Title 7


Subpart V - Submission of Policies, Provisions of Policies, Rates of Premium, and Non-Reinsured Supplemental Policies Source:81 FR 53673, Aug. 12, 2016, unless otherwise noted.

7: 400.700
   400.700 Basis, purpose, and applicability.
7: 400.701
   400.701 Definitions.
7: 400.702
   400.702 Confidentiality and duration of confidentiality.
7: 400.703
   400.703 Timing and format.
7: 400.704
   400.704 Covered by this subpart.
7: 400.705
   400.705 Contents for new and changed 508(h) submissions, concept proposals, and index-based weather plans of insurance.
7: 400.706
   400.706 Review.
7: 400.707
   400.707 Presentation to the Board for approval or disapproval.
7: 400.708
   400.708 Post approval.
7: 400.709
   400.709 Roles and responsibilities.
7: 400.710
   400.710 Preemption and premium taxation.
7: 400.711
   400.711 Right of review, modification, and the withdrawal of approval.
7: 400.712
   400.712 Research and development reimbursement, maintenance reimbursement, advance payments for concept proposals, and user fees.
7: 400.713
   400.713 Non-reinsured supplemental (NRS) policy.