Title 29


Subpart B - Administrative Offset

29: 20.19
   20.19 Purpose and scope.
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   20.20 Definitions.
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   20.21 Agency responsibilities.
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   20.22 Notifications.
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   20.23 Examination of records relating to the claim; opportunity for full explanation of the claim.
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   20.24 Opportunity for repayment.
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   20.25 Review of the obligation.
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   20.26 Request for waiver or administrative review.
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   20.27 Cooperation with other DOL agencies and Federal agencies.
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   20.28 DOL agency as organization holding funds of the debtor.
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   20.29 Notice of offset.
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   20.30 Multiple debts.
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   20.31 Administrative offset against amounts payable from Civil Service Retirement and Disability fund.
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   20.32 Liquidation of collateral.
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   20.33 Collection in installments.
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   20.34 Exclusions.
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   20.35 Additional administrative collection action.
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   20.36 Prior provision of rights with respect to debt.
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   20.37 Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer.