Title 24

PART 573

Part 573 - Loan Guarantee Recovery Fund

PART 573 - LOAN GUARANTEE RECOVERY FUND Authority:Pub. L. 104-155, 110 Stat. 1392, 18 U.S.C. 241 note; 42 U.S.C. 3535(d). Source:61 FR 47405, Sept. 6, 1996, unless otherwise noted.

24: 573.1
   573.1 Authority and purpose.
24: 573.2
   573.2 Definitions.
24: 573.3
   573.3 Eligible activities.
24: 573.4
   573.4 Loan term.
24: 573.5
   573.5 Underwriting standards and availability of loan guarantee assistance.
24: 573.6
   573.6 Submission requirements.
24: 573.7
   573.7 Loan guarantee agreement.
24: 573.8
   573.8 Environmental procedures and standards.
24: 573.9
   573.9 Other requirements.
24: 573.10
   573.10 Fees for guaranteed loans.
24: 573.11
   573.11 Record access and recordkeeping.