: A
Subpart A - General
33: 154.100
     154.100 Applicability.
33: 154.105
     154.105 Definitions.
33: 154.106
     154.106 Incorporation by reference.
33: 154.107
     154.107 Alternatives.
33: 154.108
     154.108 Exemptions.
33: 154.110
     154.110 Letter of intent.
33: 154.120
     154.120 Facility examinations.
33: B
Subpart B - Operations Manual
33: 154.300
     154.300 Operations manual: General.
33: 154.310
     154.310 Operations manual: Contents.
33: 154.320
     154.320 Operations manual: Amendment.
33: 154.325
     154.325 Operations manual: Procedures for examination.
33: C
Subpart C - Equipment Requirements
33: 154.500
     154.500 Hose assemblies.
33: 154.510
     154.510 Loading arms.
33: 154.520
     154.520 Closure devices.
33: 154.525
     154.525 Monitoring devices.
33: 154.530
     154.530 Small discharge containment.
33: 154.540
     154.540 Discharge removal.
33: 154.545
     154.545 Discharge containment equipment.
33: 154.550
     154.550 Emergency shutdown.
33: 154.560
     154.560 Communications.
33: 154.570
     154.570 Lighting.
33: D
Subpart D - Facility Operations
33: 154.700
     154.700 General.
33: 154.710
     154.710 Persons in charge: Designation and qualification.
33: 154.730
     154.730 Persons in charge: Evidence of designation.
33: 154.735
     154.735 Safety requirements.
33: 154.740
     154.740 Records.
33: 154.750
     154.750 Compliance with operations manual.
33: E
Subpart E [Reserved]
33: F
Subpart F - Response Plans for Oil Facilities
33: 154.1010
     154.1010 Purpose.
33: 154.1015
     154.1015 Applicability.
33: 154.1016
     154.1016 Facility classification by COTP.
33: 154.1017
     154.1017 Response plan submission requirements.
33: 154.1020
     154.1020 Definitions.
33: 154.1025
     154.1025 Operating restrictions and interim operating authorization.
33: 154.1026
     154.1026 Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual.
33: 154.1028
     154.1028 Methods of ensuring the availability of response resources by contract or other approved means.
33: 154.1029
     154.1029 Worst case discharge.
33: 154.1030
     154.1030 General response plan contents.
33: 154.1035
     154.1035 Specific requirements for facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause significant and substantial harm to the environment.
33: 154.1040
     154.1040 Specific requirements for facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment.
33: 154.1041
     154.1041 Specific response information to be maintained on mobile MTR facilities.
33: 154.1045
     154.1045 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for facilities that handle, store, or transport Group I through Group IV petroleum oils.
33: 154.1047
     154.1047 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for facilities that handle, store, or transport Group V petroleum oils.
33: 154.1050
     154.1050 Training.
33: 154.1055
     154.1055 Exercises.
33: 154.1057
     154.1057 Inspection and maintenance of response resources.
33: 154.1060
     154.1060 Submission and approval procedures.
33: 154.1065
     154.1065 Plan review and revision procedures.
33: 154.1070
     154.1070 Deficiencies.
33: 154.1075
     154.1075 Appeal process.
33: G
Subpart G - Additional Response Plan Requirements for a Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act (TAPAA) Facility Operating in Prince William Sound, Alaska
33: 154.1110
     154.1110 Purpose and applicability.
33: 154.1115
     154.1115 Definitions.
33: 154.1120
     154.1120 Operating restrictions and interim operating authorization.
33: 154.1125
     154.1125 Additional response plan requirements.
33: 154.1130
     154.1130 Requirements for prepositioned response equipment.
33: 154.1135
     154.1135 Response plan development and evaluation criteria.
33: 154.1140
     154.1140 TAPAA facility contracting with a vessel.
33: H
Subpart H - Response Plans for Animal Fats and Vegetable Oils Facilities
33: 154.1210
     154.1210 Purpose and applicability.
33: 154.1216
     154.1216 Facility classification.
33: 154.1220
     154.1220 Response plan submission requirements.
33: 154.1225
     154.1225 Specific response plan development and evaluation criteria and other requirements for fixed facilities that handle, store, or transport animal fats or vegetable oils.
33: 154.1228
     154.1228 Methods of ensuring the availability of response resources by contract or other approved means.
33: 154.1240
     154.1240 Specific requirements for animal fats and vegetable oils facilities that could reasonably be expected to cause substantial harm to the environment.
