15: | SECTION 922.130
| 922.130 Boundary. | |
15: | SECTION 922.131
| 922.131 Definitions. | |
15: | SECTION 922.132
| 922.132 Prohibited or otherwise regulated activities. | |
15: | SECTION 922.133
| 922.133 Permit procedures and criteria. | |
15: | SECTION 922.134
| 922.134 Review of certain State permits and leases. | |
15: | APPENDIX Appendix A
| Appendix A to Subpart M of Part 922 - Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Boundary Coordinates | |
15: | APPENDIX Appendix B
| Appendix B to Subpart M of Part 922 - Zones Within the Sanctuary Where Overflights Below 1000 Feet Are Prohibited | |
15: | APPENDIX Appendix C
| Appendix C to Subpart M of Part 922 - Dredged Material Disposal Sites Within the Sanctuary | |
15: | APPENDIX Appendix D
| Appendix D to Subpart M of Part 922 - Dredged Material Disposal Sites Adjacent to the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary | |
15: | APPENDIX Appendix E
| Appendix E to Subpart M of Part 922 - Motorized Personal Watercraft Zones and Access Routes Within the Sanctuary | |
15: | APPENDIX Appendix F
| Appendix F to Subpart M of Part 922 - Davidson Seamount Management Zone | |