Title 33

PART 127

Part 127 - Waterfront Facilities Handling Liquefied Natural Gas And Liquefied Hazardous Gas

PART 127 - WATERFRONT FACILITIES HANDLING LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS AND LIQUEFIED HAZARDOUS GAS Authority:46 U.S.C. 70034; 46 U.S.C. Chapter 701; Department of Homeland Security Delegation No. 0170.1. Source:CGD 78-038, 53 FR 3376, Feb. 7, 1988, unless otherwise noted.

33: A
Subpart A - General
33: 127.001
   127.001 Applicability.
33: 127.003
   127.003 Incorporation by reference.
33: 127.005
   127.005 Definitions.
33: 127.007
   127.007 Letter of intent and waterway suitability assessment.
33: 127.009
   127.009 Letter of recommendation.
33: 127.010
   127.010 Reconsideration of the Letter of Recommendation.
33: 127.011
   127.011 Inspections of waterfront facilities.
33: 127.013
   127.013 Suspension of transfer operations.
33: 127.015
   127.015 Appeals.
33: 127.017
   127.017 Alternatives.
33: 127.019
   127.019 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Procedures for examination.
33: B
Subpart B - Waterfront Facilities Handling Liquefied Natural Gas
33: 13
33: 127.101
   127.101 Design and construction: General.
33: 127.103
   127.103 Piers and wharves.
33: 127.105
   127.105 Layout and spacing of marine transfer area for LNG.
33: 127.107
   127.107 Electrical power systems.
33: 127.109
   127.109 Lighting systems.
33: 127.111
   127.111 Communications systems.
33: 127.113
   127.113 Warning signs.
33: 127.201
   127.201 Sensing and alarm systems.
33: 127.203
   127.203 Portable gas detectors.
33: 127.205
   127.205 Emergency shutdown.
33: 127.207
   127.207 Warning alarms.
33: 14
33: 127.301
   127.301 Persons in charge of shoreside transfer operations: Qualifications and certification.
33: 127.303
   127.303 Compliance with suspension order.
33: 127.305
   127.305 Operations Manual.
33: 127.307
   127.307 Emergency Manual.
33: 127.309
   127.309 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use.
33: 127.311
   127.311 Motor vehicles.
33: 127.313
   127.313 Bulk storage.
33: 127.315
   127.315 Preliminary transfer inspection.
33: 127.317
   127.317 Declaration of inspection.
33: 127.319
   127.319 LNG transfer.
33: 127.321
   127.321 Release of LNG.
33: 15
33: 127.401
   127.401 Maintenance: General.
33: 127.403
   127.403 Inspections.
33: 127.405
   127.405 Repairs.
33: 127.407
   127.407 Testing.
33: 127.409
   127.409 Records.
33: 16
   Personnel Training
33: 127.501
   127.501 Applicability.
33: 127.503
   127.503 Training: General.
33: 17
33: 127.601
   127.601 Fire equipment: General.
33: 127.603
   127.603 Portable fire extinguishers.
33: 127.605
   127.605 Emergency outfits.
33: 127.607
   127.607 Fire main systems.
33: 127.609
   127.609 Dry chemical systems.
33: 127.611
   127.611 International shore connection.
33: 127.613
   127.613 Smoking.
33: 127.615
   127.615 Fires.
33: 127.617
   127.617 Hotwork.
33: 18
33: 127.701
   127.701 Security on existing facilities.
33: 127.703
   127.703 Access to the marine transfer area for LNG.
33: 127.705
   127.705 Security systems.
33: 127.707
   127.707 Security personnel.
33: 127.709
   127.709 Protective enclosures.
33: 127.711
   127.711 Communications.
33: C
Subpart C - Waterfront Facilities Handling Liquefied Hazardous Gas
33: 19
   Design and Construction
33: 127.1101
   127.1101 Piping systems.
33: 127.1102
   127.1102 Transfer hoses and loading arms.
33: 127.1103
   127.1103 Piers and wharves.
33: 127.1105
   127.1105 Layout and spacing of marine transfer area for LHG.
33: 127.1107
   127.1107 Electrical systems.
33: 127.1109
   127.1109 Lighting systems.
33: 127.1111
   127.1111 Communication systems.
33: 127.1113
   127.1113 Warning signs.
33: 20
33: 127.1203
   127.1203 Gas detection.
33: 127.1205
   127.1205 Emergency shutdown.
33: 127.1207
   127.1207 Warning alarms.
33: 127.1209
   127.1209 Respiratory protection.
33: 21
33: 127.1301
   127.1301 Persons in charge of transfers for the facility: Qualifications and certification.
33: 127.1302
   127.1302 Training.
33: 127.1303
   127.1303 Compliance with suspension order.
33: 127.1305
   127.1305 Operations Manual.
33: 127.1307
   127.1307 Emergency Manual.
33: 127.1309
   127.1309 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use.
33: 127.1311
   127.1311 Motor vehicles.
33: 127.1313
   127.1313 Storage of hazardous materials.
33: 127.1315
   127.1315 Preliminary transfer inspection.
33: 127.1317
   127.1317 Declaration of Inspection.
33: 127.1319
   127.1319 Transfer of LHG.
33: 127.1321
   127.1321 Release of LHG.
33: 127.1325
   127.1325 Access to marine transfer area for LHG.
33: 22
33: 127.1401
   127.1401 General.
33: 127.1403
   127.1403 Inspections.
33: 127.1405
   127.1405 Repairs.
33: 127.1407
   127.1407 Tests.
33: 127.1409
   127.1409 Records.
33: 23
   Firefighting Equipment
33: 127.1501
   127.1501 General.
33: 127.1503
   127.1503 Portable fire extinguishers.
33: 127.1505
   127.1505 Emergency response and rescue.
33: 127.1507
   127.1507 Water systems for fire protection.
33: 127.1509
   127.1509 Equipment for controlling and extinguishing fires.
33: 127.1511
   127.1511 International shore connection.
33: 24
   Fire Protection
33: 127.1601
   127.1601 Smoking.
33: 127.1603
   127.1603 Hotwork.
33: 127.1605
   127.1605 Other sources of ignition.