Title 18

PART 380

Part 380 - Regulations Implementing The National Environmental Policy Act

PART 380 - REGULATIONS IMPLEMENTING THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT Authority:42 U.S.C. 4321-4370h, 7101-7352; E.O. 12009, 3 CFR 1978 Comp., p. 142. Source:Order 486, 52 FR 47910, Dec. 17, 1987, unless otherwise noted.

18: 380.1
   380.1 Purpose.
18: 380.2
   380.2 Definitions and terminology.
18: 380.3
   380.3 Environmental information to be supplied by an applicant.
18: 380.4
   380.4 Projects or actions categorically excluded.
18: 380.5
   380.5 Actions that require an environmental assessment.
18: 380.6
   380.6 Actions that require an environmental impact statement.
18: 380.7
   380.7 Format of an environmental impact statement.
18: 380.8
   380.8 Preparation of environmental documents.
18: 380.9
   380.9 Public availability of NEPA documents and public notice of NEPA related hearings and public meetings.
18: 380.10
   380.10 Participation in Commission proceedings.
18: 380.11
   380.11 Environmental decisionmaking.
18: 380.12
   380.12 Environmental reports for Natural Gas Act applications.
18: 380.13
   380.13 Compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
18: 380.14
   380.14 Compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act.
18: 380.15
   380.15 Siting and maintenance requirements.
18: 380.16
   380.16 Environmental reports for section 216 Federal Power Act Permits.
18: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 380 - Minimum Filing Requirements for Environmental Reports Under the Natural Gas Act