Title 40


Subchapter C - Air Programs (continued)

40: 52
40: NN
Subpart NN - Pennsylvania
40: 52.2020
     52.2020 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2021
     52.2021 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2022
     52.2022 [Reserved]
40: 52.2023
     52.2023 Approval status.
40: 52.2024 - 52.2026
     52.2024--52.2026 [Reserved]
40: 52.2027
     52.2027 Approval status of Pennsylvania's Generic NOX and VOC RACT Rules.
40: 52.2028-52.2032
     52.2028-52.2032 [Reserved]
40: 52.2033
     52.2033 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides.
40: 52.2034
     52.2034 [Reserved]
40: 52.2035
     52.2035 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Program.
40: 52.2036
     52.2036 Base year emissions inventory.
40: 52.2037
     52.2037 Control strategy plans for attainment and rate-of-progress: Ozone.
40: 52.2038
     52.2038 Rate of Progress Plans: Ozone.
40: 52.2039
     52.2039 Interstate transport.
40: 52.2040
     52.2040 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides
40: 52.2041
     52.2041 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide
40: 52.2042
     52.2042 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2043
     52.2043 Control strategy for maintenance plans: ozone.
40: 52.2044-52.2051
     52.2044-52.2051 [Reserved]
40: 52.2052
     52.2052 Motor vehicle emissions budgets for Pennsylvania ozone areas.
40: 52.2053
     52.2053 The Motor Vehicle Emissions Budgets for the Pennsylvania Counties in the Philadelphia-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE 1997 Fine Particulate Matter Nonattainment Area
40: 52.2054
     52.2054 Control of asphalt paving material.
40: 52.2055
     52.2055 Control strategy: Lead.
40: 52.2056
     52.2056 Determinations of attainment.
40: 52.2057
     52.2057 [Reserved]
40: 52.2058
     52.2058 Prevention of significant air quality deterioration.
40: 52.2059
     52.2059 Control strategy: Particulate matter.
40: 52.2060
     52.2060 Small Business Assistance Program.
40: 52.2061
     52.2061 Operating permits.
40: 52.2062
     52.2062 Plan approvals.
40: 52.2063
     52.2063 Original identification of plan section.
40: 52.2064
     52.2064 EPA-approved Source-Specific Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX).
40: OO
Subpart OO - Rhode Island
40: 52.2070
     52.2070 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2071
     52.2071 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2072
     52.2072 Approval status.
40: 52.2073
     52.2073 [Reserved]
40: 52.2074
     52.2074 Legal authority.
40: 52.2075
     52.2075 [Reserved]
40: 52.2076
     52.2076 Attainment of dates for national standards.
40: 52.2077
     52.2077 Identification of plan - conditional approvals and disapprovals.
40: 52.2078-52.2079
     52.2078-52.2079 [Reserved]
40: 52.2080
     52.2080 Revisions.
40: 52.2081
     52.2081 EPA-approved EPA Rhode Island State regulations.
40: 52.2082
     52.2082 [Reserved]
40: 52.2083
     52.2083 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2084
     52.2084 Rules and regulations.
40: 52.2085
     52.2085 Stack height review.
40: 52.2086
     52.2086 Emission inventories.
40: 52.2087
     52.2087 Original identification of plan section.
40: 52.2088
     52.2088 Control strategy: Ozone.
40: 52.2089
     52.2089 Control strategy: carbon monoxide.
40: PP
Subpart PP - South Carolina
40: 52.2120
     52.2120 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2121
     52.2121 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2122
     52.2122 Approval status.
40: 52.2124
     52.2124 Legal authority.
40: 52.2125
     52.2125 Control strategy: Ozone.
40: 52.2126
     52.2126 VOC rule deficiency correction.
40: 52.2127-52.2129
     52.2127-52.2129 [Reserved]
40: 52.2130
     52.2130 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.
