7: | SUBJGRP 721
| Product Description and Grades | |
7: | SECTION 52.801
| 52.801 Product description. | |
7: | SECTION 52.802
| 52.802 Grades of frozen red tart pitted cherries. | |
7: | SUBJGRP 722
| Sample Unit Size | |
7: | SECTION 52.803
| 52.803 Sample unit size. | |
7: | SUBJGRP 723
| Factors of Quality | |
7: | SECTION 52.804
| 52.804 Ascertaining the grade of a sample unit. | |
7: | SECTION 52.805
| 52.805 Ascertaining the rating for each factor. | |
7: | SECTION 52.806
| 52.806 Color. | |
7: | SECTION 52.807
| 52.807 Freedom from pits. | |
7: | SECTION 52.808
| 52.808 Freedom from defects. | |
7: | SECTION 52.809
| 52.809 Character. | |
7: | SUBJGRP 724
| Allowances for Quality Factors | |
7: | SECTION 52.810
| 52.810 Allowances for quality factors. | |
7: | SUBJGRP 725
| Lot Compliance | |
7: | SECTION 52.811
| 52.811 Ascertaining the grade of a lot. | |
7: | SUBJGRP 726
| Score Sheet | |
7: | SECTION 52.812
| 52.812 Score sheet for frozen red tart pitted cherries. | |