Title 15

PART 922

Part 922 - National Marine Sanctuary Program Regulations

PART 922 - NATIONAL MARINE SANCTUARY PROGRAM REGULATIONS Authority:16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq. Source:60 FR 66877, Dec. 27, 1995, unless otherwise noted. Editorial Note:Nomenclature changes to part 922 appear at 62 FR 3789, Jan. 27, 1997 and at 62 FR 67724, Dec. 30, 1997.

15: A
Subpart A - General
15: 922.1
   922.1 Applicability of regulations in this part.
15: 922.2
   922.2 Mission, goals, and special policies.
15: 922.3
   922.3 Definitions.
15: 922.4
   922.4 Effect of National Marine Sanctuary designation.
15: B
Subpart B - Sanctuary Nomination Process
15: 922.10
   922.10 General.
15: 922.11
   922.11 Selection of nominated areas for national marine sanctuary designation.
15: C
Subpart C - Designation of National Marine Sanctuaries
15: 922.20
   922.20 Standards and procedures for designation.
15: 922.21
   922.21 [Reserved]
15: 922.22
   922.22 Development of designation materials.
15: 922.23
   922.23 [Reserved]
15: 922.24
   922.24 Congressional documents.
15: 922.25
   922.25 Designation determination and findings.
15: D
Subpart D - Management Plan Development and Implementation
15: 922.30
   922.30 General.
15: 922.31
   922.31 Promotion and coordination of Sanctuary use.
15: E
Subpart E - Regulations of General Applicability
15: 922.40
   922.40 Purpose.
15: 922.41
   922.41 Boundaries.
15: 922.42
   922.42 Allowed activities.
15: 922.43
   922.43 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.44
   922.44 Emergency regulations.
15: 922.45
   922.45 Penalties.
15: 922.46
   922.46 Response costs and damages.
15: 922.47
   922.47 Pre-existing authorizations or rights and certifications of pre-existing authorizations or rights.
15: 922.48
   922.48 National Marine Sanctuary permits - application procedures and issuance criteria.
15: 922.49
   922.49 Notification and review of applications for leases, licenses, permits, approvals, or other authorizations to conduct a prohibited activity.
15: 922.50
   922.50 Appeals of administrative action.
15: F
Subpart F - Monitor National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.60
   922.60 Boundary.
15: 922.61
   922.61 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.62
   922.62 Permit procedure and criteria.
15: G
Subpart G - Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.70
   922.70 Boundary.
15: 922.71
   922.71 Definitions.
15: 922.72
   922.72 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities - Sanctuary-wide.
15: 922.73
   922.73 Additional prohibited or otherwise regulated activities - marine reserves and marine conservation area.
15: 922.74
   922.74 Permit procedures and issuance criteria.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart G of Part 922 - Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart G of Part 922 - Marine Reserve Boundaries
15: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Subpart G of Part 922 - Marine Conservation Area Boundary
15: H
Subpart H - Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.80
   922.80 Boundary.
15: 922.81
   922.81 Definitions.
15: 922.82
   922.82 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.83
   922.83 Permit procedures and issuance criteria.
15: 922.84
   922.84 Certification of preexisting leases, licenses, permits, approvals, other authorizations, or rights to conduct a prohibited activity.
15: 922.85
   922.85 Review of State permits and leases for certain aquaculture projects.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart H of Part 922 - Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart H of Part 922 - No-Anchoring Seagrass Protection Zones in Tomales Bay
15: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Subpart H of Part 922 - Northern Extent of Tomales Bay
15: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Subpart H of Part 922 - Special Wildlife Protection Zones Within the Sanctuary
15: Appendix E
   Appendix E to Subpart H of Part 922 - Cargo Vessel Prohibition Zones in the Sanctuary
15: Appendix F
   Appendix F to Subpart H of Part 922 - White Shark Approach Prohibition Zones in the Sanctuary
15: Appendix G
   Appendix G to Subpart H of Part 922 - Designated Area for Certain United States Coast Guard Discharges
15: I
Subpart I - Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.90
   922.90 Boundary.
15: 922.91
   922.91 Definitions.
15: 922.92
   922.92 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities - Sanctuary-wide.
15: 922.93
   922.93 Permit procedures and criteria.
15: 922.94
   922.94 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities - Research area.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart I of Part 922 - Boundary Coordinates for the Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary Research Area
15: J
Subpart J - National Marine Sanctuary of American Samoa
15: 922.100
   922.100 Scope of regulations.
15: 922.101
   922.101 Boundary.
15: 922.102
   922.102 Definitions.
15: 922.103
   922.103 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities - Sanctuary-wide.
15: 922.104
   922.104 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities - Sanctuary-wide except in the Muliāva Unit.
15: 922.105
   922.105 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities - Unit-specific.
15: 922.106
   922.106 Management and enforcement.
15: 922.107
   922.107 Permit procedures and criteria.
   Appendix to Subpart J of Part 922 - American Samoa National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: K
Subpart K - Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.110
   922.110 Boundary.
15: 922.111
   922.111 Definitions.
15: 922.112
   922.112 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.113
   922.113 Permit procedures and issuance criteria.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart K of Part 922 - Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart K of Part 922 - Line Representing the 50-Fathom Isobath Surrounding Cordell Bank
15: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Subpart K of Part 922 - Designated Area for Certain United States Coast Guard Discharges
15: L
Subpart L - Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.120
   922.120 Boundary.
15: 922.121