40: 52.2131
     52.2131 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2132
     52.2132 [Reserved]
40: 52.2133
     52.2133 General conformity.
40: 52.2134
     52.2134 Original identification of plan section.
40: 52.2140
     52.2140 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides
40: 52.2141
     52.2141 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide
40: QQ
Subpart QQ - South Dakota
40: 52.2170
     52.2170 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2171
     52.2171 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2172
     52.2172 Approval status.
40: 52.2173
     52.2173 Legal authority.
40: 52.2174-52.2177
     52.2174-52.2177 [Reserved]
40: 52.2178
     52.2178 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2179
     52.2179 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2180
     52.2180 Stack height regulations.
40: 52.2181
     52.2181 [Reserved]
40: 52.2182
     52.2182 PM10 Committal SIP.
40: 52.2183
     52.2183 Variance provision.
40: 52.2184
     52.2184 Operating permits for minor sources.
40: 52.2185
     52.2185 Change to approved plan.
40: 52.2186
     52.2186 Original identification of plan section.
40: RR
Subpart RR - Tennessee
40: 52.2219
     52.2219 Conditional approval.
40: 52.2220
     52.2220 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2221
     52.2221 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2222
     52.2222 Approval status.
40: 52.2223
     52.2223 Compliance schedules.
40: 52.2224
     52.2224 Legal authority.
40: 52.2225
     52.2225 VOC rule deficiency correction.
40: 52.2226
     52.2226 [Reserved]
40: 52.2227
     52.2227 Prevention of air pollution emergency episodes.
40: 52.2228
     52.2228 Review of new sources and modifications.
40: 52.2229
     52.2229 Rules and regulations.
40: 52.2230
     52.2230 [Reserved]
40: 52.2231
     52.2231 Control strategy: Sulfur oxides and particulate matter.
40: 52.2232
     52.2232 Determination of attainment.
40: 52.2233
     52.2233 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2234
     52.2234 [Reserved]
40: 52.2235
     52.2235 Control strategy: Ozone.
40: 52.2236
     52.2236 Control strategy; lead.
40: 52.2237
     52.2237 NOX RACT and NOX conformity exemption.
40: 52.2239
     52.2239 Original Identification of plan section.
40: 52.2240
     52.2240 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides
40: 52.2241
     52.2241 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide
40: SS
Subpart SS - Texas
40: 52.2270
     52.2270 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2271
     52.2271 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2272
     52.2272 [Reserved]
40: 52.2273
     52.2273 Approval status.
40: 52.2274
     52.2274 General requirements.
40: 52.2275
     52.2275 Control strategy and regulations: Ozone.
40: 52.2276
     52.2276 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter.
40: 52.2277-52.2281
     52.2277-52.2281 [Reserved]
40: 52.2282
     52.2282 Public hearings.
40: 52.2283
     52.2283 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides
40: 52.2284
     52.2284 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide
40: 52.2285
     52.2285 Control of evaporative losses from the filling of gasoline storage vessels in the Houston and San Antonio areas.
40: 52.2286
     52.2286 Control of evaporative losses from the filling of gasoline storage vessels in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
40: 52.2287-52.2298
     52.2287-52.2298 [Reserved]
40: 52.2299
     52.2299 Original identification of plan section.
40: 52.2300
     52.2300 [Reserved]
40: 52.2301
     52.2301 Federal compliance date for automobile and light-duty truck coating. Texas Air Control Board Regulation V (31 TAC chapter 115), control of air pollution from volatile organic compound, rule 115.191(1)(8)(A).
40: 52.2302
     52.2302 Federal implementation plan for regional haze.
40: 52.2303
     52.2303 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2304
     52.2304 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2305
     52.2305 What are the requirements of the Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) to issue permits under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration requirements to sources that emit greenhouse gases
40: 52.2306
     52.2306 Particulate Matter (PM10) Group II SIP commitments.
40: 52.2307
     52.2307 Small business assistance program.
40: 52.2308
     52.2308 Area-wide nitrogen oxides (NOX) exemptions.
40: 52.2309
     52.2309 Emissions inventories.
40: 52.2311
     52.2311 Motor vehicle antitampering.
40: 52.2312
     52.2312 Requirements for the control of SO2 emissions to address in full or in part requirements related to BART, reasonable progress, and interstate visibility transport.
