Title 18

PART 381

Part 381 - Fees

PART 381 - FEES Authority:15 U.S.C. 717-717w; 16 U.S.C. 791-828c, 2601-2645; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 42 U.S.C. 7101-7352; 49 U.S.C. 60502; 49 App. U.S.C. 1-85. Source:Order 360, 49 FR 5081, Feb. 10, 1984, unless otherwise noted.

18: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
18: 381.101
   381.101 Purpose.
18: 381.102
   381.102 Definitions.
18: 381.103
   381.103 Filings.
18: 381.104
   381.104 Annual adjustment of fees.
18: 381.105
   381.105 Method of payment.
18: 381.106
   381.106 Waivers.
18: 381.107
   381.107 Direct billing.
18: 381.108
   381.108 Exemptions.
18: 381.109
   381.109 Refunds.
18: 381.110
   381.110 Fees for substantial amendments.
18: B
Subpart B - Fees Applicable to the Natural Gas Act and Related Authorities
18: 381.207
   381.207 Pipeline certificate applications.
18: C
Subpart C - Fees Applicable to General Activities
18: 381.302
   381.302 Petition for issuance of a declaratory order (except under Part I of the Federal Power Act).
18: 381.303
   381.303 Review of a Department of Energy remedial order.
18: 381.304
   381.304 Review of Department of Energy denial of adjustment.
18: 381.305
   381.305 Interpretations by the Office of the General Counsel.
18: D
Subpart D - Fees Applicable to the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978
18: 381.401
   381.401 Review of jurisdictional agency determinations.
18: 381.403
   381.403 Petitions for rate approval pursuant to § 284.123(b)(2).
18: 381.404
   381.404 [Reserved]
18: E
Subpart E - Fees Applicable to Certain Matters Under Parts II and III of the Federal Power Act and the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act
18: 381.501
   381.501 Applicability.
18: 381.505
   381.505 Certification of qualifying status as a small power production facility or cogeneration facility.
18: F
Subpart F [Reserved]
18: G
Subpart G - Fees Applicable to the Interstate Commerce Act and Related Authorities [Reserved]