Title 15

PART 200

Part 200 - Policies, Services, Procedures, And Fees

PART 200 - POLICIES, SERVICES, PROCEDURES, AND FEES Authority:Sec. 9, 31 Stat. 1450, as amended; 15 U.S.C. 277. Interprets or applies sec. 7, 31 Stat. 1450; 15 U.S.C. 275a. Source:45 FR 55166, Aug. 19, 1980, unless otherwise noted.

15: 200.100
   200.100 Statutory functions.
15: 200.101
   200.101 Measurement research.
15: 200.102
   200.102 Types of calibration and test services.
15: 200.103
   200.103 Consulting and advisory services.
15: 200.104
   200.104 Standard reference materials.
15: 200.105
   200.105 Standard reference data.
15: 200.106
   200.106 Publications.
15: 200.107
   200.107 WWV-WWVH-WWVB broadcasts.
15: 200.108
   200.108 Request procedure.
15: 200.109
   200.109 Shipping, insurance, and risk of loss.
15: 200.110
   200.110 Priorities and time of completion.
15: 200.111
   200.111 Witnessing of operations.
15: 200.112
   200.112 Reports.
15: 200.113
   200.113 Use of results or reports.
15: 200.114
   200.114 Fees and bills.
15: 200.115
   200.115 Description of services and list of fees, incorporation by reference.