Title 40
Subpart CCC - Virgin Islands Source: 37 FR 10905, May 31, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
- 42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.
- Source:
40: | SECTION 52.2770 | 52.2770 Identification of plan. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2771 | 52.2771 Classification of regions. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2772 | 52.2772 Approval status. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2773 | 52.2773 EPA-approved Virgin Islands regulations. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2774 | 52.2774 [Reserved] | |
40: | SECTION 52.2775 | 52.2775 Review of new sources and modifications. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2776-52.2778 | 52.2776-52.2778 [Reserved] | |
40: | SECTION 52.2779 | 52.2779 Significant deterioration of air quality. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2780 | 52.2780 Control strategy for sulfur oxides. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2781 | 52.2781 Visibility protection. | |
40: | SECTION 52.2782 | 52.2782 Small business technical and environmental compliance assistance program. |