Title 7


Subpart E - Administrative Requirements Source:26 FR 4191, May 16, 1961, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 26 FR 12751, Dec. 30, 1961.

7: 982.446
   982.446 Inspection documentation.
7: 982.450
   982.450 Application of restricted obligation.
7: 982.452
   982.452 Disposition of restricted hazelnuts.
7: 982.453
   982.453 Disposition of substandard hazelnuts.
7: 982.454
   982.454 Sureties acceptable to the Board.
7: 982.455
   982.455 Exchange of certified merchantable hazelnuts withheld.
7: 982.456
   982.456 Interhandler transfers.
7: 982.460
   982.460 Transfer of excess restricted credits.
7: 982.461
   982.461 Late payment and interest charges.
7: 982.466
   982.466 Reports of inshell hazelnuts handled, shelled and withheld.
7: 982.467
   982.467 Report of receipts and dispositions of hazelnuts grown outside the United States.
7: 982.468
   982.468 Report of hazelnut receipts, disposition, and inventory.
7: 982.471
   982.471 Records.