Title 43

PART 2450

Part 2450 - Petition-application Classification System

PART 2450 - PETITION-APPLICATION CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Source:35 FR 9563, June 13, 1970, unless otherwise noted.

43: 2450
Subpart 2450 - Petition-Application Procedures
43: 2450.1
   2450.1 Filing of petition.
43: 2450.2
   2450.2 Preliminary determination.
43: 2450.3
   2450.3 Proposed classification decision.
43: 2450.4
   2450.4 Protests: Initial classification decision.
43: 2450.5
   2450.5 Administrative review.
43: 2450.6
   2450.6 Effect of final order.
43: 2450.7
   2450.7 Right to occupy or settle.
43: 2450.8
   2450.8 Preference right of petitioner-applicant.