Title 12
Subpart D - International Lending Supervision Source: 49 FR 5592, Feb. 13, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
- 12 U.S.C. 221 et seq., 1818, 1835a, 1841 et seq., 3101 et seq., 3901 et seq., and 5101 et seq.; 15 U.S.C. 1681s, 1681w, 6801 and 6805.
- Source:
12: | SUBJGRP 4 | Interpretations | |
12: | SECTION 211.41 | 211.41 Authority, purpose, and scope. | |
12: | SECTION 211.42 | 211.42 Definitions. | |
12: | SECTION 211.43 | 211.43 Allocated transfer risk reserve. | |
12: | SECTION 211.44 | 211.44 Reporting and disclosure of international assets. | |
12: | SECTION 211.45 | 211.45 Accounting for fees on international loans. | |
12: | SECTION 211.601 | 211.601 Status of certain offices for purposes of the International Banking Act restrictions on interstate banking operations. | |
12: | SECTION 211.602 | 211.602 Investments by United States Banking Organizations in foreign companies that transact business in the United States. | |
12: | SECTION 211.603 | 211.603 Commodity swap transactions. | |
12: | SECTION 211.604 | 211.604 Data processing activities. | |
12: | SECTION 211.605 | 211.605 Permissible underwriting activities of foreign banks. |