Title 10

PART 110

Part 110 - Export And Import Of Nuclear Equipment And Material

PART 110 - EXPORT AND IMPORT OF NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL Authority:Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 11, 51, 53, 54, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65, 81, 82, 103, 104, 109, 111, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 133, 134, 161, 170H, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 223, 234 (42 U.S.C. 2014, 2071, 2073, 2074, 2077, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2111, 2112, 2133, 2134, 2139, 2141, 2151, 2152, 2153, 2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2160c, 2160d, 2201, 2210h, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234, 2236, 2237, 2239, 2273, 2282); Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, sec. 201 (42 U.S.C. 5841); Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 552, 553); 42 U.S.C. 2139a, 2155a; 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.

Section 110.1(b) also issued under 22 U.S.C. 2403; 22 U.S.C. 2778a; 50 App. U.S.C. 2401 et seq.

Sections 110.1(b)(2) and 110.1(b)(3) also issued under 22 U.S.C. 2403.

Section 110.11 also issued under Atomic Energy Act secs. 54(c), 57(d), 122 (42 U.S.C. 2074, 2152).

Section 110.50(b)(3) also issued under Atomic Energy Act sec. 123 (42 U.S.C. 2153).

Section 110.51 also issued under Atomic Energy Act sec. 184 (42 U.S.C. 2234).

Section 110.52 also issued under Atomic Energy Act sec. 186, (42 U.S.C. 2236).

Sections 110.80-110.113 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 552, 554.

Sections 110.130-110.135 also issued under 5 U.S.C. 553.

Sections 110.2 and 110.42(a)(9) also issued under Intelligence Authorization Act sec. 903 (42 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.).

Source:43 FR 21641, May 19, 1978, unless otherwise noted.