40: TT
Subpart TT - Utah
40: 52.2320
     52.2320 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2321
     52.2321 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2322
     52.2322 Extensions.
40: 52.2323
     52.2323 Approval status.
40: 52.2324
     52.2324 Original identification of plan.
40: 52.2325-52.2330
     52.2325-52.2330 [Reserved]
40: 52.2331
     52.2331 Attainment dates for national standards.
40: 52.2332
     52.2332 Control Strategy: Ozone.
40: 52.2333
     52.2333 Legal authority.
40: 52.2334-52.2345
     52.2334-52.2345 [Reserved]
40: 52.2346
     52.2346 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2347
     52.2347 Stack height regulations.
40: 52.2348
     52.2348 National Highway Systems Designation Act Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Programs.
40: 52.2350
     52.2350 Emission inventories.
40: 52.2351
     52.2351 Area-wide nitrogen oxides (NOX) exemption.
40: 52.2352
     52.2352 Change to approved plan.
40: 52.2353
     52.2353 Control strategy: Carbon monoxide.
40: 52.2354
     52.2354 Interstate transport.
40: 52.2355
     52.2355 Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements.
40: UU
Subpart UU - Vermont
40: 52.2370
     52.2370 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2371
     52.2371 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2372
     52.2372 Approval status.
40: 52.2373
     52.2373 [Reserved]
40: 52.2374
     52.2374 General requirements.
40: 52.2375
     52.2375 Attainment dates for national standards.
40: 52.2376
     52.2376 Identification of plan-conditional approvals.
40: 52.2377
     52.2377 Review of new sources and modifications.
40: 52.2378
     52.2378 Certification of no facilities.
40: 52.2379
     52.2379 [Reserved]
40: 52.2380
     52.2380 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2381
     52.2381 EPA-approved Vermont State regulations.
40: 52.2382
     52.2382 Rules and regulations.
40: 52.2383
     52.2383 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2384
     52.2384 Stack height review.
40: 52.2385
     52.2385 Requirements for state implementation plan revisions relating to new motor vehicles.
40: 52.2386
     52.2386 Original identification of plan section.
40: VV
Subpart VV - Virginia
40: 52.2420
     52.2420 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2421
     52.2421 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2422
     52.2422 [Reserved]
40: 52.2423
     52.2423 Approval status.
40: 52.2424
     52.2424 Motor vehicle emissions budgets.
40: 52.2425
     52.2425 Base Year Emissions Inventory.
40: 52.2426
     52.2426 Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Stations (PAMS) Program.
40: 52.2427
     52.2427 [Reserved]
40: 52.2428
     52.2428 Control Strategy: Carbon monoxide and ozone.
40: 52.2429
     52.2429 Control strategy: Particulate matter.
40: 52.2430
     52.2430 Determinations of attainment.
40: 52.2431-52.2439
     52.2431-52.2439 [Reserved]
40: 52.2440
     52.2440 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides
40: 52.2441
     52.2441 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide
40: 52.2442-52.2450
     52.2442-52.2450 [Reserved]
40: 52.2451
     52.2451 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2452
     52.2452 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2453
     52.2453 [Reserved]
40: 52.2454
     52.2454 Prevention of significant deterioration of air quality for Merck & Co., Inc.'s Stonewall Plant in Elkton, VA.
40: 52.2460
     52.2460 Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
40: 52.2465
     52.2465 Original identification of plan section.
40: WW
Subpart WW - Washington
40: 52.2470
     52.2470 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2471
     52.2471 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2472
     52.2472 [Reserved]
40: 52.2473
     52.2473 Approval status.
40: 52.2474-52.2475
     52.2474-52.2475 [Reserved]
40: 52.2476
     52.2476 Discretionary authority.
40: 52.2477
     52.2477 Original identification of plan section.
40: 52.2478-52.2494
     52.2478-52.2494 [Reserved]
40: 52.2495
     52.2495 Voluntary limits on potential to emit.
40: 52.2496
     52.2496 [Reserved]
40: 52.2497
     52.2497 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2498
     52.2498 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2499
     52.2499 [Reserved]
40: 52.2500
     52.2500 Best available retrofit technology requirements for the Intalco Aluminum Corporation (Intalco Works) primary aluminum plant - Better than BART Alternative.