   922.121 Definitions.
15: 922.122
   922.122 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.123
   922.123 Permit procedures and criteria.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart L of Part 922 - Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart L of Part 922 - Coordinates for the Department of the Interior Topographic Lease Stipulations for OCS Lease Sale 171
15: M
Subpart M - Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.130
   922.130 Boundary.
15: 922.131
   922.131 Definitions.
15: 922.132
   922.132 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.133
   922.133 Permit procedures and criteria.
15: 922.134
   922.134 Review of certain State permits and leases.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 922 - Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart M of Part 922 - Zones Within the Sanctuary Where Overflights Below 1000 Feet Are Prohibited
15: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Subpart M of Part 922 - Dredged Material Disposal Sites Within the Sanctuary
15: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Subpart M of Part 922 - Dredged Material Disposal Sites Adjacent to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary
15: Appendix E
   Appendix E to Subpart M of Part 922 - Motorized Personal Watercraft Zones and Access Routes Within the Sanctuary
15: Appendix F
   Appendix F to Subpart M of Part 922 - Davidson Seamount Management Zone
15: N
Subpart N - Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.140
   922.140 Boundary.
15: 922.141
   922.141 Definitions.
15: 922.142
   922.142 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.143
   922.143 Permit procedures and criteria.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart N of Part 922 - Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: O
Subpart O - Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.150
   922.150 Boundary.
15: 922.151
   922.151 Definitions.
15: 922.152
   922.152 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.153
   922.153 Permit procedures and criteria
15: 922.154
   922.154 Consultation with the State of Washington, affected Indian tribes, and adjacent county governments.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart O of Part 922 - Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: P
Subpart P - Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.160
   922.160 Purpose.
15: 922.161
   922.161 Boundary.
15: 922.162
   922.162 Definitions.
15: 922.163
   922.163 Prohibited activities - Sanctuary-wide.
15: 922.164
   922.164 Additional activity regulations by Sanctuary area.
15: 922.165
   922.165 Emergency regulations.
15: 922.166
   922.166 Permits other than for access to the Tortugas Ecological Reserve - application procedures and issuance criteria.
15: 922.167
   922.167 Permits for access to the Tortugas Ecological Reserve.
15: 922.168
   922.168 [Reserved]
15: Appendix I
   Appendix I to Subpart P of Part 922 - Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix II
   Appendix II to Subpart P of Part 922 - Existing Management Areas Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix III
   Appendix III to Subpart P of Part 922 - Wildlife Management Areas Access Restrictions
15: Appendix IV
   Appendix IV to Subpart P of Part 922 - Ecological Reserves Boundary
15: Appendix V
   Appendix V to Subpart P of Part 922 - Sanctuary Preservation Areas Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix VI
   Appendix VI to Subpart P of Part 922 - Special-Use Areas Boundary Coordinates and Use Designations
15: Appendix VII
   Appendix VII to Subpart P of Part 922 - Areas To Be Avoided Boundary Coordinates
15: Q
Subpart Q - Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.180
   922.180 Purpose.
15: 922.181
   922.181 Boundary.
15: 922.182
   922.182 Definitions.
15: 922.183
   922.183 Allowed activities.
15: 922.184
   922.184 Prohibited activities.
15: 922.185
   922.185 Emergency regulations.
15: 922.186
   922.186 Penalties; appeals.
15: 922.187
   922.187 Interagency Cooperation.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart Q of Part 922 - Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale, National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Description and Coordinates of the Lateral Boundary Closures and Excluded Areas.
15: R
Subpart R - Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve
15: 922.190
   922.190 Boundary.
15: 922.191
   922.191 Definitions.
15: 922.192
   922.192 Joint Management Committee.
15: 922.193
   922.193 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.194
   922.194 Certification of preexisting leases, licenses, permits, approvals, other authorizations, or rights to conduct a prohibited activity.
15: 922.195
   922.195 Permit procedures and criteria.
15: 922.196
   922.196 Emergency regulations.
15: 922.197
   922.197 Effect on affected federally-recognized Indian tribes.
15: 922.198
   922.198 Procedures for determining watercraft and related items which sink on or after the date of Sanctuary designation to be an underwater cultural resource.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart R of Part 922 - Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve Boundary Coordinates
15: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart R of Part 922 - Minor Projects for Purposes of § 922.193(a)(2)(iii)
15: S
Subpart S - Mallows Bay - Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary
15: 922.200
   922.200 Boundary.
15: 922.201
   922.201 Definitions.
15: 922.202
   922.202 Joint management.
15: 922.203
   922.203 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities.
15: 922.204
   922.204 Emergency regulations.
15: 922.205
   922.205 Permit procedures and review criteria.
15: 922.206
   922.206 Certification of preexisting leases, licenses, permits, approvals, other authorizations, or rights to conduct a prohibited activity.
15: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Subpart S of Part 922 - Mallows Bay-Potomac River Marine Sanctuary Boundary Description and Coordinates of the Lateral Boundary Closures and Excluded Areas
15: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Subpart S of Part 922 - Mallows Bay-Potomac River Marine Sanctuary Terms of Designation