Title 34

PART 370

Part 370 - Client Assistance Program

PART 370 - CLIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Authority:Section 112 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; 29 U.S.C. 732, unless otherwise noted. Source:81 FR 55590, Aug. 19. 2016, unless otherwise noted.

34: A
Subpart A - General
34: 370.1
   370.1 What is the Client Assistance Program (CAP)
34: 370.2
   370.2 Who is eligible for an award
34: 370.3
   370.3 Who is eligible for services and information under the CAP
34: 370.4
   370.4 What kinds of activities may the Secretary fund
34: 370.5
   370.5 What regulations apply
34: 370.6
   370.6 What definitions apply
34: 370.7
   370.7 What shall the designated agency do to make its services accessible
34: B
Subpart B - What Requirements Apply to Redesignation
34: 370.10
   370.10 When do the requirements for redesignation apply
34: 370.11
   370.11 What requirements apply to a notice of proposed redesignation
34: 370.12
   370.12 How does a designated agency preserve its right to appeal a redesignation
34: 370.13
   370.13 What are the requirements for a decision to redesignate
34: 370.14
   370.14 How does a designated agency appeal a written decision to redesignate
34: 370.15
   370.15 What must the Governor of a State do upon receipt of a copy of a designated agency's written appeal to the Secretary
34: 370.16
   370.16 How does the Secretary review an appeal of a redesignation
34: 370.17
   370.17 When does a redesignation become effective
34: C
Subpart C - What are the Requirements for Requesting a Grant
34: 370.20
   370.20 What must be included in a request for a grant
34: D
Subpart D - How Does the Secretary Allocate and Reallocate Funds to a State
34: 370.30
   370.30 How does the Secretary allocate funds
34: 370.31
   370.31 How does the Secretary reallocate funds
34: E
Subpart E - What Post-Award Conditions Must Be Met by a Designated Agency
34: 370.40
   370.40 What are allowable costs
34: 370.41
   370.41 What conflict of interest provision applies to employees of a designated agency
34: 370.42
   370.42 What access must the CAP be afforded to policymaking and administrative personnel
34: 370.43
   370.43 What requirement applies to the use of mediation procedures
34: 370.44
   370.44 What reporting requirement applies to each designated agency
34: 370.45
   370.45 What limitation applies to the pursuit of legal remedies
34: 370.46
   370.46 What consultation requirement applies to a Governor of a State
34: 370.47
   370.47 What is program income and how may it be used
34: 370.48
   370.48 When must grant funds and program income be obligated
34: 370.49
   370.49 What are the special requirements pertaining to the protection, use, and release of personal information