Title 7


Part 62 - Agricultural Marketing Service Audit Verification And Accreditation Programs (avaap)

PART 62 - AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE AUDIT VERIFICATION AND ACCREDITATION PROGRAMS (AVAAP) Authority:7 U.S.C. 1621-1627. Source:85 FR 62937, Oct. 6, 2020, unless otherwise noted.

7: A
Subpart A - Definitions
7: 62.000
   62.000 Meaning of terms.
7: B
Subpart B - Administration
7: 62.100
   62.100 Administrator.
7: C
Subpart C - Audit and Accreditation Services
7: 62.200
   62.200 Services.
7: D
Subpart D - Administrative Provisions
7: 62.201
   62.201 Availability of service.
7: 62.202
   62.202 How to apply for service.
7: 62.203
   62.203 How to withdraw application for service.
7: 62.204
   62.204 Authority to request service.
7: 62.205
   62.205 [Reserved]
7: 62.206
   62.206 Access to program documents and activities.
7: 62.207
   62.207 Official assessment.
7: 62.208
   62.208 Publication of assessment status.
7: 62.209
   62.209 [Reserved]
7: 62.210
   62.210 Denial, suspension, cancellation or rejection of service.
7: 62.211
   62.211 Appeals.
7: 62.212
   62.212 [Reserved]
7: 62.213
   62.213 Official identification.
7: 62.214
   62.214 Voluntary participation.
7: E
Subpart E - Fees
7: 62.300
   62.300 Fees and other costs of service.
7: 62.301
   62.301 Payment of fees and other charges.
7: F
Subpart F - OMB Control Number
7: 62.400
   62.400 OMB control number assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act.