Title 30

PART 402

Part 402 - Water-resources Research Program And The Water-resources Technology Development Program

PART 402 - WATER-RESOURCES RESEARCH PROGRAM AND THE WATER-RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Authority:Secs. 105 and 106, Pub. L. 98-242, 98 Stat. 97 (42 U.S.C. 10304 and 10305). Source:51 FR 20963, June 10, 1986, unless otherwise noted.

30: A
Subpart A - General
30: 402.1
   402.1 Purpose.
30: 402.2
   402.2 Delegation of authority.
30: 402.3
   402.3 Definitions.
30: 402.4
   402.4 Information collection.
30: 402.5
   402.5 [Reserved]
30: B
Subpart B - Description of Water-Resources Programs
30: 402.6
   402.6 Water-Resources Research Program.
30: 402.7
   402.7 Water-Resources Technology Development Program.
30: 402.8-402.9
   402.8-402.9 [Reserved]
30: C
Subpart C - Application, Evaluation, and Management Procedures
30: 402.10
   402.10 Research-project applications.
30: 402.11
   402.11 Technology-development project applications.
30: 402.12
   402.12 Evaluation of applications for grants and contracts.
30: 402.13
   402.13 Program management.
30: 402.14
   402.14 [Reserved]
30: D
Subpart D - Reporting
30: 402.15
   402.15 Reporting procedures.