10: A
Subpart A - General Provisions
10: 110.1
   110.1 Purpose and scope.
10: 110.2
   110.2 Definitions.
10: 110.3
   110.3 Interpretations.
10: 110.4
   110.4 Communications.
10: 110.5
   110.5 Licensing requirements.
10: 110.6
   110.6 Retransfers.
10: 110.7
   110.7 Information collection requirements: OMB approval.
10: 110.7a
   110.7a Completeness and accuracy of information.
10: 110.7b
   110.7b Deliberate misconduct.
10: 110.8
   110.8 List of nuclear facilities and equipment under NRC export licensing authority.
10: 110.9
   110.9 List of Nuclear Material under NRC export licensing authority.
10: 110.9a
   110.9a List of nuclear equipment and material under NRC import licensing authority.
10: B
Subpart B - Exemptions
10: 110.10
   110.10 General.
10: 110.11
   110.11 Export of IAEA safeguards samples.
10: C
Subpart C - Licenses
10: 110.19
   110.19 Types of licenses.
10: 110.20
   110.20 General license information.
10: 110.21
   110.21 General license for the export of special nuclear material.
10: 110.22
   110.22 General license for the export of source material.
10: 110.23
   110.23 General license for the export of byproduct material.
10: 110.24
   110.24 General license for the export of deuterium.
10: 110.25
   110.25 [Reserved]
10: 110.26
   110.26 General license for the export of nuclear reactor components.
10: 110.27
   110.27 General license for imports.
10: 110.28
   110.28 Embargoed destinations.
10: 110.29
   110.29 Restricted destinations.
10: 110.30
   110.30 Members of the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
10: 110.31
   110.31 Application for a specific license.
10: 110.32
   110.32 Information required in an application for a specific license/NRC Form 7.
10: D
Subpart D - Review of License Applications
10: 110.40
   110.40 Commission review.
10: 110.41
   110.41 Executive Branch review.
10: 110.42
   110.42 Export licensing criteria.
10: 110.43
   110.43 Import licensing criteria.
10: 110.44
   110.44 Physical security standards.
10: 110.45
   110.45 Issuance or denial of licenses.
10: 110.46
   110.46 Conduct resulting in termination of nuclear exports.
10: E
Subpart E - License Terms and Related Provisions
10: 110.50
   110.50 Terms.
10: 110.51
   110.51 Amendment and renewal of licenses.
10: 110.52
   110.52 Revocation, suspension, and modification.
10: 110.53
   110.53 United States address, records, and inspections.
10: 110.54
   110.54 Reporting requirements.
10: F
Subpart F - Violations and Enforcement
10: 110.60
   110.60 Violations.
10: 110.61
   110.61 Notice of violation.
10: 110.62
   110.62 Order to show cause.
10: 110.63
   110.63 Order for revocation, suspension, or modification.
10: 110.64
   110.64 Civil penalty.
10: 110.65
   110.65 Settlement and compromise.
10: 110.66
   110.66 Enforcement hearing.
10: 110.67
   110.67 Criminal penalties.
10: G
Subpart G - Public Notification and Availability of Documents and Records
10: 110.70
   110.70 Public notice of receipt of an application.
10: 110.71
   110.71 Notice of withdrawal of an application.
10: 110.72
   110.72 Public availability of documents.
10: 110.73
   110.73 Availability of NRC records.
10: H
Subpart H - Public Participation Procedures Concerning License Applications
10: 110.80
   110.80 Basis for hearings.
10: 110.81
   110.81 Written comments.
10: 110.82
   110.82 Hearing request or intervention petition.
10: 110.83
   110.83 Answers and replies.
10: 110.84
   110.84 Commission action on a hearing request or intervention petition.
10: 110.85
   110.85 Notice of hearing consisting of written comments.
10: 110.86
   110.86 Notice of oral hearing.
10: 110.87
   110.87 Conditions in a notice or order.
10: 110.88
   110.88 Authority of the Secretary.
10: 110.89
   110.89 Filing and service.
10: 110.90
   110.90 Computation of time.
10: 110.91
   110.91 Commission consultations.
10: I
Subpart I - Hearings
10: 110.100
   110.100 Public hearings.
10: 110.101
   110.101 Filing and service.
10: 110.102
   110.102 Hearing docket.
10: 110.103
   110.103 Acceptance of hearing documents.
10: 110.104
   110.104 Presiding officer.
10: 110.105
   110.105 Responsibility and power of the presiding officer in an oral hearing.
10: 110.106
   110.106 Participation in a hearing.
10: 110.107
   110.107 Presentation of testimony in an oral hearing.
10: 110.108
   110.108 Appearance in an oral hearing.
10: 110.109
   110.109 Motions and requests.
10: 110.110
   110.110 Default.
10: 110.111
   110.111 Waiver of a rule or regulation.
10: 110.112
   110.112 Reporter and transcript for an oral hearing.
10: 110.113
   110.113 Commission action.
10: J
Subpart J - Special Procedures for Classified Information in Hearings
10: 110.120
   110.120 Purpose and scope.
10: 110.121
   110.121 Security clearances and access to classified information.
10: 110.122
   110.122 Classification assistance.
10: 110.123
   110.123 Notice of intent to introduce classified information.
10: 110.124
   110.124 Rearrangement or suspension of a hearing.
10: 110.125
   110.125 Unclassified statements required.
10: 110.126
   110.126 Protection of classified information.
10: K
Subpart K - Rulemaking
10: 110.130
   110.130 Initiation of rulemaking.
10: 110.131
   110.131 Petition for rulemaking.
10: 110.132
   110.132 Commission action on a petition.
10: 110.133
   110.133 Notice of proposed rulemaking.
10: 110.134
   110.134 Public participation.
10: 110.135
   110.135 Notice of rulemaking.
10: Appendix A
   Appendix A to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Nuclear Reactor Equipment Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix B
   Appendix B to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Plant Components Under NRC's Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix C
   Appendix C to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Gaseous Diffusion Enrichment Plant Assemblies and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix D
   Appendix D to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Aerodynamic Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix E
   Appendix E to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Chemical Exchange or Ion Exchange Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix F
   Appendix F to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Laser-Based Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix G
   Appendix G to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Plasma Separation Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix H
   Appendix H to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Electromagnetic Enrichment Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix I
   Appendix I to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Reprocessing Plant Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix J
   Appendix J to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Uranium Conversion Plant Equipment and Plutonium Conversion Plant Equipment Under NRC Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix K
   Appendix K to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Equipment and Components Under NRC Export Licensing Authority for Use in a Plant for the Production of Heavy Water, Deuterium and Deuterium Compounds
10: Appendix L
   Appendix L to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Byproduct Materials Under NRC Export/Import Licensing Authority a
10: Appendix M
   Appendix M to Part 110 - Categorization of Nuclear Material d
10: Appendix N
   Appendix N to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Lithium Isotope Separation Facilities, Plants and Equipment Under NRC's Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix O
   Appendix O to Part 110 - Illustrative List of Fuel Element Fabrication Plant Equipment and Components Under NRC's Export Licensing Authority
10: Appendix P
   Appendix P to Part 110 - Category 1 and 2 Radioactive Material