33: | PART 125
33: | SECTION 125.01
| 125.01 Commandant. | |
33: | SECTION 125.03
| 125.03 District Commander. | |
33: | SECTION 125.05
| 125.05 Captain of the Port. | |
33: | SECTION 125.06
| 125.06 Western rivers. | |
33: | SECTION 125.07
| 125.07 Waterfront facility. | |
33: | SECTION 125.08
| 125.08 Great Lakes. | |
33: | SECTION 125.09
| 125.09 Identification credentials. | |
33: | SECTION 125.11
| 125.11 Form of Coast Guard Port Security Card. | |
33: | SECTION 125.12
| 125.12 Period of validity of Coast Guard Port Security Cards. | |
33: | SECTION 125.13
| 125.13 Captain of the Port Identification Cards. | |
33: | SECTION 125.15
| 125.15 Access to waterfront facilities, and port and harbor areas, including vessels and harbor craft therein. | |
33: | SECTION 125.17
| 125.17 Persons eligible for Coast Guard Port Security Cards. | |
33: | SECTION 125.19
| 125.19 Standards. | |
33: | SECTION 125.21
| 125.21 Applications. | |
33: | SECTION 125.23
| 125.23 United States citizens. | |
33: | SECTION 125.25
| 125.25 Aliens. | |
33: | SECTION 125.27
| 125.27 Sponsorship of applicant. | |
33: | SECTION 125.29
| 125.29 Insufficient information. | |
33: | SECTION 125.31
| 125.31 Approval of applicant by Commandant. | |
33: | SECTION 125.33
| 125.33 Holders of Coast Guard Port Security Cards. | |
33: | SECTION 125.35
| 125.35 Notice by Commandant. | |
33: | SECTION 125.37
| 125.37 Hearing Boards. | |
33: | SECTION 125.39
| 125.39 Notice by Hearing Board. | |
33: | SECTION 125.41
| 125.41 Challenges. | |
33: | SECTION 125.43
| 125.43 Hearing procedure. | |
33: | SECTION 125.45
| 125.45 Action by Commandant. | |
33: | SECTION 125.47
| 125.47 Appeals. | |
33: | SECTION 125.49
| 125.49 Action by Commandant after appeal. | |
33: | SECTION 125.51
| 125.51 Replacement of lost Coast Guard Port Security Card. | |
33: | SECTION 125.53
| 125.53 Requirements for credentials; certain vessels operating on navigable waters of the United States (including the Great Lakes and Western Rivers). | |
33: | SECTION 125.55
| 125.55 Outstanding Port Security Card Applications. | |
33: | SECTION 125.57
| 125.57 Applications previously denied. | |
33: | PART 126
33: | SECTION 126.1
| 126.1 What does this part apply to | |
33: | SECTION 126.3
| 126.3 Definitions. | |
33: | SECTION 126.5
| 126.5 Incorporation by reference: Where can I get a copy of the publications mentioned in this part | |
33: | SECTION 126.11
| 126.11 Waiver authority based on local or unusual conditions. | |
33: | SECTION 126.12
| 126.12 How do I request the use of an alternative method of complying with a requirement in this part | |
33: | SECTION 126.13
| 126.13 Designation of waterfront facilities. | |
33: | SECTION 126.15
| 126.15 What conditions must a designated waterfront facility meet | |
33: | SECTION 126.16
| 126.16 Conditions for designating a “facility of particular hazard.” | |
33: | SECTION 126.17
| 126.17 Permits required for handling designated dangerous cargo. | |
33: | SECTION 126.19
| 126.19 Issuance of permits for handling designated dangerous cargo. | |
33: | SECTION 126.21
| 126.21 Permitted transactions. | |
33: | SECTION 126.23
| 126.23 Termination or suspension of permits. | |
33: | SECTION 126.25
| 126.25 Penalties for handling designated dangerous cargo without permit. | |
33: | SECTION 126.27
| 126.27 General permit for handling dangerous cargo. | |
33: | SECTION 126.28
| 126.28 Ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers, fertilizer mixtures, or nitro carbo nitrate; general provisions. | |
33: | SECTION 126.29
| 126.29 Supervision and control of dangerous cargo. | |
33: | SECTION 126.30
| 126.30 What are the conditions for conducting welding and hotwork | |
33: | SECTION 126.31
| 126.31 Termination or suspension of general permit. | |
33: | SECTION 126.33
| 126.33 Penalties for handling dangerous cargo without permit. | |
33: | SECTION 126.35
| 126.35 Primary responsibility. | |
33: | SECTION 126.37
| 126.37 Separability. | |
33: | PART 127
| Subpart A - General | |
33: | SECTION 127.001
| 127.001 Applicability. | |
33: | SECTION 127.003
| 127.003 Incorporation by reference. | |
33: | SECTION 127.005
| 127.005 Definitions. | |
33: | SECTION 127.007
| 127.007 Letter of intent and waterway suitability assessment. | |
33: | SECTION 127.009
| 127.009 Letter of recommendation. | |
33: | SECTION 127.010
| 127.010 Reconsideration of the Letter of Recommendation. | |
33: | SECTION 127.011
| 127.011 Inspections of waterfront facilities. | |
33: | SECTION 127.013
| 127.013 Suspension of transfer operations. | |
33: | SECTION 127.015
| 127.015 Appeals. | |
33: | SECTION 127.017
| 127.017 Alternatives. | |
33: | SECTION 127.019
| 127.019 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Procedures for examination. | |
| Subpart B - Waterfront Facilities Handling Liquefied Natural Gas | |
33: | SUBJGRP 13
| Equipment | |
33: | SECTION 127.101
| 127.101 Design and construction: General. | |
33: | SECTION 127.103
| 127.103 Piers and wharves. | |
33: | SECTION 127.105
| 127.105 Layout and spacing of marine transfer area for LNG. | |
33: | SECTION 127.107
| 127.107 Electrical power systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.109
| 127.109 Lighting systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.111
| 127.111 Communications systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.113
| 127.113 Warning signs. | |
33: | SECTION 127.201
| 127.201 Sensing and alarm systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.203
| 127.203 Portable gas detectors. | |
33: | SECTION 127.205
| 127.205 Emergency shutdown. | |
33: | SECTION 127.207
| 127.207 Warning alarms. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 14
| Operations | |
33: | SECTION 127.301
| 127.301 Persons in charge of shoreside transfer operations: Qualifications and certification. | |
33: | SECTION 127.303
| 127.303 Compliance with suspension order. | |
33: | SECTION 127.305
