Title 36
SECTION 905.735-108
905.735-108 Remedial and disciplinary action.
§ 905.735-108 Remedial and disciplinary action.(a) In addition to any penalties prescribed by law, the Chairman, after review and consideration of any explanation given by an employee or special Government employee concerning a conflict of interest, may institute appropriate remedial action to resolve or otherwise eliminate the conflict. Appropriate remedial action may include, but is not limited to:
(1) Divestment by the employee or the special Government employee of the conflicting interest;
(2) Disqualification of the individual from a particular assignment;
(3) Changes in the assigned duties of the individual; or
(4) Disciplinary action.
(b) Where the situation warrants some form of disciplinary action, the Chairman may choose from a wide range including a warning or reprimand, suspension, reduction in grade or pay, or termination of employment. The disciplinary action selected should reflect the character and degree of the offense which demands such action and should be reasonable in light of that offense.
(c) Remedial action, whether disciplinary or otherwise, shall be effected in accordance with applicable laws, Executive orders, and regulations.