Title 18

PART 270

Part 270 - Determination Procedures

PART 270 - DETERMINATION PROCEDURES Authority:15 U.S.C. 717-717w, 3301 et. seq.; 42 U.S.C. 7101 et seq.; EO 12009, 3 CFR 1978 Comp., p. 142. Source:Order 616, 65 FR 45865, July 26, 2000, unless otherwise noted.

18: A
Subpart A - General Definitions
18: 270.101
   270.101 General definitions.
18: B
Subpart B - Determinations by Jurisdictional Agencies
18: 270.201
   270.201 Applicability.
18: 270.202
   270.202 Definition of determination.
18: 270.203
   270.203 Determinations by jurisdictional agencies.
18: 270.204
   270.204 Notice to the Commission.
18: C
Subpart C - Requirements for Filings With Jurisdictional Agencies
18: 270.301
   270.301 General requirements.
18: 270.302
   270.302 Occluded natural gas produced from coal seams.
18: 270.303
   270.303 Natural gas produced from Devonian shale.
18: 270.304
   270.304 Tight formation gas.
18: 270.305
   270.305 Determination of tight formation areas.
18: 270.306
   270.306 Devonian shale wells in Michigan.
18: D
Subpart D - Identification of State and Federal Jurisdictional Agencies
18: 270.401
   270.401 Jurisdictional agency.
18: E
Subpart E - Commission Review of Jurisdictional Agency Determinations
18: 270.501
   270.501 Publication of notice from jurisdictional agency.
18: 270.502
   270.502 Commission review of final determinations.
18: 270.503
   270.503 Protests to the Commission.
18: 270.504
   270.504 Contents of protests to the Commission.
18: 270.505
   270.505 Procedure for reopening determinations.
18: 270.506
   270.506 Confidentiality.