| 127.305 Operations Manual. | |
33: | SECTION 127.307
| 127.307 Emergency Manual. | |
33: | SECTION 127.309
| 127.309 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use. | |
33: | SECTION 127.311
| 127.311 Motor vehicles. | |
33: | SECTION 127.313
| 127.313 Bulk storage. | |
33: | SECTION 127.315
| 127.315 Preliminary transfer inspection. | |
33: | SECTION 127.317
| 127.317 Declaration of inspection. | |
33: | SECTION 127.319
| 127.319 LNG transfer. | |
33: | SECTION 127.321
| 127.321 Release of LNG. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 15
| Maintenance | |
33: | SECTION 127.401
| 127.401 Maintenance: General. | |
33: | SECTION 127.403
| 127.403 Inspections. | |
33: | SECTION 127.405
| 127.405 Repairs. | |
33: | SECTION 127.407
| 127.407 Testing. | |
33: | SECTION 127.409
| 127.409 Records. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 16
| Personnel Training | |
33: | SECTION 127.501
| 127.501 Applicability. | |
33: | SECTION 127.503
| 127.503 Training: General. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 17
| Firefighting | |
33: | SECTION 127.601
| 127.601 Fire equipment: General. | |
33: | SECTION 127.603
| 127.603 Portable fire extinguishers. | |
33: | SECTION 127.605
| 127.605 Emergency outfits. | |
33: | SECTION 127.607
| 127.607 Fire main systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.609
| 127.609 Dry chemical systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.611
| 127.611 International shore connection. | |
33: | SECTION 127.613
| 127.613 Smoking. | |
33: | SECTION 127.615
| 127.615 Fires. | |
33: | SECTION 127.617
| 127.617 Hotwork. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 18
| Security | |
33: | SECTION 127.701
| 127.701 Security on existing facilities. | |
33: | SECTION 127.703
| 127.703 Access to the marine transfer area for LNG. | |
33: | SECTION 127.705
| 127.705 Security systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.707
| 127.707 Security personnel. | |
33: | SECTION 127.709
| 127.709 Protective enclosures. | |
33: | SECTION 127.711
| 127.711 Communications. | |
| Subpart C - Waterfront Facilities Handling Liquefied Hazardous Gas | |
33: | SUBJGRP 19
| Design and Construction | |
33: | SECTION 127.1101
| 127.1101 Piping systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1102
| 127.1102 Transfer hoses and loading arms. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1103
| 127.1103 Piers and wharves. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1105
| 127.1105 Layout and spacing of marine transfer area for LHG. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1107
| 127.1107 Electrical systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1109
| 127.1109 Lighting systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1111
| 127.1111 Communication systems. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1113
| 127.1113 Warning signs. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 20
| Equipment | |
33: | SECTION 127.1203
| 127.1203 Gas detection. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1205
| 127.1205 Emergency shutdown. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1207
| 127.1207 Warning alarms. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1209
| 127.1209 Respiratory protection. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 21
| Operations | |
33: | SECTION 127.1301
| 127.1301 Persons in charge of transfers for the facility: Qualifications and certification. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1302
| 127.1302 Training. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1303
| 127.1303 Compliance with suspension order. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1305
| 127.1305 Operations Manual. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1307
| 127.1307 Emergency Manual. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1309
| 127.1309 Operations Manual and Emergency Manual: Use. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1311
| 127.1311 Motor vehicles. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1313
| 127.1313 Storage of hazardous materials. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1315
| 127.1315 Preliminary transfer inspection. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1317
| 127.1317 Declaration of Inspection. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1319
| 127.1319 Transfer of LHG. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1321
| 127.1321 Release of LHG. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1325
| 127.1325 Access to marine transfer area for LHG. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 22
| Maintenance | |
33: | SECTION 127.1401
| 127.1401 General. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1403
| 127.1403 Inspections. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1405
| 127.1405 Repairs. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1407
| 127.1407 Tests. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1409
| 127.1409 Records. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 23
| Firefighting Equipment | |
33: | SECTION 127.1501
| 127.1501 General. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1503
| 127.1503 Portable fire extinguishers. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1505
| 127.1505 Emergency response and rescue. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1507
| 127.1507 Water systems for fire protection. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1509
| 127.1509 Equipment for controlling and extinguishing fires. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1511
| 127.1511 International shore connection. | |
33: | SUBJGRP 24
| Fire Protection | |
33: | SECTION 127.1601
| 127.1601 Smoking. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1603
| 127.1603 Hotwork. | |
33: | SECTION 127.1605
| 127.1605 Other sources of ignition. | |
33: | PART 128
| PART 128 [RESERVED] | |