Title 18
Subpart H - Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services at Market-Based Rates Source: Order 697, 72 FR 40038, July 20, 2007, unless otherwise noted.
- 16 U.S.C. 791a-825r, 2601-2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352.
- Source: Order 271, 28 FR 10573, Oct. 2, 1963, unless otherwise noted.
18: | SECTION 35.36 | 35.36 Generally. | |
18: | SECTION 35.37 | 35.37 Market power analysis required. | |
18: | SECTION 35.38 | 35.38 Mitigation. | |
18: | SECTION 35.39 | 35.39 Affiliate restrictions. | |
18: | SECTION 35.40 | 35.40 Ancillary services. | |
18: | SECTION 35.41 | 35.41 Market behavior rules. | |
18: | SECTION 35.42 | 35.42 Change in status reporting requirement. |