40: 52.2501
     52.2501 Best available retrofit technology (BART) requirement for the Tesoro Refining and Marketing Company oil refinery - Better than BART Alternative.
40: 52.2502
     52.2502 Best available retrofit technology requirements for the Alcoa Inc. - Wenatchee Works primary aluminum smelter.
40: XX
Subpart XX - West Virginia
40: 52.2520
     52.2520 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2521
     52.2521 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2522
     52.2522 Identification of plan-conditional approval.
40: 52.2523-52.2524
     52.2523-52.2524 [Reserved]
40: 52.2525
     52.2525 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.
40: 52.2526
     52.2526 Control strategy: Particulate matter.
40: 52.2527
     52.2527 Determination of attainment.
40: 52.2528
     52.2528 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2529-52.2530
     52.2529-52.2530 [Reserved]
40: 52.2531
     52.2531 Base year emissions inventory.
40: 52.2532
     52.2532 Motor vehicle emissions budgets.
40: 52.2533
     52.2533 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2534
     52.2534 Stack height review.
40: 52.2540
     52.2540 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides
40: 52.2541
     52.2541 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide
40: 52.2560
     52.2560 Small business technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
40: 52.2565
     52.2565 Original identification of plan section.
40: YY
Subpart YY - Wisconsin
40: 52.2569
     52.2569 Identification of plan - conditional approval.
40: 52.2570
     52.2570 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2571
     52.2571 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2572
     52.2572 Approval status.
40: 52.2573
     52.2573 General requirements.
40: 52.2574
     52.2574 Legal authority.
40: 52.2575
     52.2575 Control strategy: Sulfur dioxide.
40: 52.2576
     52.2576 [Reserved]
40: 52.2577
     52.2577 Attainment dates for national standards.
40: 52.2578
     52.2578 Compliance schedules.
40: 52.2579-52.2580
     52.2579-52.2580 [Reserved]
40: 52.2581
     52.2581 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2582-52.2583
     52.2582-52.2583 [Reserved]
40: 52.2584
     52.2584 Control strategy; Particulate matter.
40: 52.2585
     52.2585 Control strategy: Ozone.
40: 52.2586
     52.2586 Small business stationary source technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
40: 52.2587
     52.2587 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of nitrogen oxides
40: 52.2588
     52.2588 Interstate pollutant transport provisions; What are the FIP requirements for decreases in emissions of sulfur dioxide
40: 52.2589
     52.2589 Wisconsin construction permit permanency revision.
40: 52.2590
     52.2590 Operating permits.
40: 52.2591
     52.2591 Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements.
40: 52.2592
     52.2592 Review of new sources and modifications.
40: 52.2593
     52.2593 Visibility protection.
40: ZZ
Subpart ZZ - Wyoming
40: 52.2620
     52.2620 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2621
     52.2621 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2622
     52.2622 Approval status.
40: 52.2623
     52.2623 Control strategy and regulations: Ozone.
40: 52.2624
     52.2624 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter.
