Title 18


Subchapter W - Revised General Rules

18: 375
18: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
18: 375.101
     375.101 The Commission.
18: 375.102
     375.102 Custody and authentication of Commission records.
18: 375.103
     375.103 Official seal.
18: 375.104
     375.104 Transfer of proceedings from other agencies to the Commission.
18: 375.105
     375.105 Filings.
18: B
Subpart B - Procedures Under the Government in the Sunshine Act
18: 375.201
     375.201 Purpose.
18: 375.202
     375.202 Definitions and limitations on definitions.
18: 375.203
     375.203 Open meetings.
18: 375.204
     375.204 Notice of meetings.
18: 375.205
     375.205 Closed meetings.
18: 375.206
     375.206 Procedures to close meetings.
18: C
Subpart C - Delegations
18: 375.301
     375.301 Purpose and subdelegations.
18: 375.302
     375.302 Delegations to the Secretary.
18: 375.303
     375.303 Delegations to the Director of the Office of Electric Reliability.
18: 375.304
     375.304 Delegations to the Chief Administrative Law Judge.
18: 375.305
     375.305 Delegations to the Solicitor.
18: 375.307
     375.307 Delegations to the Director of the Office of Energy Market Regulation.
18: 375.308
     375.308 Delegations to the Director of the Office of Energy Projects.
18: 375.309
     375.309 Delegations to the General Counsel.
18: 375.310
     375.310 Delegations during emergency conditions.
18: 375.311
     375.311 Delegations to the Director of the Office of Enforcement.
18: 375.312
     375.312 Delegations to the Office of the Executive Director.
18: 375.313
     375.313 Delegations to the Critical Energy/Electric Infrastructure Information (CEII) Coordinator.
18: 375.315
     375.315 Delegations to the Director of the Office of Energy Policy and Innovation.
18: 376
18: A
Subpart A - Organization, Mission, and Functions
18: 376.101
     376.101 Purpose.
18: 376.102
     376.102 Organization.
18: 376.103
     376.103 Mission.
18: 376.104
     376.104 Functions.
18: 376.105
     376.105 Chairman.
18: B
Subpart B - Commission Operation During Emergency Conditions
18: 376.201
     376.201 Emergency condition defined.
18: 376.202
     376.202 Authority to move Commission offices.
18: 376.203
     376.203 Mailing address of Commission during emergency conditions.
18: 376.204
     376.204 Delegation of Commission authority during emergency conditions.
18: 376.205
     376.205 Delegation of Chairman's authority during emergency conditions.
18: 376.206
     376.206 Delegation of functions of certain Commission staff members.
18: 376.207
     376.207 Personnel and fiscal functions.
18: 376.208
     376.208 Effect upon existing Commission requirements.
18: 376.209
     376.209 Continuity of Operations Plan and suspension of Commission operations.
18: 380
18: 380.1
     380.1 Purpose.
18: 380.2
     380.2 Definitions and terminology.
18: 380.3
     380.3 Environmental information to be supplied by an applicant.
18: 380.4
     380.4 Projects or actions categorically excluded.
18: 380.5
     380.5 Actions that require an environmental assessment.
18: 380.6
     380.6 Actions that require an environmental impact statement.
18: 380.7
     380.7 Format of an environmental impact statement.
18: 380.8
     380.8 Preparation of environmental documents.
18: 380.9
     380.9 Public availability of NEPA documents and public notice of NEPA related hearings and public meetings.
18: 380.10
     380.10 Participation in Commission proceedings.
18: 380.11
     380.11 Environmental decisionmaking.
18: 380.12
     380.12 Environmental reports for Natural Gas Act applications.
18: 380.13
     380.13 Compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
18: 380.14
     380.14 Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act.
18: 380.15
     380.15 Siting and maintenance requirements.
18: 380.16
     380.16 Environmental reports for section 216 Federal Power Act Permits.
18: Appendix A
  Appendix A to Part 380 - Minimum Filing Requirements for Environmental Reports Under the Natural Gas Act
18: 381
18: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
18: 381.101
     381.101 Purpose.
18: 381.102
     381.102 Definitions.
18: 381.103
     381.103 Filings.
18: 381.104
     381.104 Annual adjustment of fees.
18: 381.105
     381.105 Method of payment.
18: 381.106
     381.106 Waivers.
18: 381.107
     381.107 Direct billing.
18: 381.108
     381.108 Exemptions.
18: 381.109
     381.109 Refunds.
18: 381.110
     381.110 Fees for substantial amendments.
18: B
Subpart B - Fees Applicable to the Natural Gas Act and Related Authorities
18: 381.207
     381.207 Pipeline certificate applications.
18: C
Subpart C - Fees Applicable to General Activities
18: 381.302
     381.302 Petition for issuance of a declaratory order (except under Part I of the Federal Power Act).
18: 381.303
     381.303 Review of a Department of Energy remedial order.
18: 381.304
     381.304 Review of Department of Energy denial of adjustment.
18: 381.305
     381.305 Interpretations by the Office of the General Counsel.
18: D
Subpart D - Fees Applicable to the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978
18: 381.401
     381.401 Review of jurisdictional agency determinations.
18: 381.403
     381.403 Petitions for rate approval pursuant to § 284.123(b)(2).
18: 381.404
     381.404 [Reserved]
18: E
Subpart E - Fees Applicable to Certain Matters Under Parts II and III of the Federal Power Act and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act
18: 381.501
     381.501 Applicability.
18: 381.505
     381.505 Certification of qualifying status as a small power production facility or cogeneration facility.
18: F
Subpart F [Reserved]
18: G
Subpart G - Fees Applicable to the Interstate Commerce Act and Related Authorities [Reserved]
18: 382
18: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
18: 382.101
     382.101 Purpose.
18: 382.102
     382.102 Definitions.
18: 382.103
     382.103 Payment.
18: 382.104
     382.104 Enforcement.
18: 382.105
     382.105 Waiver.
18: 382.106
     382.106 Accounting for annual charges paid under part 382.
18: B
Subpart B - Annual Charges
18: 382.201
     382.201 Annual charges under Parts II and III of the Federal Power Act and related statutes.
18: 382.202
     382.202 Annual charges under the Natural Gas Act and Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 and related statutes.
18: 382.203
     382.203 Annual charges under the Interstate Commerce Act.