Title 29

PART 1612

Part 1612 - Government In The Sunshine Act Regulations

PART 1612 - GOVERNMENT IN THE SUNSHINE ACT REGULATIONS Authority:5 U.S.C. 552b, sec. 713, 78 Stat. 265; 42 U.S.C. 2000e-12. Source:42 FR 13830, Mar. 14, 1977, unless otherwise noted.

29: 1612.1
   1612.1 Purpose and scope.
29: 1612.2
   1612.2 Definitions.
29: 1612.3
   1612.3 Open meeting policy.
29: 1612.4
   1612.4 Exemptions to open meeting policy.
29: 1612.5
   1612.5 Closed meeting procedures: agency initiated requests.
29: 1612.6
   1612.6 Closed meeting procedures: request initiated by an interested person.
29: 1612.7
   1612.7 Public announcement of agency meetings.
29: 1612.8
   1612.8 Public announcement of changes in meetings.
29: 1612.9
   1612.9 Legal Counsel's certification in closing a meeting.
29: 1612.10
   1612.10 Recordkeeping requirements.
29: 1612.11
   1612.11 Public access to records.
29: 1612.12
   1612.12 Fees.
29: 1612.13
   1612.13 Meetings closed by regulation.
29: 1612.14
   1612.14 Judicial review.