33: I
Subpart I - Response Plans for Other Non-Petroleum Oil Facilities
33: 154.1310
     154.1310 Purpose and applicability.
33: 154.1320
     154.1320 Response plan submission requirements.
33: 154.1325
     154.1325 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for facilities that handle, store, or transport other non-petroleum oils.
33: J
Subparts J-O [Reserved]
33: P
Subpart P - Marine Vapor Control Systems
33: 170
33: 154.2000
     154.2000 Applicability.
33: 154.2001
     154.2001 Definitions.
33: 171
  Certifying Entities
33: 154.2010
     154.2010 Qualifications for acceptance as a certifying entity.
33: 154.2011
     154.2011 Application for acceptance as a certifying entity.
33: 172
  Certification, Recertification, and Operational Review
33: 154.2020
     154.2020 Certification and recertification - owner/operator responsibilities.
33: 154.2021
     154.2021 Operational review - owner/operator responsibilities.
33: 154.2022
     154.2022 Certification, recertification, or operational review - certifying entity responsibilities, generally.
33: 154.2023
     154.2023 Recertification - certifying entity responsibilities, generally.
33: 154.2024
     154.2024 Operational review - certifying entity responsibilities, generally.
33: 154.2025
     154.2025 Certification, recertification, or operational review - certifying entity documentation.
33: 173
33: 154.2030
     154.2030 Transfer facilities.
33: 154.2031
     154.2031 Tank barge cleaning facilities.
33: 174
  Transfer Facilities - VCS Design and Installation
33: 154.2100
     154.2100 Vapor control system, general.
33: 154.2101
     154.2101 Requirements for facility vapor connections.
33: 154.2102
     154.2102 Facility requirements for vessel liquid overfill protection.
33: 154.2103
     154.2103 Facility requirements for vessel vapor overpressure and vacuum protection.
33: 154.2104
     154.2104 Pigging system.
33: 154.2105
     154.2105 Fire, explosion, and detonation protection.
33: 154.2106
     154.2106 Detonation arresters installation.
33: 154.2107
     154.2107 Inerting, enriching, and diluting systems.
33: 154.2108
     154.2108 Vapor-moving devices.
33: 154.2109
     154.2109 Vapor recovery and vapor destruction units.
33: 154.2110
     154.2110 Vapor balancing requirements.
33: 154.2111
     154.2111 Vapor control system connected to a facility's main vapor control system.
33: 154.2112
     154.2112 Vapors with potential to polymerize or freeze - Special requirements.
33: 154.2113
     154.2113 Alkylene oxides - Special requirements.
33: 175
  Transfer Facilities - Operations
33: 154.2150
     154.2150 General requirements.
33: 176
  Alternative Analyzer and Pressure Sensor Reliability Testing
33: 154.2180
     154.2180 Alternative testing program - Generally.
33: 154.2181
     154.2181 Alternative testing program - Test requirements.
33: 177
  Tank Barge Cleaning Facilities - VCS Design and Installation
33: 154.2200
     154.2200 Applicable transfer facility design and installation requirements.
33: 154.2201
     154.2201 Vapor control system - general requirements.
33: 154.2202
     154.2202 Vapor line connections.
33: 154.2203
     154.2203 Facility requirements for barge vapor overpressure and vacuum protection.
33: 154.2204
     154.2204 Fire, explosion, and detonation protection.
33: 178
  Tank Barge Cleaning Facilities - Operations
33: 154.2250
     154.2250 General requirements.
33: 0
33: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 154 - Guidelines for Detonation Flame Arresters
33: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 154 [Reserved]
33: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 154 - Guidelines for Determining and Evaluating Required Response Resources for Facility Response Plans
33: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 154 - Training Elements for Oil Spill Response Plans
33: 155
33: A
Subpart A - General
33: 155.100
     155.100 Applicability.
33: 155.110
     155.110 Definitions.
33: 155.120
     155.120 Equivalents.
33: 155.130
     155.130 Exemptions.
33: 155.140
     155.140 Incorporation by reference.
33: B
Subpart B - Vessel Equipment
33: 155.200
     155.200 Definitions.
33: 155.205
     155.205 Discharge removal equipment for vessels 400 feet or greater in length.
33: 155.210
     155.210 Discharge removal equipment for vessels less than 400 feet in length.
33: 155.215
     155.215 Discharge removal equipment for inland oil barges.
33: 155.220
     155.220 Discharge removal equipment for vessels carrying oil as secondary cargo.
33: 155.225
     155.225 Internal cargo transfer capability.
33: 155.230
     155.230 Emergency control systems for tank barges.
33: 155.235
     155.235 Emergency towing capability for oil tankers.
33: 155.240
     155.240 Damage stability information for oil tankers and offshore oil barges.
33: 155.245
     155.245 Damage stability information for inland oil barges.
33: 155.250
     155.250 Oil fuel tank protection.
33: 155.310
     155.310 Containment of oil and hazardous material cargo discharges.
33: 155.320
     155.320 Fuel oil and bulk lubricating oil discharge containment.
33: 155.330
     155.330 Oily mixture (bilge slops)/fuel oil tank ballast water discharges on U.S. non-oceangoing ships.
33: 155.350
     155.350 Oily mixture (bilge slops)/fuel oil tank ballast water discharges on oceangoing ships of less than 400 gross tons.
33: 155.360
     155.360 Oily mixture (bilge slops) discharges on oceangoing ships of 400 gross tons and above but less than 10,000 gross tons, excluding ships that carry ballast water in their fuel oil tanks.
33: 155.370
     155.370 Oily mixture (bilge slops)/fuel oil tank ballast water discharges on oceangoing ships of 10,000 gross tons and above and oceangoing ships of 400 gross tons and above that carry ballast water in their fuel oil tanks.
33: 155.380
     155.380 Oily water separating equipment and bilge alarm approval standards.
33: 155.400
     155.400 Platform machinery space drainage on oceangoing fixed and floating drilling rigs and other platforms.
33: 155.410
     155.410 Pumping, piping and discharge requirements for non-oceangoing ships of 100 gross tons and above.
33: 155.420
     155.420 Pumping, piping and discharge requirements for oceangoing ships of 100 gross tons and above but less than 400 gross tons.
33: 155.430
     155.430 Standard discharge connections for oceangoing ships of 400 gross tons and above.
33: 155.440
     155.440 Segregation of fuel oil and ballast water on new oceangoing ships of 4,000 gross tons and above, other than oil tankers, and on new oceangoing oil tankers of 150 gross tons and above.
33: 155.450
     155.450 Placard.
33: 155.470
     155.470 Prohibited spaces.
33: 155.480
     155.480 Overfill devices.
33: 155.490
     155.490 [Reserved]
33: C
Subpart C - Transfer Personnel, Procedures, Equipment, and Records
33: 155.700
     155.700 Designation of person in charge.
33: 155.710
     155.710 Qualifications of person in charge.
33: 155.715
     155.715 Contents of letter of designation as a person-in-charge of the transfer of fuel oil.
33: 155.720
     155.720 Transfer procedures.
33: 155.730
     155.730 Compliance with transfer procedures.
33: 155.740
     155.740 Availability of transfer procedures.
33: 155.750
     155.750 Contents of transfer procedures.
33: 155.760
     155.760 Amendment of transfer procedures.
33: 155.770
     155.770 Draining into bilges.
33: 155.775
     155.775 Maximum cargo level of oil.
33: 155.780
     155.780 Emergency shutdown.
33: 155.785
     155.785 Communications.
33: 155.790
     155.790 Deck lighting.
33: 155.800
     155.800 Transfer hose.
33: 155.805
     155.805 Closure devices.
33: 155.810
     155.810 Tank vessel security.
33: 155.815
     155.815 Tank vessel integrity.
33: 155.820
     155.820 Records.
33: D
Subpart D - Tank Vessel Response Plans for Oil
33: 155.1010
     155.1010 Purpose.
33: 155.1015
     155.1015 Applicability.
33: 155.1020
     155.1020 Definitions.
33: 155.1025
     155.1025 Operating restrictions and interim operating authorization.
33: 155.1026
     155.1026 Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual.
33: 155.1030
     155.1030 General response plan requirements.
33: 155.1035
     155.1035 Response plan requirements for manned vessels carrying oil as a primary cargo.
33: 155.1040
     155.1040 Response plan requirements for unmanned tank barges carrying oil as a primary cargo.
33: 155.1045
     155.1045 Response plan requirements for vessels carrying oil as a secondary cargo.
33: 155.1050
     155.1050 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for vessels carrying groups I through IV petroleum oil as a primary cargo.
33: 155.1052
     155.1052 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for vessels carrying group V petroleum oil as a primary cargo.
