Title 12

PART 229

Part 229 - Availability Of Funds And Collection Of Checks (regulation Cc)

PART 229 - AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND COLLECTION OF CHECKS (REGULATION CC) Authority:12 U.S.C. 4001-4010, 12 U.S.C. 5001-5018. Source:53 FR 19433, May 27, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

12: A
Subpart A - General
12: 229.1
   229.1 Authority and purpose; organization.
12: 229.2
   229.2 Definitions.
12: 229.3
   229.3 Administrative enforcement.
12: B
Subpart B - Availability of Funds and Disclosure of Funds Availability Policies
12: 229.10
   229.10 Next-day availability.
12: 229.11
   229.11 Adjustment of dollar amounts.
12: 229.12
   229.12 Availability schedule.
12: 229.13
   229.13 Exceptions.
12: 229.14
   229.14 Payment of interest.
12: 229.15
   229.15 General disclosure requirements.
12: 229.16
   229.16 Specific availability policy disclosure.
12: 229.17
   229.17 Initial disclosures.
12: 229.18
   229.18 Additional disclosure requirements.
12: 229.19
   229.19 Miscellaneous.
12: 229.20
   229.20 Relation to state law.
12: 229.21
   229.21 Civil liability.
12: C
Subpart C - Collection of Checks
12: 229.30
   229.30 Electronic checks and electronic information.
12: 229.31
   229.31 Paying bank's responsibility for return of checks and notices of nonpayment.
12: 229.32
   229.32 Returning bank's responsibility for return of checks.
12: 229.33
   229.33 Depositary bank's responsibility for returned checks and notices of nonpayment.
12: 229.34
   229.34 Warranties and indemnities.
12: 229.35
   229.35 Indorsements.
12: 229.36
   229.36 Presentment and issuance of checks.
12: 229.37
   229.37 Variation by agreement.
12: 229.38
   229.38 Liability.
12: 229.39
   229.39 Insolvency of bank.
12: 229.40
   229.40 Effect of merger transaction.
12: 229.41
   229.41 Relation to State law.
12: 229.42
   229.42 Exclusions.
12: 229.43
   229.43 [Reserved]
12: D
Subpart D - Substitute Checks
12: 229.51
   229.51 General provisions governing substitute checks.
12: 229.52
   229.52 Substitute check warranties.
12: 229.53
   229.53 Substitute check indemnity.
12: 229.54
   229.54 Expedited recredit for consumers.
12: 229.55
   229.55 Expedited recredit for banks.
12: 229.56
   229.56 Liability.
12: 229.57
   229.57 Consumer awareness.
12: 229.58
   229.58 Mode of delivery of information.
12: 229.59
   229.59 Relation to other law.
12: 229.60
   229.60 Variation by agreement.
12: 0
12: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 229 - Routing Number Guide to Next-Day Availability Checks and Local Checks
12: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 229 [Reserved]
12: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 229 - Model Availability Policy Disclosures, Clauses, and Notices; Model Substitute Check Policy Disclosure and Notices
12: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Part 229 [Reserved]
12: Appendix E
   Appendix E to Part 229 - Commentary
12: Appendix F
   Appendix F to Part 229 - Official Board Interpretations; Preemption Determinations