Title 7


Subpart M - Agency Sales and Service Contract - Standards for Approval Authority:7 U.S.C. 1506, 1516. Source:53 FR 24015, June 27, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

7: 400.201
   400.201 Applicability of standards.
7: 400.202
   400.202 Definitions.
7: 400.203
   400.203 Financial statement and certification.
7: 400.204
   400.204 Notification of deviation from standards.
7: 400.205
   400.205 Denial or termination of contract and administrative reassignment of business.
7: 400.206
   400.206 Financial qualifications for acceptability.
7: 400.207
   400.207 Representative licensing and certification.
7: 400.208
   400.208 Term of the contract.
7: 400.209
   400.209 Electronic transmission and receiving system.
7: 400.210
   400.210 [Reserved]