Title 29


Subpart E - Provisions Relating to Certain Employees of Retail or Service Establishments

29: 300
General Principles
29: 779.400
   779.400 Purpose of subpart.
29: 301
Executive, Administrative, and Professional Employees and Outside Salesmen
29: 779.401
   779.401 Statutory provision.
29: 779.402
   779.402 “Executive” and “administrative” employees defined.
29: 779.403
   779.403 Administrative and executive employees in covered enterprises employed in other than retail or service establishments.
29: 779.404
   779.404 Other section 13(a)(1) employees employed in covered enterprises.
29: 302
Students, Learners, and Handicapped Workers
29: 779.405
   779.405 Statutory provisions.
29: 779.406
   779.406 “Student-learners”.
29: 779.407
   779.407 Learners other than “student-learners”.
29: 779.408
   779.408 “Full-time students”.
29: 779.409
   779.409 Handicapped workers.
29: 303
Employees Compensated Principally by Commissions
29: 779.410
   779.410 Statutory provision.
29: 779.411
   779.411 Employee of a “retail or service establishment”.
29: 779.412
   779.412 Compensation requirements for overtime pay exemption under section 7(i).
29: 779.413
   779.413 Methods of compensation of retail store employees.
29: 779.414
   779.414 Types of employment in which this overtime pay exemption may apply.
29: 779.415
   779.415 Computing employee's compensation for the representative period.
29: 779.416
   779.416 What compensation “represents commissions.”
29: 779.417
   779.417 The “representative period” for testing employee's compensation.
29: 779.418
   779.418 Grace period for computing portion of compensation representing commissions.
29: 779.419
   779.419 Dependence of the section 7(i) overtime pay exemption upon the level of the employee's “regular rate” of pay.
29: 779.420
   779.420 Recordkeeping requirements.
29: 779.421
   779.421 Basic rate for computing overtime compensation of nonexempt employees receiving commissions.