Title 10

PART 824

Part 824 - Procedural Rules For The Assessment Of Civil Penalties For Classified Information Security Violations

PART 824 - PROCEDURAL RULES FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF CIVIL PENALTIES FOR CLASSIFIED INFORMATION SECURITY VIOLATIONS Authority:42 U.S.C. 2201, 2282b, 7101 et seq., 50 U.S.C. 2401 et seq.; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note. Source:70 FR 3607, Jan. 26, 2005, unless otherwise noted.

10: 824.1
   824.1 Purpose and scope.
10: 824.2
   824.2 Applicability.
10: 824.3
   824.3 Definitions.
10: 824.4
   824.4 Civil penalties.
10: 824.5
   824.5 Investigations.
10: 824.6
   824.6 Preliminary notice of violation.
10: 824.7
   824.7 Final notice of violation.
10: 824.8
   824.8 Hearing.
10: 824.9
   824.9 Hearing Counsel.
10: 824.10
   824.10 Hearing Officer.
10: 824.11
   824.11 Rights of the person at the hearing.
10: 824.12
   824.12 Conduct of the hearing.
10: 824.13
   824.13 Initial decision.
10: 824.14
   824.14 Special procedures.
10: 824.15
   824.15 Collection of civil penalties.
10: 824.16
   824.16 Direction to NNSA contractors.
10: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 824 - General Statement of Enforcement Policy