33: 155.1055
     155.1055 Training.
33: 155.1060
     155.1060 Exercises.
33: 155.1062
     155.1062 Inspection and maintenance of response resources.
33: 155.1065
     155.1065 Procedures for plan submission, approval, requests for acceptance of alternative planning criteria, and appeal.
33: 155.1070
     155.1070 Procedures for plan review, revision, amendment, and appeal.
33: E
Subpart E - Additional Response Plan Requirements for Tankers Loading Cargo at a Facility Permitted Under the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act
33: 155.1110
     155.1110 Purpose and applicability.
33: 155.1115
     155.1115 Definitions.
33: 155.1120
     155.1120 Operating restrictions and interim operating authorization.
33: 155.1125
     155.1125 Additional response plan requirements.
33: 155.1130
     155.1130 Requirements for prepositioned response equipment.
33: 155.1135
     155.1135 Response plan development and evaluation criteria.
33: 155.1145
     155.1145 Submission and approval procedures.
33: 155.1150
     155.1150 Plan revision and amendment procedures.
33: F
Subpart F - Response plan requirements for vessels carrying animal fats and vegetable oils as a primary cargo
33: 155.1210
     155.1210 Purpose and applicability.
33: 155.1225
     155.1225 Response plan submission requirements.
33: 155.1230
     155.1230 Response plan development and evaluation criteria.
33: G
Subpart G - Response Plan Requirements for Vessels Carrying Other Non-Petroleum Oils as a Primary Cargo
33: 155.2210
     155.2210 Purpose and applicability.
33: 155.2225
     155.2225 Response plan submission requirements.
33: 155.2230
     155.2230 Response plan development and evaluation criteria.
33: H
Subpart H [Reserved]
33: I
Subpart I - Salvage and Marine Firefighting
33: 155.4010
     155.4010 Purpose of this subpart.
33: 155.4015
     155.4015 Vessel owners and operators who must follow this subpart.
33: 155.4020
     155.4020 Complying with this subpart.
33: 155.4025
     155.4025 Definitions.
33: 155.4030
     155.4030 Required salvage and marine firefighting services to list in response plans.
33: 155.4032
     155.4032 Other resource provider considerations.
33: 155.4035
     155.4035 Required pre-incident information and arrangements for the salvage and marine firefighting resource providers listed in response plans.
33: 155.4040
     155.4040 Response times for each salvage and marine firefighting service.
33: 155.4045
     155.4045 Required agreements or contracts with the salvage and marine firefighting resource providers.
33: 155.4050
     155.4050 Ensuring that the salvors and marine firefighters are adequate.
33: 155.4052
     155.4052 Drills and exercises.
33: 155.4055
     155.4055 Temporary waivers from meeting one or more of the specified response times.
33: J
Subpart J - Nontank Vessel Response Plans
33: 155.5010
     155.5010 Purpose.
33: 155.5012
     155.5012 Deviation from response plan.
33: 155.5015
     155.5015 Applicability.
33: 155.5020
     155.5020 Definitions.
33: 155.5021
     155.5021 Operating restrictions.
33: 155.5023
     155.5023 Interim operating authorization.
33: 155.5025
     155.5025 One-time port waiver.
33: 155.5026
     155.5026 Qualified individual and alternate qualified individual.
33: 155.5030
     155.5030 Nontank vessel response plan requirements: General content.
33: 155.5035
     155.5035 Nontank vessel response plan requirements: Specific content.
33: 155.5050
     155.5050 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for nontank vessels carrying groups I through IV petroleum oil.
33: 155.5052
     155.5052 Response plan development and evaluation criteria for nontank vessels carrying group V petroleum oil.
33: 155.5055
     155.5055 Training.
33: 155.5060
     155.5060 Exercises.
33: 155.5061
     155.5061 Alternative Training and Exercise Program.
33: 155.5062
     155.5062 Inspection and maintenance of response resources.
33: 155.5065
     155.5065 Procedures for plan submission and approval.
33: 155.5067
     155.5067 Alternative planning criteria.
33: 155.5070
     155.5070 Procedures for plan review, revision, and amendment.
33: 155.5075
     155.5075 Appeal procedures.
33: 0
33: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 155 - Specifications for Shore Connection
33: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 155 - Determining and Evaluating Required Response Resources for Vessel Response Plans
33: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 155 - Training Elements for Oil Spill Response Plans
