Title 29


Subpart D - Salary Offset Source:52 FR 3772, Feb. 5, 1987, unless otherwise noted.

29: 20.74
   20.74 Purpose.
29: 20.75
   20.75 Scope.
29: 20.76
   20.76 Definitions.
29: 20.77
   20.77 Agency responsibilities.
29: 20.78
   20.78 Notifications.
29: 20.79
   20.79 Examination of records relating to the claim; opportunity for full explanation of the claim.
29: 20.80
   20.80 Opportunity for repayment.
29: 20.81
   20.81 Review of the obligation.
29: 20.82
   20.82 Cooperation with other DOL agencies and Federal agencies.
29: 20.83
   20.83 DOL agency as paying agency of the debtor.
29: 20.84
   20.84 Collections.
29: 20.85
   20.85 Notice of offset.
29: 20.86
   20.86 Non-waiver of rights by payments.
29: 20.87
   20.87 Refunds.
29: 20.88
   20.88 Additional administrative collection action.
29: 20.89
   20.89 Prior provision of rights with respect to debt.
29: 20.90
   20.90 Responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer.