Title 18


Part 35 - Filing Of Rate Schedules And Tariffs

PART 35 - FILING OF RATE SCHEDULES AND TARIFFS Authority:16 U.S.C. 791a-825r, 2601-2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352. Source:Order 271, 28 FR 10573, Oct. 2, 1963, unless otherwise noted.

18: A
Subpart A - Application
18: 35.1
   35.1 Application; obligation to file rate schedules, tariffs and certain service agreements.
18: 35.2
   35.2 Definitions.
18: 35.3
   35.3 Notice requirements.
18: 35.4
   35.4 Permission to become effective is not approval.
18: 35.5
   35.5 Rejection of material submitted for filing.
18: 35.6
   35.6 Submission for staff suggestions.
18: 35.7
   35.7 Electronic filing of tariffs and related materials.
18: 35.8
   35.8 Protests and interventions by interested parties.
18: 35.9
   35.9 Requirements for filing rate schedules, tariffs or service agreements.
18: 35.10
   35.10 Form and style of rate schedules, tariffs and service agreements.
18: 35.10a
   35.10a Forms of service agreements.
18: 35.10b
   35.10b Electric Quarterly Reports.
18: 35.11
   35.11 Waiver of notice requirement.
18: B
Subpart B - Documents To Be Submitted With a Filing
18: 35.12
   35.12 Filing of initial rate schedules and tariffs.
18: 35.13
   35.13 Filing of changes in rate schedules, tariffs or service agreements.
18: C
Subpart C - Other Filing Requirements
18: 35.14
   35.14 Fuel cost and purchased economic power adjustment clauses.
18: 35.15
   35.15 Notices of cancellation or termination.
18: 35.16
   35.16 Notice of succession.
18: 35.17
   35.17 Withdrawals and amendments of rate schedule, tariff or service agreement filings.
18: 35.18
   35.18 Asset retirement obligations.
18: 35.19
   35.19 Submission of information by reference.
18: 35.19a
   35.19a Refund requirements under suspension orders.
18: 35.21
   35.21 Applicability to licensees and others subject to section 19 or 20 of the Federal Power Act.
18: 35.22
   35.22 Limits for percentage adders in rates for transmission services; revision of rate schedules, tariffs or service agreements.
18: 35.23
   35.23 General provisions.
18: 35.24
   35.24 Tax normalization for public utilities.
18: 35.25
   35.25 Construction work in progress.
18: 35.26
   35.26 Recovery of stranded costs by public utilities and transmitting utilities.
18: 35.27
   35.27 Authority of State commissions.
18: 35.28
   35.28 Non-discriminatory open access transmission tariff.
18: 35.29
   35.29 Treatment of special assessments levied under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended by Title XI of the Energy Policy Act of 1992.
18: D
Subpart D - Procedures and Requirements for Public Utility Sales of Power to Bonneville Power Administration Under Northwest Power Act
18: 35.30
   35.30 General provisions.
18: 35.31
   35.31 Commission review.
18: E
Subpart E - Regulations Governing Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Trust Funds
18: 35.32
   35.32 General provisions.
18: 35.33
   35.33 Specific provisions.
18: F
Subpart F - Procedures and Requirements Regarding Regional Transmission Organizations
18: 35.34
   35.34 Regional Transmission Organizations.
18: G
Subpart G - Transmission Infrastructure Investment Provisions
18: 35.35
   35.35 Transmission infrastructure investment.
18: H
Subpart H - Wholesale Sales of Electric Energy, Capacity and Ancillary Services at Market-Based Rates
18: 35.36
   35.36 Generally.
18: 35.37
   35.37 Market power analysis required.
18: 35.38
   35.38 Mitigation.
18: 35.39
   35.39 Affiliate restrictions.
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   35.40 Ancillary services.
18: 35.41
   35.41 Market behavior rules.
18: 35.42
   35.42 Change in status reporting requirement.
18: I
Subpart I - Cross-Subsidization Restrictions on Affiliate Transactions
18: 35.43
   35.43 Generally.
18: 35.44
   35.44 Protections against affiliate cross-subsidization.
18: J
Subpart J - Credit Practices In Organized Wholesale Electric Markets
18: 35.45
   35.45 Applicability.
18: 35.46
   35.46 Definitions.
18: 35.47
   35.47 Tariff provisions regarding credit practices in organized wholesale electric markets.