33: 156
33: A
Subpart A - Oil and Hazardous Material Transfer Operations
33: 156.100
     156.100 Applicability.
33: 156.105
     156.105 Definitions.
33: 156.107
     156.107 Alternatives.
33: 156.110
     156.110 Exemptions.
33: 156.111
     156.111 Incorporation by reference.
33: 156.112
     156.112 Suspension order.
33: 156.113
     156.113 Compliance with suspension order.
33: 156.115
     156.115 Person in charge: Limitations.
33: 156.118
     156.118 Advance notice of transfer.
33: 156.120
     156.120 Requirements for transfer.
33: 156.125
     156.125 Discharge cleanup.
33: 156.130
     156.130 Connection.
33: 156.150
     156.150 Declaration of inspection.
33: 156.160
     156.160 Supervision by person in charge.
33: 156.170
     156.170 Equipment tests and inspections.
33: B
Subpart B - Special Requirements for Lightering of Oil and Hazardous Material Cargoes
33: 156.200
     156.200 Applicability.
33: 156.205
     156.205 Definitions.
33: 156.210
     156.210 General.
33: 156.215
     156.215 Pre-arrival notices.
33: 156.220
     156.220 Reporting of incidents.
33: 156.225
     156.225 Designation of lightering zones.
33: 156.230
     156.230 Factors considered in designating lightering zones.
33: C
Subpart C - Lightering Zones and Operational Requirements for the Gulf of Mexico
33: 156.300
     156.300 Designated lightering zones.
33: 156.310
     156.310 Prohibited areas.
33: 156.320
     156.320 Maximum operating conditions.
33: 156.330
     156.330 Operations.
33: D
Subpart D - Prevention of Pollution During Transfer of Oil Cargo Between Oil Tankers at Sea
33: 156.400
     156.400 Applicability.
33: 156.405
     156.405 Definitions.
33: 156.410
     156.410 General.
33: 156.415
     156.415 Notification.
33: 156.420
     156.420 Reporting of incidents.
33: 157
33: A
Subpart A - General
33: 157.01
     157.01 Applicability.
33: 157.02
     157.02 Incorporation by reference: Where can I get a copy of the publications mentioned in this part
33: 157.03
     157.03 Definitions.
33: 157.04
     157.04 Authorization of classification societies.
33: 157.05
     157.05 Performing calculations for this part.
33: 157.06
     157.06 Appeals.
33: 157.07
     157.07 Equivalents.
33: B
Subpart B - Design, Equipment, and Installation
33: 157.08
     157.08 Applicability of subpart B.
33: 157.09
     157.09 Segregated ballast.
33: 157.10
     157.10 Segregated ballast tanks and crude oil washing systems for certain new vessels.
33: 157.10a
     157.10a Segregated ballast tanks, crude oil washing systems, and dedicated clean ballast tanks for certain new and existing vessels of 40,000 DWT or more.
33: 157.10b
     157.10b Segregated ballast tanks, dedicated clean ballast tanks, and special ballast arrangements for tank vessels transporting Outer Continental Shelf oil.
33: 157.10c
     157.10c Segregated ballast tanks, crude oil washing systems, and dedicated clean ballast tanks for certain new and existing tankships of 20,000 to 40,000 DWT.
33: 157.10d
     157.10d Double hulls on tank vessels.
33: 157.11
     157.11 Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements.
33: 157.12
     157.12 Oil discharge monitoring and control system.
33: 157.12a
     157.12a Definitions.
33: 157.12b
     157.12b Implementation requirements.
33: 157.12c
     157.12c Construction, maintenance, security, calibration, and training.
33: 157.12d
     157.12d Technical specifications.
33: 157.12e
     157.12e Certificate of approval.
33: 157.12f
     157.12f Workshop functional test requirements.
33: 157.12g
     157.12g Plan approval requirements.
33: 157.13
     157.13 Designated observation area.
33: 157.14
     157.14 Pump-room bottom protection.
33: 157.15
     157.15 Slop tanks in tank vessels.
33: 157.17
     157.17 Oil residue (sludge) tank.
33: 157.19
     157.19 Cargo tank arrangement and size.
33: 157.20
     157.20 Accidental oil outflow performance.
33: 157.21
     157.21 Subdivision and stability.
33: 157.22
     157.22 Intact stability requirements.
33: 157.23
     157.23 Cargo and ballast system information.
33: 157.24
     157.24 Submission of calculations, plans, and specifications.
33: 157.24a
     157.24a Submission of calculations, plans, and specifications for existing vessels installing segregated ballast tanks.
33: C
Subpart C - Vessel Operation
33: 157.25
     157.25 Applicability of subpart C.
33: 157.26
     157.26 Operation of a tank vessel in violation of regulations.
33: 157.27
     157.27 Discharges: Tank vessels carrying oil exclusively on rivers, lakes, bays, sounds, and the Great Lakes, and seagoing tank vessels of less than 150 gross tons.
