Title 30

PART 401

Part 401 - State Water Research Institute Program

PART 401 - STATE WATER RESEARCH INSTITUTE PROGRAM Authority:42 U.S.C. 10303. Source:50 FR 23114, May 31, 1985, unless otherwise noted.

30: A
Subpart A - General
30: 401.1
   401.1 Purpose.
30: 401.2
   401.2 Delegation of authority.
30: 401.3
   401.3 Definitions.
30: 401.4
   401.4 Information collection.
30: 401.5
   401.5 [Reserved]
30: B
Subpart B - Designation of Institutes; Institute Programs
30: 401.6
   401.6 Designation of institutes.
30: 401.7
   401.7 Programs of institutes.
30: 401.8-401.10
   401.8-401.10 [Reserved]
30: C
Subpart C - Application and Management Procedures
30: 401.11
   401.11 Applications for grants.
30: 401.12
   401.12 Program management.
30: 401.13-401.18
   401.13-401.18 [Reserved]
30: D
Subpart D - Reporting
30: 401.19
   401.19 Reporting procedures.
30: 401.20-401.25
   401.20-401.25 [Reserved]
30: E
Subpart E - Evaluation
30: 401.26
   401.26 Evaluation of institutes.