Title 34


Subpart B - What Requirements Apply to Redesignation?

34: 370.10
   370.10 When do the requirements for redesignation apply
34: 370.11
   370.11 What requirements apply to a notice of proposed redesignation
34: 370.12
   370.12 How does a designated agency preserve its right to appeal a redesignation
34: 370.13
   370.13 What are the requirements for a decision to redesignate
34: 370.14
   370.14 How does a designated agency appeal a written decision to redesignate
34: 370.15
   370.15 What must the Governor of a State do upon receipt of a copy of a designated agency's written appeal to the Secretary
34: 370.16
   370.16 How does the Secretary review an appeal of a redesignation
34: 370.17
   370.17 When does a redesignation become effective