33: 157.28
     157.28 Discharges from tank barges exempted from certain design requirements.
33: 157.29
     157.29 Discharges: Seagoing tank vessels of 150 gross tons or more.
33: 157.31
     157.31 Discharges: Chemical additives.
33: 157.33
     157.33 Water ballast in fuel oil tanks.
33: 157.35
     157.35 Ballast added to cargo tanks.
33: 157.37
     157.37 Discharge of oily mixtures from oil cargoes.
33: 157.39
     157.39 Machinery space bilges.
33: 157.41
     157.41 Emergencies.
33: 157.43
     157.43 Discharges of clean and segregated ballast: Seagoing tank vessels of 150 gross tons or more.
33: 157.45
     157.45 Valves in cargo or ballast piping system.
33: 157.47
     157.47 Information for master.
33: 157.49
     157.49 Instruction manual.
33: D
Subpart D - Crude Oil Washing (COW) System on Tank Vessels
33: 187
33: 157.100
     157.100 Plans for U.S. tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.102
     157.102 Plans for foreign tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.104
     157.104 Scale models.
33: 157.106
     157.106 Letter of acceptance.
33: 157.108
     157.108 Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual for U.S. tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.110
     157.110 Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual for foreign tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.112
     157.112 Approved Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual.
33: 157.114
     157.114 Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual: Not approved.
33: 157.116
     157.116 Required documents: U.S. tank vessels.
33: 157.118
     157.118 Required documents: Foreign tank vessels.
33: 157.120
     157.120 Waiver of required documents.
33: 188
  Design, Equipment, and Installation
33: 157.122
     157.122 Piping, valves, and fittings.
33: 157.124
     157.124 COW tank washing machines.
33: 157.126
     157.126 Pumps.
33: 157.128
     157.128 Stripping system.
33: 157.130
     157.130 Crude oil washing with more than one grade of crude oil.
33: 157.132
     157.132 Cargo tanks: Hydrocarbon vapor emissions.
33: 157.134
     157.134 Cargo tank drainage.
33: 157.136
     157.136 Two-way voice communications.
33: 157.138
     157.138 Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual.
33: 189
33: 157.140
     157.140 Tank vessel inspections.
33: 157.142
     157.142 Letter of acceptance: Inspections.
33: 157.144
     157.144 Tank vessels of the same class: Inspections.
33: 157.146
     157.146 Similar tank design: Inspections on U.S. tank vessels.
33: 157.147
     157.147 Similar tank design: Inspections on foreign tank vessels.
33: 157.148
     157.148 COW system: Evidence for inspections.
33: 157.150
     157.150 Crude Oil Washing Operations and Equipment Manual: Recording information after inspections.
33: 190
33: 157.152
     157.152 Person in charge of COW operations.
33: 157.154
     157.154 Assistant personnel.
33: 191
  COW Operations
33: 157.155
     157.155 COW operations: General.
33: 157.156
     157.156 COW operations: Meeting manual requirements.
33: 157.158
     157.158 COW operations: Changed characteristics.
33: 157.160
     157.160 Tanks: Ballasting and crude oil washing.
33: 157.162
     157.162 Crude oil washing during a voyage.
33: 157.164
     157.164 Use of inert gas system.
33: 157.166
     157.166 Hydrocarbon emissions.
33: 157.168
     157.168 Crew member: Main deck watch.
33: 157.170
     157.170 COW equipment: Removal.
33: 157.172
     157.172 Limitations on grades of crude oil carried.
33: E
Subpart E - Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks on Tank Vessels
33: 192
33: 157.200
     157.200 Plans for U.S. tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.202
     157.202 Plans and documents for foreign tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.204
     157.204 Letter of acceptance.
33: 157.206
     157.206 Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations Manual for U.S. tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.208
     157.208 Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations Manual for foreign tank vessels: Submission.
33: 157.210
     157.210 Approved Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations Manual.
33: 157.212
     157.212 Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations Manual: Not approved.
33: 157.214
     157.214 Required documents: U.S. tank vessels.
33: 157.216
     157.216 Required documents: Foreign tank vessels.
33: 157.218
     157.218 Dedicated clean ballast tanks: Alterations.
33: 193
  Design and Equipment
33: 157.220
     157.220 Dedicated clean ballast tanks: Standards.
33: 157.222
     157.222 Pump and piping arrangements.
33: 157.224
     157.224 Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations Manual.
33: 194
  Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations
33: 157.225
     157.225 Dedicated clean ballast tanks operations: General.
33: 157.226
     157.226 Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations Manual: Procedures to be followed.
