Title 7

PART 400

Part 400 - General Administrative Regulations

PART 400 - GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS Authority:7 U.S.C. 1506(1), 1506(o).

7: A
Subparts A-F [Reserved
7: G
Subpart G - Actual Production History
7: 400.51
   400.51 Availability of actual production history program.
7: 400.52
   400.52 Definitions.
7: 400.53
   400.53 Yield certification and acceptability.
7: 400.54
   400.54 Submission and accuracy of production reports.
7: 400.55
   400.55 Qualification for actual production history coverage program.
7: 400.56
   400.56 Administrative appeal exhaustion.
7: 400.57
   400.57 [Reserved]
7: H
Subpart H - Information Collection Requirements Under the Paperwork Reduction Act; OMB Control Numbers
7: 400.65-400.66
   400.65-400.66 [Reserved]
7: I
Subpart I [Reserved]
7: J
Subpart J - Appeal Procedure
7: 400.90
   400.90 Definitions.
7: 400.91
   400.91 Applicability.
7: 400.92
   400.92 Appeals.
7: 400.93
   400.93 Administrative review.
7: 400.94
   400.94 Mediation.
7: 400.95
   400.95 Time limitations for filing and responding to requests for administrative review.
7: 400.96
   400.96 Judicial review.
7: 400.97
   400.97 Reservations of authority.
7: 400.98
   400.98 Reconsideration process.
7: K
Subpart K [Reserved]
7: L
Subpart L - Reinsurance Agreement - Standards for Approval; Regulations for the 2019 and Subsequent Reinsurance Years.
7: 400.161
   400.161 Definitions.
7: 400.162
   400.162 Qualification ratios.
7: 400.163
   400.163 Applicability.
7: 400.164
   400.164 Eligibility for a Reinsurance Agreement.
7: 400.165-400.168
   400.165-400.168 [Reserved]
7: 400.169
   400.169 Disputes.
7: 400.170-400.177
   400.170-400.177 [Reserved]
7: M
Subpart M - Agency Sales and Service Contract - Standards for Approval
7: 400.201
   400.201 Applicability of standards.
7: 400.202
   400.202 Definitions.
7: 400.203
   400.203 Financial statement and certification.
7: 400.204
   400.204 Notification of deviation from standards.
7: 400.205
   400.205 Denial or termination of contract and administrative reassignment of business.
7: 400.206
   400.206 Financial qualifications for acceptability.
7: 400.207
   400.207 Representative licensing and certification.
7: 400.208
   400.208 Term of the contract.
7: 400.209
   400.209 Electronic transmission and receiving system.
7: 400.210
   400.210 [Reserved]
7: N
Subpart N [Reserved]
7: O
Subpart O - Non-Standard Underwriting Classification System Regulations for the 1991 and Succeeding Crop Years
7: 400.301
   400.301 Basis, purpose, and applicability.
7: 400.302
   400.302 Definitions.
7: 400.303
   400.303 Initial selection criteria.
7: 400.304
   400.304 Nonstandard Classification determinations.
7: 400.305
   400.305 Assignment of Nonstandard Classifications.
7: 400.306
   400.306 Spouses and minor children.
7: 400.307
   400.307 Discontinuance of participation.
7: 400.308
   400.308 Notice of Nonstandard Classification.
7: 400.309
   400.309 Requests for reconsideration.
7: P
Subpart P - Preemption of State Laws and Regulations
7: 400.351
   400.351 Basis and applicability.
7: 400.352
   400.352 State and local laws and regulations preempted.
7: Q
Subpart Q - General Administrative Regulations; Collection and Storage of Social Security Account Numbers and Employer Identification Numbers
7: 400.401
   400.401 Basis and purpose and applicability.
7: 400.402
   400.402 Definitions.
7: 400.403
   400.403 Required system of records.
7: 400.404
   400.404 Policyholder responsibilities.
7: 400.405
   400.405 Agent and loss adjuster responsibilities.
7: 400.406
   400.406 Insurance provider responsibilities.
7: 400.407
   400.407 Restricted access.
7: 400.408
   400.408 Safeguards and storage.
7: 400.409
   400.409 Unauthorized disclosure.
7: 400.410
   400.410 Penalties.
7: 400.411
   400.411 Obtaining personal records.
7: 400.412
   400.412 Record retention.
7: 400.413
   400.413 [Reserved]
7: R
Subpart R - Administrative Remedies for Non-Compliance
7: 400.451
   400.451 General.
7: 400.452
   400.452 Definitions.
7: 400.453
   400.453 Exhaustion of administrative remedies.
7: 400.454
   400.454 Disqualification and civil fines.
7: 400.455
   400.455 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (procurement).
7: 400.456
   400.456 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement).
7: 400.457
   400.457 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act.
7: 400.458
   400.458 Scheme or device.
7: 400.459-400.500
   400.459-400.500 [Reserved]
7: S
Subpart S [Reserved]
7: T
Subpart T - Federal Crop Insurance Reform, Insurance Implementation
7: 400.650
   400.650 Purpose.
7: 400.651
   400.651 Definitions.
7: 400.652
   400.652 Insurance availability.
7: 400.653
   400.653 Determining crops of economic significance.
7: 400.654
   400.654 Application and acreage report.
7: 400.655
   400.655 Eligibility for other program benefits.
7: 400.656-400.657
   400.656-400.657 [Reserved]
7: U
Subpart U - Ineligibility for Programs Under the Federal Crop Insurance Act
7: 400.675
   400.675 Purpose.
7: 400.676
   400.676 [Reserved]
7: 400.677
   400.677 Definitions.
7: 400.678
   400.678 Applicability.
7: 400.679
   400.679 Criteria for ineligibility.
7: 400.680
   400.680 Controlled substance.
7: 400.681
   400.681 Written payment agreement.
7: 400.682
   400.682 Determination and notification.
7: 400.683
   400.683 Period of ineligibility.
7: 400.684
   400.684 Effect of ineligibility.
7: 400.685
   400.685 Criteria for regaining eligibility.
7: 400.686
   400.686 Administration and maintenance.
7: V
Subpart V - Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies, Rates of Premium, and Non-Reinsured Supplemental Policies
7: 400.700
   400.700 Basis, purpose, and applicability.
7: 400.701
   400.701 Definitions.
7: 400.702
   400.702 Confidentiality and duration of confidentiality.
7: 400.703
   400.703 Timing and format.
7: 400.704
   400.704 Covered by this subpart.
7: 400.705
   400.705 Contents for new and changed 508(h) submissions, concept proposals, and index-based weather plans of insurance.
7: 400.706
   400.706 Review.
7: 400.707
   400.707 Presentation to the Board for approval or disapproval.
7: 400.708
   400.708 Post approval.
7: 400.709
   400.709 Roles and responsibilities.
7: 400.710
   400.710 Preemption and premium taxation.
7: 400.711
   400.711 Right of review, modification, and the withdrawal of approval.
7: 400.712
   400.712 Research and development reimbursement, maintenance reimbursement, advance payments for concept proposals, and user fees.
7: 400.713
   400.713 Non-reinsured supplemental (NRS) policy.
7: W
Subpart W [Reserved]
7: X
Subpart X - Interpretations of Statutory Provisions, Policy Provisions, and Procedures
7: 400.765
   400.765 Definitions.
7: 400.766
   400.766 Basis and applicability.
7: 400.767
   400.767 Requestor obligations.
7: 400.768
   400.768 FCIC obligations.