40: 52.2625
     52.2625 Compliance schedules.
40: 52.2626-52.2629
     52.2626-52.2629 [Reserved]
40: 52.2630
     52.2630 Prevention of significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2631
     52.2631 [Reserved]
40: 52.2632
     52.2632 Visibility protection. [Reserved]
40: 52.2633
     52.2633 Stack height regulations.
40: 52.2634
     52.2634 Correction of approved plan.
40: 52.2635
     52.2635 Original identification of plan section.
40: 52.2636
     52.2636 Implementation plan for regional haze.
40: 52.2637
     52.2637 Federal implementation plan for reasonable attributable visibility impairment long-term strategy.
40: AAA
Subpart AAA - Guam
40: 52.2670
     52.2670 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2671
     52.2671 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2672
     52.2672 Approval status.
40: 52.2673
     52.2673 Original identification of plan.
40: 52.2674-52.2675
     52.2674-52.2675 [Reserved]
40: 52.2676
     52.2676 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2677
     52.2677 [Reserved]
40: 52.2678
     52.2678 Control strategy and regulations: Particulate matter.
40: 52.2679
     52.2679 Control strategy and regulations: Sulfur dioxide.
40: 52.2680-52.2681
     52.2680-52.2681 [Reserved]
40: 52.2682
     52.2682 Air quality surveillance.
40: 52.2683
     52.2683 [Reserved]
40: 52.2684
     52.2684 Source surveillance.
40: 52.2685
     52.2685 [Reserved]
40: 52.2686
     52.2686 Upset-breakdown reporting.
40: BBB
Subpart BBB - Puerto Rico
40: 52.2720
     52.2720 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2721
     52.2721 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2722
     52.2722 Approval status.
40: 52.2723
     52.2723 EPA-approved Puerto Rico regulations and laws.
40: 52.2724
     52.2724 [Reserved]
40: 52.2725
     52.2725 General requirements.
40: 52.2726
     52.2726 Legal authority.
40: 52.2727
     52.2727 Control strategy and regulations: Lead.
40: 52.2728
     52.2728 [Reserved]
40: 52.2729
     52.2729 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2730
     52.2730 Section 110(a)(2) infrastructure requirements.
40: 52.2731
     52.2731 Control strategy and regulations: Sulfur oxides.
40: 52.2732
     52.2732 Small business technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
40: CCC
Subpart CCC - Virgin Islands
40: 52.2770
     52.2770 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2771
     52.2771 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2772
     52.2772 Approval status.
40: 52.2773
     52.2773 EPA-approved Virgin Islands regulations.
40: 52.2774
     52.2774 [Reserved]
40: 52.2775
     52.2775 Review of new sources and modifications.
40: 52.2776-52.2778
     52.2776-52.2778 [Reserved]
40: 52.2779
     52.2779 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2780
     52.2780 Control strategy for sulfur oxides.
40: 52.2781
     52.2781 Visibility protection.
40: 52.2782
     52.2782 Small business technical and environmental compliance assistance program.
40: DDD
Subpart DDD - American Samoa
40: 52.2820
     52.2820 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2821
     52.2821 Classification of regions.
40: 52.2822
     52.2822 Approval status.
40: 52.2823
     52.2823 Original identification of plan.
40: 52.2824
     52.2824 Review of new sources and modifications.
40: 52.2825-52.2826
     52.2825-52.2826 [Reserved]
40: 52.2827
     52.2827 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: EEE
Subpart EEE - Approval and Promulgation of Plans
40: 52.2850
     52.2850 Approval and promulgation of implementation plans.
40: FFF
Subpart FFF - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
40: 52.2900
     52.2900 Negative declaration.
40: 52.2920
     52.2920 Identification of plan.
40: 52.2921
     52.2921 Original identification of plan.
40: 52.2922
     52.2922 Significant deterioration of air quality.
40: 52.2923-52.2999
     52.2923-52.2999 [Reserved]
  Appendixes A-C to Part 52 [Reserved]
40: Appendix D
  Appendix D to Part 52 - Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Stationary Sources by Continuous Monitors
40: Appendix E
  Appendix E to Part 52 - Performance Specifications and, Specification Test Procedures for Monitoring Systems for Effluent Stream Gas Volumetric Flow Rate
40: Appendix F
  Appendix F to Part 52 - Clean Air Act Section 126 Petitions From Eight Northeastern States: Named Source Categories and Geographic Coverage