33: 157.228
     157.228 Isolating Valves: Closed during a voyage.
33: F
Subpart F - Exemption From § 157.10a or § 157.10c
33: 157.300
     157.300 Qualifications for exemptions under this part.
33: 157.302
     157.302 Applying for an exemption or requesting modification of an exemption.
33: 157.304
     157.304 Shore-based reception facility: standards.
33: 157.306
     157.306 Granting, denying, or modifying an exemption.
33: 157.308
     157.308 Revocation of exemption: procedure and appeals.
33: 157.310
     157.310 Exempted vessels: operations.
33: G
Subpart G - Interim Measures for Certain Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls Carrying Petroleum Oils
33: 157.400
     157.400 Purpose and applicability.
33: 157.410
     157.410 Emergency lightering requirements for oil tankers.
33: 157.415
     157.415 Bridge resource management policy and procedures.
33: 157.420
     157.420 Vessel specific watch policy and procedures.
33: 157.430
     157.430 Enhanced survey requirements.
33: 157.435
     157.435 Vital systems surveys.
33: 157.440
     157.440 Autopilot alarm or indicator.
33: 157.445
     157.445 Maneuvering performance capability.
33: 157.450
     157.450 Maneuvering and vessel status information.
33: 157.455
     157.455 Minimum under-keel clearance.
33: 157.460
     157.460 Additional operational requirements for tank barges.
33: H
Subpart H - Interim Measures for Certain Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls Carrying Animal Fat or Vegetable Oil
33: 157.500
     157.500 Purpose and applicability.
33: 157.510
     157.510 Operational measures.
33: I
Subpart I - Interim Measures for Certain Tank Vessels Without Double Hulls Carrying Other Non-Petroleum Oil
33: 157.600
     157.600 Purpose and applicability.
33: 157.610
     157.610 Operational measures.
33: 0
33: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 157 - Damage Assumptions, Hypothetical Outflows, and Cargo Tank Size and Arrangements
33: Appendix B
  Appendix B to Part 157 - Subdivision and Stability Assumptions
33: Appendix C
  Appendix C to Part 157 - Procedure for Determining Distribution of Segregated Ballast Tanks To Provide Protection Against Oil Outflow in the Event of Grounding, Ramming, or Collision
33: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 157 - Example of a Procedure for Dedicated Clean Ballast Tanks Operations
33: Appendix E
  Appendix E to Part 157 - Specifications for the Design, Installation and Operation of a Part Flow System for Control of Overboard Discharges
33: Appendix F
  Appendix F to Part 157 [Reserved]
