Title 29


Part 20 - Federal Claims Collection

PART 20 - FEDERAL CLAIMS COLLECTION Authority:31 U.S.C. 3711 et seq.; Subpart D is also issued under 5 U.S.C. 5514; Subpart E is also issued under 31 U.S.C. 3720A; Subpart F is also issued under 31 U.S.C. 3720D. Source:50 FR 5202, Feb. 6, 1985, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 20 appear at 57 FR 31451, July 16, 1992.

29: A
Subpart A - Disclosure of Information to Credit Reporting Agencies
29: 20.1
   20.1 Purpose and scope.
29: 20.2
   20.2 Definitions.
29: 20.3
   20.3 Agency responsibilities.
29: 20.4
   20.4 Determination of delinquency; notice.
29: 20.5
   20.5 Examination of records relating to the claim; opportunity for full explanation of the claim.
29: 20.6
   20.6 Opportunity for repayment.
29: 20.7
   20.7 Review of the obligation.
29: 20.8
   20.8 Disclosure to credit reporting agencies.
29: 20.9
   20.9 Waiver of credit reporting.
29: 20.10
   20.10 Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer.
29: B
Subpart B - Administrative Offset
29: 20.19
   20.19 Purpose and scope.
29: 20.20
   20.20 Definitions.
29: 20.21
   20.21 Agency responsibilities.
29: 20.22
   20.22 Notifications.
29: 20.23
   20.23 Examination of records relating to the claim; opportunity for full explanation of the claim.
29: 20.24
   20.24 Opportunity for repayment.
29: 20.25
   20.25 Review of the obligation.
29: 20.26
   20.26 Request for waiver or administrative review.
29: 20.27
   20.27 Cooperation with other DOL agencies and Federal agencies.
29: 20.28
   20.28 DOL agency as organization holding funds of the debtor.
29: 20.29
   20.29 Notice of offset.
29: 20.30
   20.30 Multiple debts.
29: 20.31
   20.31 Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability fund.
29: 20.32
   20.32 Liquidation of collateral.
29: 20.33
   20.33 Collection in installments.
29: 20.34
   20.34 Exclusions.
29: 20.35
   20.35 Additional administrative collection action.
29: 20.36
   20.36 Prior provision of rights with respect to debt.
29: 20.37
   20.37 Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer.
29: C
Subpart C - Interest, Penalties and Administrative Costs
29: 20.50
   20.50 Purpose and scope.
29: 20.51
   20.51 Exemptions.
29: 20.52
   20.52 Definitions.
29: 20.53
   20.53 Agency responsibilities.
29: 20.54
   20.54 Notification of charges.
29: 20.55
   20.55 Second and subsequent notifications.
29: 20.56
   20.56 Delivery of notices.
29: 20.57
   20.57 Accrual of interest.
29: 20.58
   20.58 Rate of interest.
29: 20.59
   20.59 Assessment of administrative costs.
29: 20.60
   20.60 Application of partial payments to amounts owed.
29: 20.61
   20.61 Waiver.
29: 20.62
   20.62 Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer.
29: D
Subpart D - Salary Offset
29: 20.74
   20.74 Purpose.
29: 20.75
   20.75 Scope.
29: 20.76
   20.76 Definitions.
29: 20.77
   20.77 Agency responsibilities.
29: 20.78
   20.78 Notifications.
29: 20.79
   20.79 Examination of records relating to the claim; opportunity for full explanation of the claim.
29: 20.80
   20.80 Opportunity for repayment.
29: 20.81
   20.81 Review of the obligation.
29: 20.82
   20.82 Cooperation with other DOL agencies and Federal agencies.
29: 20.83
   20.83 DOL agency as paying agency of the debtor.
29: 20.84
   20.84 Collections.
29: 20.85
   20.85 Notice of offset.
29: 20.86
   20.86 Non-waiver of rights by payments.
29: 20.87
   20.87 Refunds.
29: 20.88
   20.88 Additional administrative collection action.
29: 20.89
   20.89 Prior provision of rights with respect to debt.
29: 20.90
   20.90 Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer.
29: E
Subpart E - Federal Income Tax Refund Offset
29: 20.101
   20.101 Purpose and scope.
29: 20.102
   20.102 Redelegation of authority.
29: 20.103
   20.103 Definitions.
29: 20.104
   20.104 Agency responsibilities.
29: 20.105
   20.105 Minimum referral amount.
29: 20.106
   20.106 Relation to other collection efforts.
29: 20.107
   20.107 Debtor notification.
29: 20.108
   20.108 Agency review of the obligation.
29: 20.109
   20.109 Prior provision of rights with respect to debt.
29: 20.110
   20.110 Referral to IRS for tax refund offset.
29: 20.111
   20.111 Administrative cost charges.
29: F
Subpart F - Administrative Wage Garnishment
29: 20.201
   20.201 Purpose.
29: 20.202
   20.202 Scope.
29: 20.203
   20.203 Definitions.
29: 20.204
   20.204 General rule.
29: 20.205
   20.205 Notice requirements.
29: 20.206
   20.206 Hearing.
29: 20.207
   20.207 Wage garnishment order.
29: 20.208
   20.208 Certification by employer.
29: 20.209
   20.209 Amounts withheld.
29: 20.210
   20.210 Exclusions from garnishment.
29: 20.211
   20.211 Financial hardship.
29: 20.212
   20.212 Ending garnishment.
29: 20.213
   20.213 Actions prohibited by employer.
29: 20.214
   20.214 Refunds.
29: 20.215
   20.215 Right of action.