Title 36

PART 905

Part 905 - Standards Of Conduct

PART 905 - STANDARDS OF CONDUCT Authority:40 U.S.C. 875, unless otherwise noted. Source:43 FR 60902, Dec. 29, 1978, unless otherwise noted.

36: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
36: 905.735-101
   905.735-101 Principles and purpose.
36: 905.735-102
   905.735-102 Adoption of regulations.
36: 905.735-103
   905.735-103 Definitions.
36: 905.735-104
   905.735-104 Applicability.
36: 905.735-105
   905.735-105 Designation of counselor.
36: 905.735-106
   905.735-106 Notification to employees and special Government employees.
36: 905.735-107
   905.735-107 Review of statements of employment and financial interests.
36: 905.735-108
   905.735-108 Remedial and disciplinary action.
36: B
Subpart B - Conduct and Responsibilities of Employees
36: 905.735-201
   905.735-201 General standards of conduct.
36: 905.735-202
   905.735-202 Gifts, entertainment, and favors.
36: 905.735-203
   905.735-203 Outside employment and other activity.
36: 905.735-204
   905.735-204 Disclosure of information.
36: 905.735-205
   905.735-205 Purchase of Government-owned property.
36: C
Subpart C - Conduct and Responsibilities of Special Government Employees
36: 905.735-301
   905.735-301 General standards of conduct.
36: D
Subpart D - Special Standards Applicable to Certain Board Members
36: 905.735-401
   905.735-401 Standards.
36: 905.735-402
   905.735-402 Advice and determination.
36: E
Subpart E - Statements of Employment and Financial Interests
36: 905.735-501
   905.735-501 Form and content of statements.
36: 905.735-502
   905.735-502 Statements of employment and financial interests by employees.
36: 905.735-503
   905.735-503 Statements of employment and financial interests by special Government employees.
36: 905.735-504
   905.735-504 Procedures for obtaining statements.
36: 905.735-505
   905.735-505 Confidentiality of statements.
36: F
Subpart F - Conduct and Responsibilities of Former Employees - Enforcement
36: 905.737-101
   905.737-101 Applicable provisions of law.
36: 905.737-102
   905.737-102 Enforcement proceedings.