33: Appendix G
  Appendix G to Part 157 - Timetables for Application of Double Hull Requirements
33: 158
33: A
Subpart A - General
33: 196
  Suspension, Revocation, and Appeals
33: 158.100
     158.100 Purpose.
33: 158.110
     158.110 Applicability.
33: 158.115
     158.115 Penalties for violation.
33: 158.120
     158.120 Definitions.
33: 158.130
     158.130 Delegations.
33: 158.133
     158.133 Which ports and terminals must provide reception facilities
33: 158.135
     158.135 Which ports and terminals must have Certificates of Adequacy
33: 158.140
     158.140 Applying for a Certificate of Adequacy.
33: 158.150
     158.150 Waivers and alternatives.
33: 158.160
     158.160 Issuance and termination of a Certificate of Adequacy.
33: 158.163
     158.163 Reception facility operations.
33: 158.165
     158.165 Certificate of Adequacy: Change of information.
33: 158.167
     158.167 Reporting inadequate reception facilities.
33: 158.170
     158.170 Grounds for suspension.
33: 158.172
     158.172 Notification of a suspension order.
33: 158.174
     158.174 Suspension of a Certificate of Adequacy: Procedure.
33: 158.176
     158.176 Effect of suspension of a Certificate of Adequacy.
33: 158.178
     158.178 Actions during a suspension.
33: 158.180
     158.180 Certificate of Adequacy: Procedures after revocation or the part no longer applies.
33: 158.190
     158.190 Appeals.
33: B
Subpart B - Criteria for Reception Facilities: Oily Mixtures
33: 158.200
     158.200 General.
33: 158.210
     158.210 Ports and terminals loading crude oil.
33: 158.220
     158.220 Ports and terminals loading more than 1,000 metric tons of oil other than crude oil or bunker oil.
33: 158.230
     158.230 Ports and terminals other than ports and terminals under §§ 158.210, 158.220, and 158.240.
33: 158.240
     158.240 Ship repair yards.
33: 158.250
     158.250 Standard discharge connection.
33: C
Subpart C - Criteria for Certifying That a Port's or Terminal's Facilities Are Adequate for Receiving NLS Residue
33: 158.300
     158.300 Purpose.
33: 158.310
     158.310 Reception facilities: General.
33: 158.320
     158.320 Reception facilities: Capacity, and exceptions.
33: 158.330
     158.330 Ports and terminals: Equipment.
33: D
Subpart D - Criteria for Adequacy of Reception Facilities: Garbage
33: 158.400
     158.400 Purpose.
33: 158.410
     158.410 Reception facilities: General.
33: 158.420
     158.420 Reception facilities: Capacity and exceptions.
33: E
Subpart E - Port and Terminal Operations
33: 158.500
     158.500 Draining cargo area and piping systems.
33: 158.520
     158.520 Following the instruction manual.
33: 159
33: A
Subpart A - General
33: 159.1
     159.1 Purpose.
33: 159.3
     159.3 Definitions.
33: 159.4
     159.4 Incorporation by reference.
33: 159.5
     159.5 Requirements for vessel manufacturers.
33: 159.7
     159.7 Requirements for vessel operators.
33: B
Subpart B - Certification Procedures
33: 159.11
     159.11 Purpose.
33: 159.12
     159.12 Regulations for certification of existing devices.
33: 159.12a
     159.12a Certification of certain Type III devices.
33: 159.14
     159.14 Application for certification.
33: 159.15
     159.15 Certification.
33: 159.16
     159.16 Authorization to label devices.
33: 159.17
     159.17 Changes to certified devices.
33: 159.19
     159.19 Testing equivalency.
33: C
Subpart C - Design, Construction, and Testing
33: 159.51
     159.51 Purpose and scope.
33: 159.53
     159.53 General requirements.
33: 159.55
     159.55 Identification.
33: 159.57
     159.57 Installation, operation, and maintenance instructions.
33: 159.59
     159.59 Placard.
33: 159.61
     159.61 Vents.
33: 159.63
     159.63 Access to parts.
33: 159.65
     159.65 Chemical level indicator.
33: 159.67
     159.67 Electrical component ratings.
33: 159.69
     159.69 Motor ratings.
33: 159.71
     159.71 Electrical controls and conductors.
33: 159.73
     159.73 Conductors.
33: 159.75
     159.75 Overcurrent protection.
33: 159.79
     159.79 Terminals.
33: 159.81
     159.81 Baffles.
33: 159.83
     159.83 Level indicator.
33: 159.85
     159.85 Sewage removal.
33: 159.87
     159.87 Removal fittings.
33: 159.89
     159.89 Power interruption: Type I and II devices.
33: 159.93
     159.93 Independent supporting.
33: 159.95
     159.95 Safety.
33: 159.97
     159.97 Safety: inspected vessels.
33: 159.101
     159.101 Testing: general.
33: 159.103
     159.103 Vibration test.
33: 159.105
     159.105 Shock test.
33: 159.107
     159.107 Rolling test.
33: 159.109
     159.109 Pressure test.
33: 159.111
     159.111 Pressure and vacuum pulse test.
33: 159.115
     159.115 Temperature range test.
33: 159.117
     159.117 Chemical resistance test.
33: 159.119
     159.119 Operability test; temperature range.
33: 159.121
     159.121 Sewage processing test.
33: 159.123
     159.123 Coliform test: Type I devices.
33: 159.125
     159.125 Visible floating solids: Type I devices.
33: 159.126
     159.126 Coliform test: Type II devices.
33: 159.126a
     159.126a Suspended solids test: Type II devices.
33: 159.127
     159.127 Safety coliform count: Recirculating devices.
33: 159.129
     159.129 Safety: Ignition prevention test.
33: 159.131
     159.131 Safety: Incinerating device.
33: D
Subpart D - Recognition of Facilities
33: 159.201
     159.201 Recognition of facilities.
33: E
Subpart E - Discharge of Effluents in Certain Alaskan Waters by Cruise Vessel Operations
33: 159.301
     159.301 Purpose.
33: 159.303
     159.303 Applicability.
33: 159.305
     159.305 Definitions.
33: 159.307
     159.307 Untreated sewage.
33: 159.309
     159.309 Limitations on discharge of treated sewage or graywater.
33: 159.311
     159.311 Safety exception.
33: 159.313
     159.313 Inspection for compliance and enforcement.
33: 159.315
     159.315 Sewage and graywater discharge record book.
33: 159.317
     159.317 Sampling and reporting.
33: 159.319
     159.319 Fecal coliform and total suspended solids standards.
33: 159.321
     159.321 Enforcement.