Title 36
SECTION 905.735-102
905.735-102 Adoption of regulations.
§ 905.735-102 Adoption of regulations.Under the authority of 5 CFR 735.104(f), the Corporation adopts the following sections of the Civil Service Commission regulations on “Employee Responsibilities and Conduct” found in part 735 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations: §§ 735.202 (a), (d), (e), (f) through 735.210; 735.302; 735.303(a); 735.304; 735.305(a); 735.306; 735.404 through 735.411; and 735.412 (b) and (d).
[43 FR 60902, Dec. 29, 1978, as amended at 45 FR 15927, Mar. 12, 1980]