30: | SUBJGRP 176
| Well Tests and Surveys | |
30: | SECTION 550.1153
| 550.1153 When must I conduct a static bottomhole pressure survey | |
30: | SUBJGRP 177
| Classifying Reservoirs | |
30: | SECTION 550.1154
| 550.1154 How do I determine if my reservoir is sensitive | |
30: | SECTION 550.1155
| 550.1155 What information must I submit for sensitive reservoirs | |
30: | SUBJGRP 178
| Other Requirements | |
30: | SECTION 550.1165
| 550.1165 What must I do for enhanced recovery operations | |
30: | SECTION 550.1166
| 550.1166 What additional reporting is required for developments in the Alaska OCS Region | |
30: | SECTION 550.1167
| 550.1167 What information must I submit with forms and for approvals | |